Team minato fanfiction kakashi cute. Now they're faced with some old friends from the past.

Team minato fanfiction kakashi cute Kakashi, Obito, and Rin ran and hid behind a dense, thick bush. The Sandiame looked up immediately, as Minato did not use that voice, unless the situation called for it. Kakashi blinks at the sudden encounter, it wasn't every day that someone, not of Uchiha blood, was sought out by Uchiha Itachi. Kakashi thought. Kakashi was a talented ninja, but he was still physically just a child, and even grown men wilted under that murderous gaze. Kakashi identified 4 ninja, probably a jounin and his genin team, leaping across the rooftops, nothing but quick shadows. Bursting Rage: I'm definitely going to write about Kakashi vs. "-- That Kakashi gave you his weapon pouch and the pitiful amount of ryo he had with him. "We should probably look if there are any ninja around," Rin suggested as they walked together on the streets. My, where did the years go," Future-Kakashi said cheerfully, hands clamped together. The two nodded, making their way onto the field, leaving Minato standing beside a still pouting Obito. "The girl's name is a little cute, but the (Or: Team Minato worries about their loneliest team member, especially when he starts acting nice to Obito and looks at Rin and Minato like they're ghosts. Kakashi's eyes widened in fear, 'His chakrait's frightening. In another, he was a second too slow. The hinting at trouble from Danzou might not happen. Konoha's team allocation seems to be random, but they all have hidden mysteries. "Why is an ANBU member here?" Obito just looks confused. What happens when Kakashi tells Team Seven that they were going to train at a new training ground for a day. Author: BrownEyedHusky -new pen name-Summary: Let the shipping war begin. In this world, Naruto has a personality between Minato and psycho Gaara. He could feel the boy's anxiety rolling off of him "Kakashi you're so cute. Stranded in a new but old second life, Hatake Kakashi determines that he will fix what he had broken, so many years ago, all while he fears that a broken man will only do what he knows best, and continue to break everything he touches. Reviews: 3019 - Favs: 5,965 - Follows: 6,398 - Updated: 6/20/2018 - Published: 12/25/2012 - Kakashi H. " Kakashi deadpanned. Younger Kakashi looked at one page of the book, and then blushed profusely. Minato stared at Kakashi sadly ashamed with the words he chose to use. "Since you weren't there we worked on Obito and Rin's sneaking abilities. "Minato, are you going to keep an eye on Rin and make sure she stays away from us until 3:00?" Kakashi asked as he looked down at his wrist watch. Thought Obito in response to his cute female teammate's comment. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. The sannin laughed as he ruffled Kakashi's hair. MinaKushi, Minato centric and later Old Team Seven centric. They don't know that it's an old training ground Kakashi used to go to with Team Minato. " FanFiction | unleash Team Minato is made of. , Obito U For their team losing another member. Kakashi/Minato. I'm thinking of adding separate prologues for every member of Team Minato Hours before Naruto is born, Minato has a frightening premonition and keeps Kakashi on duty as a body guard. (Reincarnated Team: Obito Branwen, Minato Arc, Rin Rose, Kakashi Schnee) she affectionally thought. Minato was surprised, Kakashi never talked about teamwork 'what changed?' The mission began easily and non catastrophically, but as the cursed fate of Team 7 would have it, everything went downhill Everything started when a band of civilian bandits tried to rob them, Naruto accidentally stumbled on a trip-wire, setting off a bunch of childish Kakashi and Rin followed suit, and Team Minato huddled and hugged each other after the tragic experiences of their team. This was finally his chance to show Kakashi up! After all, he knew more about the girl than anyone else on his team. Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 569 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 8 - Published: 12/26/2011 - Team Seven - Complete "Hokage-sama. "Hi, Himawari-chan. Come on, we've wasted enough time here. / Drabble. When his ten year old teammates, Obito and Rin notice something wrong with their younger teammate Kakashi wakes up in the past, just a few days before his father's fateful mission. Paperwork", which I do recommend reading first (along with the prequel to Kakashi originally despaired at the idea that his cute little monsters would never agree on Kakashi asked curiously, wondering at which level his teammates and himself were at in this point of time. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 42,102 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 602 - Follows: 600 - Updated: 1/28/2017 - Published: 6/1/2015 - id Maybe they can heal each other's wounds, and find love while they're at it. Finding his voice somehow, and ignoring how choked it sounded, he went up and held out his hand. For Kakashi, Obito, and Rin to be assigned as one team, it is naturally because of their talent. "Thanks," Kakashi nodded grateful that Minato didn't let him lose out on any training. Unable to interact with anyone, they have no choice Kakashi, a nine year old chunnin is hiding a dark secret from his team. After Team 7 accidentally travels to and changes the past, they are left to reap the seeds they sowed, bonding with the families and friends they never had before. Also Minato comes around to observe the aftermath. Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to "YOU ARE SO CUTE! OBAA-CHAN LOVES YOU SO MUCH!" "O-OI!" Minato was still staring at the bashful little girl hanging onto her father's shoulder. " Kakashi didn't reply. They found themselves in a vast room, floor made of transparent glass, besides them were Kushina Uzumaki, Fugaku FanFiction | unleash Humor - Minato N. It had been 15 years since she arrived in the past and met Minato. , Rin, Minato N. Battling Akatsuki, 18 yr old Naruto finds Minato stepped forward carefully further into the room, eyes fixed on the student currently missing from his team, but also right in front of him. " Tsunade and Kushina gush. Kakashi finds himself in another world where his team is alive, Konoha remains With a man threatening to kidnap his student, Minato is forced to do everything in his power to keep his team together. I helped them pick it up and in return I am late. Kakashi, finally tired of this, grabbed his teammate by the collar. The loss of a jinchūriki sends events into chaotic disarray as a distraught Fourth attempts to re-adapt to life without any of his family. "Am not!" Yelled a blushing Kakashi. Team Minato is getting back from a mission when they hear a mysterious voice asking them if they want to see the future. Who'd have thought. Obito Joked. "Yeah" he said in the same lighthearted tone she used as the pair stared up at the night sky. "Minato and Kushina. " Minato apologized. " He about melted at her little voice. Mommy Kushina. Kakashi closed his eyes because of the light that is coming out of the scroll is too bright and readying up both of his arms for defense "Kakashi RUN!" Minato Almost everything the boy did was cute to Minato. Team Minato? Naruto's POV. "Oh god," younger Kakashi said, throwing the book at older Kakashi's head. And he notices the continuous cycle of his Shinobi life. seriously; it's not so dark; the end is kind of cute FanFiction | unleash Kakashi and his team: Tenzo, Naruto, Sakura, Sai, and Sasuke, are on a mission traveling through Grass country. Kakashi compares Team Minato to Team Kakashi. " he asked, but Minato, Sakura, and Kakashi knew it was a demand. Kakashi didn't recognize those hand signs, but apparently, the girl did. ) The girl's trance was broken when the Raven suddenly took out a scroll sealed in his wrist, unscrolled it, and began weaving hand signs. Itachi gently tugs on Kakashi's sleeve to attain the silver-haired ninja's attention. Younger Kakashi said incredulousy. - Chapters: The three male members of Team Minato all charge toward the cave, they all arm themselves with their kunai. "Well," Inuzuka Tsume announced from her seat, "the Hokage's lost it. net | Category: Naruto | Rated: English | Genre: Adventure/Humor | Characters: Naruto U. As the Sixth Hokage Hatake Kakashi already made his peace with Team Minato in the past a long time ago, or at least he thought he did. , Obito U. , Minato N. The survivors of the war-torn future quietly watched in the shadow, hearts clenching in pain at what they were witnessing right now. Dammit his team was cute-) Rin looked concerned. It's ironic that all it took was a few trips to the future to accomplish what Minato couldn't in three years: Kakashi and Obito working as a team. Team Minato Fic. Kakashi looked so much older, which he supposed was a given in this circumstance. Kakashi gave another low growl. However, I'm going to cover some other stuff first, such as some Team 7, Kakashi Gaiden, etc. But, Kakashi guesses that it's nothing strange nowadays. It was their turn to watch over the camp while Kakashi and Minato slept. Rin seemed to be enjoying the night in a cute way of hers and Obito was grateful for the time alone together. From behind the group, another voice shouted out. . Having survived Obito's attack, Minato and Kushina struggle to raise Naruto while balancing their official duties. FanfictionBot 2. And now he was a jōnin in charge of Kaguya won, Kurama has a 'plan', Kakashi's on board. Yours are already advanced so you didn't miss anything," Minato informed him. Angst and humor abound. His most punctual little genin, always following every rule to the letter would never do something like be late for training- especially with all the harping on he did to Obito for the very same thing. Time Traveling Team 7)*** Language: English Words: 12,411 Chapters: 6/6 Collections: 40 Comments: 631 Kudos: 13,107 Bookmarks: 3,708 Hits: 111,673 Yuuki is ignoring the fact she never finished reading the Manga and read so much fanfiction it's blurred the line a little bit. Not only was he confined to A-Rank missions, it was officially his responsibility to take on a team of brats straight out of the Academy, probably with no experience or talent whatsoever. When he’d first seen Minato-sensei approach with two yellow-haired, orange-clad kids he didn’t recognize, Kakashi was confused. Team Ino-Shika-Cho still twitched every time they saw any of the four members of Team Minato after Minato had informed Kushina of the trio corrupting her cute Kakashi. Suddenly a bright light engulfed them. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,033 and silently laughs at the way he can still rile up his cute now-adult students. Namikaze Minato Adopts Hatake Kakashi; Team Minato-centric; Hatake Kakashi-centric; Protective Hatake Kakashi; Naruto is Just Naruto; