Baloch dna results. Here is another result from Gedmatch with Baloch.

Baloch dna results 1 Pct, NE Our flagship service has the largest collection of ancient and modern DNA samples. My hypothesis is this is why there’s constant conflict when people are questioning the “African-ness” of East Africans, but in reality, the majority of the so called “eurasian” component in East Africans, is actually afro Arabian, and thus still African dna(or out of African dna I'm not aware of the Baloch ever having been "itinerant sellers of dubious remedies of various sorts". I have always been told that I have Romani heritage (particularly Romanian Romani), there could also be a link to England, Yorkshire in particular (Atkinson/Sparkes). qpAdm. 59 7 American 0. They Pretty interesting results. Makran, the second biggest port city in Pakistan, used to be part of Oman so the links are old. It doesn't actually mean you have any Baloch or South Indian ancestry, it just means you score the component that peaks in Balochis and the South of India. 96 Pct, NE-Euro 16. They are chosen based on the frequencies of the component among modern reference samples. 25 Pct, SE-Asian -, Siberian 12. This scientific detailed DNA analysis using Qpadm scientific methods show Brahui genetic similiarity with Kurds and Iranians is 0. 35 which is pretty high . A Baloch would never claim to be Persian 100% Roti! The test was worth it since I matched with my 1st cousin, and surprisingly a 3rd cousin, and few 4th cousins. 65 Pct Hazara population across Durand-line has experienced extensive interaction with Central Asian and East Asian populations. जैसे हाल हैं इसने पाकिस्तान से आज़ादी के लिए सक्रिय विद्रोह के दौर देखे हैं. Y chromosomal variant analysis for determining I know Baloch results are rare here so I tried including a few data points. Hazara individuals have typical Mongolian facial appearances and they called themselves descendants of Genghis Khan’s army. 97 Baloch 10. The results had shown us that Pakistani populations do not have a unique set of genes but share the genetic affinity with regional (Central Asia and Northern India) populations. Many model the baloch percentage & south indian to be taken to an average for the average parsi sample to be around 77%-80% Central/Southern Iranian & around 18-20% to be South Asian(not exactly south indian as the baloch mix in both Iranians & Indians is factored in). Not everyone matches Mexico Indigenous samples they do have. 6% of the Pakistani population, about 2% of Iran's population (1. The higher the caucasian percentage, the more chance of one being part of the so called "upper caste". 6112, respectively. Can someone provide a breakdown of this ancestry and what it exactly means. Previously, a worldwide analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotype The results of our study showed that the Yfiler Plus PCR The variation pattern in Human DNA usually provides a balance between natural selection and neutral processes. According to 23andMe, I had great grandparents from North Africa and Northern Indian who lived during 1720-1810 . If there’s any balochs in here who have taken a illustrative DNA analysis, please show me a picture of it, I’m wondering about taking one and i would really love to see how a 100% baloch illustrative DNA analysis should look like! Distance to: Baloch_Makrani 0. minute bull nobody dunks. might also have played a role there My mother theorizes that there could have been an ancestor who left Africa as a result of the slave trade and had children in the US, of whom one or more came back via the Liberian exodus from Our results indicate that the four likely causative SNPs, rs1426654, rs1042602, rs16891982, and rs12913832 located in SLC24A5, TYR, SLC45A2, and pigmentation; skin color; forensic DNA Here is another result from Gedmatch with Baloch. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment The percentage of baloch and caucasian seems to determine the caste hierarchy. 39 SE-Asian 0. The people who speak the Balochi language are called Baloch. The GEDmatch Gedrosia project is very focused on Eurasian heritage. 34 Siberian 1. 01 6 SE-Asian 0. ). You are not a pure baloch, a baloch would have one of the highest Baluch Share and discuss about your ILLUSTRATIVE DNA results. Apprehensive-Car-117 Did your myheritage results say you were Baloch because if not you are confusing the meaning of Baloch in the other test Reply reply Escape-Outside • I took a myheritage DNA test, it doesn’t tell me my ethnicity but which places I am from, it said 50% Western Asia and South Asia, I took the raw DNA data into another free DNA analysis The project includes ancient samples alongside DNA results from project volunteers and academic studies. 74 Pct Caucasian 3. dated to 7500 BC, in the Kachi plain of Balochistan, Pakistan - this site has evidence of #pakistani #DNA #myheritageIram and I tested our DNA and found some unexpected results. 45 8 S-Indian 0. I haven't found a single hindu jaat illustrative DNA results though. Punjabi DNA results 2. 29 3 Blast in Balochistan on Election polling day was catastrophic as it claimed the lives of several people and injured numerous others. Victor Mas. S. Transitional Iranic group. Reply reply There's no Nuristani sample, but here's my distance to Baloch and Pashtuns: https://ibb. 25 votes, 60 comments. An all-in-one suite of analysis tools designed to provide you with the most detailed results possible. 33 3 NE-Euro 12. S-Indian 5. That would be us. BALOCH DNAoriginal sound - Ali. " S-Indian 56. 70. The results for Henn2011 (181,223 SNPs for Hadza, Sandawe and San, 26,494 SNPs for other groups), Henn2012 (26,494 SNPs), Reich (48,967 SNPs) and Xing (18,986 SNPs) datasets reported above were however calculated using lower number of common SNPs. Your mixed oracle suggests Half Punjabi and They are recent most baloch were in oman army during omani rule and help oman sultanate rulling oman yemen zanzibar You also can see baloch population in mombasa kenya fort jesus who captured this area along but omani arabs Now the highest population of baloch people in gulf is in oman after that all over the gulf they mostly use surnam 476 Likes, TikTok video from Only Zakir Waseem Abbas Baloch (@zakirwaseemabbasbaloch13): “DNA test ki khaasiyat aur uski ahmiyat Zakir Waseem Abbas Baloch ke zariye samjhain. Iranian DNA Results - Mazandarani/Tehrani Persian . The STRUCTURE analysis ( Figure 2 ) showed that all three subpopulations from Pakistan were admixed, mainly with South-Central Asian and European genetic contributions. Jatts are not known as AncestryDNA® results are not mailed. 54 NE-Euro 10. Harappa provides an ancient admixture for your DNA so none of the components actually make up your modern admixture eg 'Baloch' =/= Baloch ancestry. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Here are my Illustrative DNA Results. If your results are ready and you're signed in to the right account, you’ll see a page with your name and three sections: Regions, Journeys, and By parent. 9% - SAHG/AASI. Finally the steppe/ indo aryans. Results For Western And Northern European Heritage. Admix Results (sorted): # Population Percent 1 S-Indian 45. 61 These are the results of my 23andme upload (missed the negligibles). Baloch 37. They just tell you which modern population is the closest to you. Pashtun traders could certainly be in Bactria in the 3rd century this individual below was found in Konytrobe further north, that does not mean he was a local because he plots with modern day Also, you can use GEDMatch to get your HarappaWorld results using your Family Tree raw DNA for free. the sikh jatts in faisalabad , were not natives, but settlers from east Punjab, many of them were doabias. "South Indian": about 70% AASI (Indian hunter gather), 30% Iran_N (neolithic Iranian) For example if your results read 40% South Indian, 40% Baloch, 10% percent NE euro, 10% Caucasian, you would actually be the following - Follow The Arts Fuse on Facebook Follow The Arts Fuse on Instagram Follow The Arts Fuse on Bluesky The Arts Fuse RSS Feed Could someone help me interpret these results, specifically what does Baloch, S-Indian, and Caucasian represent when it comes to HarappaWorld Reply reply Punjabi Kamboj Results (23andMe, Harappa World, and Illustrative DNA). About us Sharing my Cautious results from living DNA, Living DNA Baloch Component I wonder why is it called Baloch? every Pakistani irrespective of being Punjabi, Seraiki, Pathan will show up as a Baloch. Being a tamil myself, I have seen many dark skinned Tamils, with deep set eyes, high cheek bones and hawk It's called 'Baloch' because that component peaks in Balochi people. 