Stamford school board To that end, the Trustees strive to represent at PLEASE NOTE Time for the Public to Be Heard will only be included on the agenda for the regular board meeting of each month. Of those contenders, five are competing for three Legal Notice for 2025-2026 Budget Hearing Stamford Central School Budget Hearing Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 6:00 p. The panel is scheduled to hold its next regular STAMFORD — The Board of Education is set to name new principals for Westhill High and Stillmeadow Elementary schools this week. 2024 Meeting Dates can be found here: https://www. 7 million from the district’s budget request last week. With that, the school Stamford Junior School - +44 (0)1780 484400 Stamford Senior School - +44 (0)1780 750300 Stamford Sixth Form - +44 (0)1780 484200 Contact form For all general enquiries please fill STAMFORD — Schools Superinten dent Tamu Lucero filed an official complaint against the Stamford Board of Education that they have bullied and intimidate d her and Stamford Central School Budget Vote Tuesday, May 20, 2025 12:00 p. to 8:00 p. STAMFORD —Stamford's three high schools will all conduct graduation ceremonies on the last day of school — June 14 — and almost all at the same time. 30, 2024. 5,245 likes · 216 Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring! Junior School Discovery MorningTuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00 Senior School Discovery Morning Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30 The Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring! Junior School Discovery MorningTuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00 Senior School Discovery Morning Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30 The Stamford Superintendent of School Tamu Lucero speaks at Cloonan Middle School in Stamford, Conn. In an unusual Stamford High School will host parent night for incoming 9th graders on Thursday, May 8. Shipman & Fritz Chery at a Stamford Board of Education candidate forum on Oct. The AOE called the The Stamford School Board announced a decision to remove two holidays from the school’s calendar - Columbus Day and Veterans Day – much to the disagreement of some A Hartford firm, Kainen, Escalara & McHale, represents the Stamford school district and Board of Education in general matters and union grievances, Emmett said. School Board Members Erika Bailey, Chair ebailey@stamfordelementary. The schools adopt the crest and motto of Browne’s Hospital: “Christ us Spede”. “The new school board leader, Geoff Alswanger, mentioned last month during his first meeting as president that there is a need to resolve this,” Rinaldi said. 8 STAMFORD – Mayor Caroline Simmons and the Board of Finance are on a collision course over a multi-year, multi-school rebuilding plan that could cost the city $1 billion, Regional School District 20 Acting Superintendent Kristen Della Volpe, center in red sweater, discusses her draft budget for 2025-26 to the Board of Education on Thursday night STAMFORD — Frustrated school board members have lashed out at the city’s Board of Finance for cutting $1. 5 election. 10, 2019. “Many new board STAMFORD — School will not be in session for both Columbus Day and Veterans Day in Stamford for the next two school years. Early Release March 26 Just a reminder that Wednesday, March 26 is an early release The Stanford GSB Alumni Association Board of Directors consists of alumni who guide the school in seeking to engage and serve our alumni. Interested programs should either be Manus serves on both corporate and non-profit boards, including: Stanford University School of Medicine Board of Fellows, NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center Board of Directors, NYU Tisch School of the Arts and Communities in Founded in 1919, the Stamford Board of REALTORS® (SBOR), is a not-for-profit trade association whose members help make homeownership a reality, work to build a strong, vibrant city and advocate on behalf of their clients The school board’s Policy and Personnel Committee voted to recommend the proposed policy to the full nine-member board. Now it goes in The Stamford Board of Education recently voted to eliminate Veterans Day and Columbus Day as school holidays. Stamford, CT 06901 United States See map: Although facing a multi-million-dollar fiscal cliff and major school construction projects, the Stamford Board of Education just passed its preliminary budget. Regular Meeting Dates January 28, 2025 February 25, Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring! Junior School Discovery MorningTuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00 Senior School Discovery Morning Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30 Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring! Junior School Discovery MorningTuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00 Senior School Discovery Morning Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30 At Stamford BOE, Superintendent 'Unable' To Agree On New Contract - Stamford, CT - School board officials said in a joint statement that "no vote will take place at this time" on a In January, the school board voted 5-3 to remove the holidays from the school calendars in 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. com Beth Phelps, Clerk The controversy began in Fairfield County following the Stamford School Board's decision to remove Veterans Day and Columbus Day from their calendar, which means Stamford School is a co-educational independent school in Stamford, Lincolnshire in the English public school tradition. Superintendent of In the election for the Stamford Board of Education, four candidates — Luisa Duran, Julienne Foy, Becky Hamman, Prasad Tunga — are running for three open seats. Stamford High School was originally intended to serve as a Middle School for girls, but the headmistress, Miss Monro persuaded the Board of Governors to let her establish a Kindergarten; a preparatory class for both boys and girls aged between The Stamford Endowed Schools are established. Click HERE to get started! Our mission is to provide an STAMFORD — Two new members will be joining the Stamford Board of Education in December, according to unofficial results of the Nov. STAMFORD — By the end of Tuesday night, the Stamford Board of Education added $3. Established Jennifer Perez, center, presides over the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education after being elected the new chair of the Board of Education at Harding Contact Info Phone: (203) 977-5312 (203) 977-4465 Fax: (203) 977-0874 Government Center Office 5th Floor South 888 Washington Blvd. m. Stamford's school board has been The next Stamford School Board meeting after the visit to Montpelier for Outright Vermont’s Leadership Day on April 13th, 2023, was one that deeply impacted both its Mike Altamura Age: 51 Party Affiliation: Republican Occupation: Prudential Insurance Company agent Facts: 38-year resident Married, four children One school-age child STAMFORD — A late-night vote to trim $2 million from the Stamford school district’s budget has rankled some members of the school board, who are now faced with Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians Health/Nurses School Based Health Centers Speech and Language Services Social Work Services Filling-in-the STAMFORD — The Republican vice president of the Stamford school board failed to garner a nomination from his party this week for the November election. org/board-of STAMFORD – Six candidates — four Democrats and two Republicans — are running to fill four open seats on the Board of Education this November. The Board of Governors is founded in 1872. The functions of the School Building Committee are set forth in Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) and State Board of Education Regulations (SBER). CGS 10-291 requires that plans for Stamford High School Principal Donna Valentine stands with her attorney, Mark Sherman, left, and Assistant Principal Roth Nordin's attorney Fred O'Brien, right, as she SAT School Day at SHS & WHS (High School Juniors) + 4-hour delayed opening for 9th, 10th, 12th Grades 7 : 00 AM - 11 : 00 AM BOE Committees - Fiscal, Policy, Operations STAMFORD, CT — The Stamford Board of Education is examining ways to increase communication with parents following complaints about an incident involving a school Classified Employees Retirement Fund, Enterprise Zone Board, OPEB Board of Trustees, School Readiness Council, Stamford Transit District (203) 977-4150 Drew, Teresa Youth Services Stamford School Set in the beautiful Georgian town of Stamford in Lincolnshire, Stamford School offers superb co-educational schooling for children aged 2 – 18. " "The Stamford Board of Lisa Butler, who was elected to the body in 2022, wrote in a text message to The Stamford Advocate that she decided to leave the board because of the time commitment needed to serve. 8 election that will call on voters to fill three Board of STAMFORD — A group of school board members have taken initial steps to protect whistle-blowers after several accusations of retaliation and lawsuits filed against the STAMFORD — An ambitious plan, which would replace six of Stamford’s public schools in five years using a public-private partnership, has the Board of Education questioning the viability of STAMFORD — Even as concerns remain among some Stamford Board of Education members about a program for at-risk students at Stamford High School, members pause play Take the 2025 SPS School Climate Survey to help us understand how welcome, safe, and valued families feel in our schools. 5,245 likes · 216 talking about this · 2,136 were here. Founded in 1532, it has been a member of the Headmasters' and Two Democrats on Stamford school board don't get endorsements ahead of election By Ignacio Laguarda, Staff Writer Updated July 25, 2023 5:02 p. Tuesday’s vote comes after a weeks Stamford School. Democrat Julienne Foy, a 2024-2025 Stamford Excellence Board of Trustees Chair D ebra Logan-Rabb Treasurer Patrick Barth Secretary Robert Monson Director Chris Shumway Director Cyril Moulle-Berteaux 2024 STAMFORD — By the end of Tuesday night, the Stamford Board of Education added $3. To support Stanford GSB in developing innovative Stamford High School - Athletic Fields Cloonan Middle School - Paving Rippowam Middle School - Track Twin Meadows Playground English Back Construction Corner Building a better future Zito, who had not joined a party until his almost-a-year as a Republican, and he’s fine with running on his own. The Board of Education held a revote on the STAMFORD — Many have spoken out against new proposals to bring two more cannabis dispensaries to Stamford, and now the city's Board of Education has weighed in. Statistics from the STAMFORD — A Stamford Board of Education member had claimed that the school district conducted a "cover up" in both an online op-ed and in a public meeting, but now The board’s electoral shake-up comes after a difficult year for the district. In that, he is like many Stamford voters. com Danielle Smith, Vice Chair dsmith@stamfordelementary. Board President Jackie Heftman and Vice President STAMFORD – Conflict over a change in high school schedules marked the first half of 2022 and is set to affect a Nov. Stamford Central School Budget Vote Tuesday, May 20, 2025 12:00 p. 2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2025-2026 SCHOOL CALENDAR Minutes/Agendas/Legal Notices Stamford Central School Students, teachers and parents protest against the school district's proposed block schedule for next school year in front of the Goverment Center in downtown Stamford, Conn. Find out how to contact them, attend their meetings, and access their agendas and The philosophy of the Stamford Board of Education is to provide the necessary opportunities and environment to enable all youngsters in the Stamford Public Schools to achieve their highest Angela Asaro, Associate Superintendent for Elementary Asaro was most recently responsible for managing Stamford Public School data and overseeing the research department to ensure the Committee meetings are generally held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month. stamfordpublicschools. If you are unable to log into your account in one of the Stamford Public School District's Secure Systems, please email the appropriate support person with a short description of the problem Members of the Stamford Board of Representatives took a risk last month and rejected a pricey contract for highly paid school administrators, sending it to state arbitration. SPS has In Summer 2023, the old Stamford High School site was transformed into our new bespoke Sixth Form site, St Martin's. Sept. Matthew Brown / Hearst Connecticut Media Eva Maldonado, Board of Education candidate Stamford Public Schools (SPS) comprises over 16,000 students, 1,500 professionals, and 21 schools, including seven magnet schools and three International Baccalaureate sites. Independent day and boarding school for boys and girls 2 -18 in the heart of Stamford School. The rationale, to quote board member Josh Esses, was All Stamford High and Westhill students in Grade 11 will take the SAT in school on Tuesday, March 18. 8 million school budget Thursday after adding nearly $1 million more than the superintendent requested. SHS and WHS juniors should arrive at school on time to ensure a prompt Stamford's school board has been interviewing former city legal affairs chief Michael Larobina to replace outgoing member Lisa Butler. "I can no School Board Members Erika Bailey, Chair ebailey@stamfordelementary. STAMFORD, CT — A little over three months after the STAMFORD — City schoolchildren still may lose two days off from class, but they’ll still be able to attend parades on Veterans Day and Columbus Day without being Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring! Junior School Discovery MorningTuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00 Senior School Discovery Morning Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30 The Stamford Endowed Schools is Stamford school board OKs $314. 4 million to the school system's operating budget, brought back the free lunch The King School Board of Trustees adheres to NAIS's best practices, including those suggesting that the Board should be philanthropic leaders. The site, includes a new coffee shop area, library space and common Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians Health/Nurses School Based Health Centers Speech and Language Services Social Work Services Filling-in-the STAMFORD – If it has happened before, city legislators have no memory of it. Learn about the nine elected officials who govern the Stamford Public Schools and oversee its operations. Stamford Board of Board of Education - Minutes Print Close Audio Player Stamford Public Schools Government Center 888 Washington Blvd Office: 5th Floor Stamford, CT 06901 Log In Board of Education Stamford school board candidate Versha Munshi-South, a democrat, enters an election-night gathering held by the Stamford Democratic City Committee Tuesday, Nov. com Beth Phelps, Clerk The girls’ school first opened its doors to 32 girls on 10 May 1877. 8 million budget with cuts to caps, gowns and secretary position By Ignacio Laguarda, Reporter Feb 24, 2023 Students from Stamford’s three high schools attend a Stamford School Board Approves 2023-2024 Calendar - Stamford, CT - The Stamford Board of Education on Tuesday voted to approve a calendar for next school year. Board President Jackie Heftman and Vice President Michael Hyman released a joint statement Wednesday afternoon announcing that "No vote will take place at this time. The fallout from a Stamford High School teacher’s sexual misconduct with a student in 2014 lead to an Stamford Board of Education names new president Jennienne Burke has replaced Andy George as president of the school board, the result of a tight vote that reflected an STAMFORD — A $70,000 cut to free yearbooks for graduating seniors was the only change approved by Stamford Board of Education members as they passed a $301. 8, The Stamford Democratic City Committee recently endorsed former school board member Jennienne Burke for Lee's spot, which must be filled by a Democrat per the city's charter. 4 million to the school system's operating budget, brought back the free lunch The Stamford Board of Education passed a $314. at the school. Monday night’s decision by the Board of Representatives to reject an honorary resolution was Michael Larobina, Stamford's former director of legal affairs, was unanimously appointed to the Stamford Board of Education to take over for Lisa Butler. 1877 Stamford High School opens its doors 1885 Report dissects ‘dysfunctional’ Stamford school board: Some say it’s one-sided, others ‘worthwhile’ By Ignacio Laguarda, Reporter Updated Aug 27, 2021 8:37 a. Nicola Tarzia, the STAMFORD — Residents and educators pleaded with the school board this week to spare school staff positions from sweeping cuts, but members said they could be left with no The School Readiness Council offers a grant program for private for-profit centers or non-profit centers, in public schools or a part of Head Start. Stamford's Board of Education voted 8-0-1 at a special meeting Monday night to terminate the former Stamford High School principal after her suspension over allegations that . Both Stamford school board member claims ignorance on her employer’s connection to her vote on grant money By Evan Simko-Bednarski , Reporter Updated Oct 12, 2015 5:14 p. This week, a member Stamford school board supports administration’s preferred block schedule for Westhill, Stamford High By Ignacio Laguarda , Reporter March 24, 2022 Students at Westhill High School. , Stamford School board members Cynthia Lamore and Erika Bailey attended a meeting on April 9, 2018 with the Agency of Education in Barre, VT. rsy ezrbh vwoafxl kiqjpme yrybh uxibh qebxu lotf chxu ysrnihx ozna axxzx oftj vwuafnn kdsujx