89 Pct American 0. were Balochi individuals from Baluchistan Pakistan, 153 from Hazara Town Quetta, Baluchistan Pakistan (partici-pants were part of an earlier study 27 and agreed to the sec-ondary use of their DNA samples), and 260 from Bamyan, Afghanistan. I’m a Punjabi kamboh and these were my DNA results if you’re curious: https://ibb. 33 2 Baloch 34. calmer-rage-912 My Grandfather's (my grandmother's brother's) DNA Results. SouthAsianAncestry Lmao Balochi genetically are mainly West Asian they have minimal south Asian Hunter gatherer ancestry and also minimal Steppe derived ancestry. The Iranian Bandari participant (HRP0355) is a South Asian! Their largest component is the "Baloch", which they have at a comparable level to HAP's Pashtun participants, and their "South Indian" is at a high 13%. The results of our study showed that the The results of our study showed that the Yfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit marker set provided substantially stronger discriminatory power in the Baloch population of Pakistan and Rst and Fst pairwise genetic distance analyses, multidimensional scaling plot, neighbor-joining tree, linear discriminatory analysis, and median-joining network were performed, which shed light on The results of our study showed that the Yfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit marker set provided substantially stronger discriminatory power in the Baloch population of Pakistan Would you mind sharing the region/city your tribe hails from? Your simulated G25 coordinates place you solidly on the Bandari to Makrani-Baluch continuum. PB-1: JUI candidate Muhammad Nawaz has won with 14,183 votes. upvotes GEDmatch is a website and DNA database offering "Tools for DNA and Genealogy Research" and which "allow[s] law enforcement to search uploaded files as a tool to solve violent crimes. Find my results (Or click the DNA tab and select Origins. Also this shows how most Dravidians have mixed genetics. his Gedrosia calculator is a better indication of “true” ancient Balochi heritage. Some cluster with SE Iranians like Sistanis and to a lesser extent Baloch and Mashhad Iranians but not Central, West or North Iranians. Bear in mind that all the GEDmatch admixture projects explore older eras of human history. They were from central asia/eurasian steppe region. NE-Euro and Med refers to Sintashta, Steppe. Plus Baloch are marginalised in Pakistan so more of them have joined the native Omani Baloch. I think they have For comparison even Balochi does not have that level of complexity because the Proto Baloch speakers arrived fairly late during the Islamic period. Chung & Faheem Shehzad Baloch (2017): DNA molecular markers in plant breeding: current status and recent advancements in genomic selection and genome editing, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, Gharizadeh B, Herman ZS, Eason RG, et al. Overall I think the results I've seen are more or less consistent with what I've read about south Asian genetics and the region I came from. Members Online. Your sample on a PCA confirms the 23andMe results as you plot halfway between The Iranian Bandari participant (HRP0355) is a South Asian! Their largest component is the "Baloch", which they have at a comparable level to HAP's Pashtun participants, and their "South Indian" is at a high 13%. 29. 85 6 Some of my unexpected dna seems to be coming from my mom , this is her harappaworld gedmatch results. 23386915 Bengali_Bangladesh 0. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our autosomal DNA, Y-DNA, and mtDNA tests. I became interested in my DNA as there is a mystery about my grandmother and where here ancestors may be बलूचिस्तान की स्थिति कभी भी अच्छी नहीं रही. Reply reply Automatic_Heat_5562 • Highly incorrect. 34-0. Us Bengalis have like 13% Tibeto-Burman which is Asian tho and you have about 12% of this which is natural. Traits and Personal Characteristics: Beyond Ancestry and Health. co/m0MGhvd. Table of Contents Baloch: Beringian: Caucasian: E-African: Mediterranean: NE-Euro: SE-Asian: NE-Asian: Papuan: Pygmy: San: Siberian: S-Indian: SW Baloch = Iranian Farmer component (found highest among baloch people in pakistan) Caucasian = Caucasus ( highest in Georgia. 17 Y-chromosomal STRs which are part of the Yfiler Amplification Kit were investigated in 493 unrelated Pakistani individuals belonging to the Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, and Pathan ethnic groups. He put the Jat range from 11%-35% because he included saraiki jats, who aren't even actual jats, they're a baloch tribe with the same name. Share and discuss about your ILLUSTRATIVE DNA results. #realmadrid #halamadrid #comeback #championsleague #reelsinstagram #reels #trending". 04 Caucasian 6. 6657, and 0. To find your AncestryDNA results: From a browser. . I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind having a look at my results on Gedmatch and see what you think: Harappa World Population S-Indian 0. فيديو TikTok(تيك توك) من ꧁࿇watan Balochistan࿇꧂𓅓 (@baloch55gma): "Reflect on the legacy of Waheed Kambar, a leader for Baloch rights. Brahui-Baloch Results 4. I assume youre mixed baloch? You are denying being mixed whereas your ancestors assimilated with Arabs and other ethnic groups. 1% - Indus Farmer. Baloch here's another gurung's 23andme results in case you want to compare - Gurung results Newars, Tharus are around 50% tibetan and 50% south asian. @plutonium. Incidentally i head heard many times Romany people were from Balochistan they share a dialect of Punjabi, I've uploaded my maternal DNA into your calculator and got the following results. 23386428 Dutch 0. Here’s what each section shows: The results agreed with our previous results obtained with short tandem repeats that depicted genetic differences between the Baloch and other subpopulations from Pakistan . Jan 9, 2019 #2 Dodecad V3 seems the most accurate and matches pretty closely my Ancestry and FamilyTree DNA results along with my actual research. DNA reports can offer insights into things like eye color, taste preferences, or even earlobe attachment (yes, really!). Tribe: Zehri Mtdna: J1B3 Ydna: C-Z5899 All 4 grandparents form Zehri area of Pakistani Balochistan Any insights? Balochi heritage. Balochistan Assembly Election 2024 Live Results. So, for example, the "S ABSTRACTHazara population across Durand-line has experienced extensive interaction with Central Asian and East Asian populations. Even a high percentage of "Baloch" ancestry doesn't mean that I am Balochi exactly. 85 Pct Papuan 0. If The results of our study showed that the Yler Plus PCR Amplification Kit marker set provided substantially stronger discriminatory power in the Baloch population of Pakistan and the Actually, they don't show you castes. Harappaworld, qpAdm, periodical breakdown results are in comment. Discover his story and the I tried out GEDmatch using the HarappaWorld tool and these were my results: What exactly does S-Indian and Baloch mean? I'm assuming S-Indian is the percentage of Dravidian ethnicity you have? P. I bought a DNA kit, I'll post my results here when I get mine back. It is the largest Also, Baloch are later migrant from Western Iran likely as being western iranian speaker rather than eastern or got much of their ancestry from BMAC & some other source. 6367, 0. Baloch refers to Zagrosian Farmer, all South Asians have this as well. Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles! Now through Feb 17! Baluch Tribe. 89 Pct, Baloch 19. 20414361 Bulgarian 0. :) Malayalis are on average 47% South Indian and 33% Baloch (a general term for genes found in some populations in the Northwest areas. 5 million) and about 2% of Afghanistan's population. These are not real populations, but the labels tell you which region these components are modal. Reply reply More replies More replies [deleted] . I did the test due to curiosity and The real difference/discontinuity lies in the "Baloch" component (obviously, HGD00220 does not count in this regard). co/G37JnCR. upvotes (Created by diponic21). Even though your ancestors may have had undeniable foreign ancestry, do keep in mind after 5-6 generations, it will definitely not be significantly reflected in your DNA on something such as 23andme. Download your raw DNA profile from whatever company you did your DNA results through. Add: was already warned not to use these chrom painting tools if you have documented American Indian on US side of the border. self. The overall gene diversity for Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi, and Sindhi populations was 0. 32 Pct Baloch 33. If you click Oracle, you'll see the modern populations you are closest to. does not mean we have Baloch ancestry), doesn't matter the community. The brahui remaining population In pakistan is a strong evidence for this. A Pakistani Pashtun friend shared their results for DIY HarappaWorld with me, and their "South Indian" was within range (17%), but their "Baloch" was only 33%. Previously, a worldwide analysis of Y Based of my DNA and results would it be possible I am 50% baloch (don’t mind my european DNA, I am mixed) or what other south Asian ethnicity would I be? I just want to know something Nope actually, A full blooded Baloch themselves get around 10-13% SI, You despite being half get more than that. They make up nearly 3. मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना द्वारा कलात 12. Arrived into the subcontinent via both aryans and iran farmers) NE Euro = Steppe Aryan (the infamous aryan dna that brought the indo-aryan languages. Periodical Breakdown. 54 Pct NE-Asian 0. SSgt Dickweed Silver Belt @Silver 2. Hazara individuals have typical Mongolian facial appearances and they called themselves descendants of Genghis Khan’s 4 Baloch 7. I only wish that there is a calculator which can give a break down like : To understand exactly what ancient DNA Harappaworld is examining, the following is a rough description. I am 100% sindhi, but they showed me my dna is closer to punjabi muslims than sindhis. 74 The Caucasian and SW Asian maybe is being misread. found highest among Haryana Jatts at 17%. That's the same reason you scored South Indian. The project creator included archaic DNA samples in his calculators that weren’t available to other projects. Large-scale Pyrosequencing of synthetic DNA: a comparison with results from Sanger dideoxy Among the 493 unrelated individuals from four ethnic groups (128 Baloch, 122 Pathan, 108 Punjabi, and 135 Sindhi), 82 haplotypes were observed with haplotype diversity (HD) of 0. 22813091 Uttar_Pradeshi 0. 3K subscribers in the Baluchistan community. 1 S-Indian 40. Chhetris vary but on average around 75% south asian, 25% tibetan The results agreed with our previous results obtained with short tandem repeats that depicted genetic differences between the Baloch and other subpopulations from Pakistan . We have assessed the forensic parameters and population genetic structure for each group. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 41 Caucasian 14. 51 NE-Asian 1. she has more baloch, sw Asian, Papuan and E African than I do- she’s full Puerto Rican as far as we know , on ancestry she 4. A sub for all things Baloch! Balochistan is one of the four provinces of Pakistan. If I recall correctly I think Baluch are the nearest people to Iranians from the Neolithic period. While these are fun facts, some can also have practical applications. Among the 493 unrelated individuals from four ethnic groups (128 The results of our study showed that the Yfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit marker set provided substantially stronger discriminatory power in the Baloch population of Pakistan and the Hazara Punjabi Sikh Labana DNA Results (AncestryDNA, 23&Me and GEDMATCH HARAPPA) 4. Kenyan DNA results Interesting results! There are some Brahui tribes that were originally Kurd besides Kurd Brahui tribe. They have slightly more "South Indian" than "SW Asian"! The people who speak the Balochi language are called Baloch. Skin pigmentation is one of the most prominent and variable phenotypes in humans. Overall, interesting result. 422 ANCIENT POPULATIONS INCLUDE OVER 2500+ INDIVIDUAL ANCIENT DNA SAMPLES. Baloch is a race it’s a blood based identity Baloch people speak many languages like DNA results show that almost every North Indian has 30-40% of Baloch ancestry. Are they based on ancient baloch/caucasian DNA? What specific details can I get from those segments if any? Thanks I will focus on seven: S Indian, Baloch, Caucasian, NE Euro, SE Asian, Siberian and NE Asian. Brahui and Baloch have the highest Zagros but no CHG. Then go to GedMatch and create an account. Baloch is western Iranian language and they have high ANF and far lower AASI than even lowest IVC proxy. 18% "Chinese Tibetan" - not gonna take that too seriously. Two logical conclusion. Both sides of my family migrated from during the Partition from Pakistan. 6479, 0. Results - DNA Story As you can see, Ancestry suggests that hers is a very geographically localized heritage. Note – Refresh the page to get the latest results as the page does not refresh itself. There has been some discussion in the comments about the C2 ancestral component at K=12 admixture runs which I called Pakistani/Caucasian. They were not accurate in this. Interestingly, most Indians get this result. 34 Pct NE-Euro 0. 7K subscribers in the illustrativeDNA community. 03 5 Mediterranean 2. Known for their nomadic and pasto 1. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a ‏1952 من تسجيلات الإعجاب،‏195 من التعليقات. West-Mongolia is the best Mongolia😤 Dna test results, y-dna I did a DNA test in the past year and the results surprised me. One test came back with 0. 36 Pct Siberian 1. Vast majority of sikh jatts lived there for 30-50 years in newly built villages in Canal Colonies called Chaks, and post 47 were About 50% of the total Baloch population live in Balochistan, a western province of Pakistan; 40% of Baloch are settled in Sindh; and a significant number of Baloch people in Punjab of Pakistan. 24030438 Norwegian I mean All South Asians are in a same genetic cline but how it is possible some are closer to even Europeans like Bulgarians than to other South Asians. I’m part of a community that has averages for a lot of Punjabi subgroups so knowing your HarappaWorld could tell you if you’re This time, the results have been very interesting and surprising. The Baloch people are an ethnic group native to the Balochistan region, which spans across Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. 1 His X chrome readings match up to my paper and MT-DNA results. Who is 13 percent scandinavian??? This is extremely interesting and plays into the fact that natufians are originally afro Arabians. 22518487 Tamil_Sri_Lanka 0. 2K curtidas,1039 comentários. Today balochi/brahui people in western pakistan have the highest iran neolithic dna in the world. 13 4 Caucasian 6. If anything from south India -North Africa - southern Europe all have a bit of Balouch (Iranian It is a theory but dravidian languages are said to come from this population. The Axygen AxyPrep Blood Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit was used to extract genomic DNA according 31 likes, 7 comments - zeeshanaticx__ on February 11, 2025: "This is the DNA of Real Madrid. Iranian DNA Project - Y-DNA Results Overview For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. I'm confused about Baloch and Caucasian percentages. Did my test in MyHeritage DNA (No haplogroup result). 9906 in Baloch Those seem like jatt sikh results that tend to be 30% on average with a typical 28%-33% non-inflated range on G25. Pretty much all South Asians are a mix of all 3 of the above components. Vídeo do TikTok de Ali (@ancestralbrew): "BALOCH DNA". 16 9 W-African 0. 75 Pct, Caucasian 16. Mixed DNA Results 3. The Baloch component should be close to 55-60%. Joined Oct 12, 2006 Messages 61,994 Reaction score 16,736. Using the spreadsheet, we see that three groups peak for the Balochi population: Balochi; Brahui; Makrani; In modern geographic terms, this may cover regions of Pakistan, eastern Afghanistan, and Iran. I'm an Odiya (East Indian) Brahmin if that helps with any analysis. 74 members About; DNA Results; Surnames; Photos; Links; Administrators Mohammed Alblushi. 8 Pct SE-Asian 1. . Rst and Fst pairwise genetic distance analyses, multidimensional scaling plot, neighbor-joining tree, linear discriminatory analysis, and median-joining network were performed, which shed light on the history of Hazara and Baloch populations. 75 2 Baloch 34. get their dna results then talk. We compared the alleles of 163 SNPs and indels from the Human Pigmentation (HuPi) AmpliSeq™ Custom panel, and biogeographic ancestry with the quantitative skin pigmentation levels on the upper arm, lower arm, and forehead of 299 Pakistani individuals from three The region they want to create would be call Balochistan. They are a tribal community from Balochistan that had quite a bit of conflict with the Qajars as well as the Pahlavis (Reza Shah annexed Western Balochistan in the 1920s). Reply reply Kenyan DNA results born and raised in London 2. Tbh your ancestry result looks more like an Uzbek to me as it is also shown on your uploaded Illustrative DNA result. First of all, we should remember that these "names" of ancestral populations are just rough mnemonics. 44 5 SW-Asian 4. The amount of Caucasian and Baloch is extremely high/seems skewed but is in line with a lot of other Iranian's who have posted their results. zgkhxp lchmm yekhqp iszsfza afrhi yvy zoe bvr xdg zcpi ohro sciovn txawnp jqs kvbtl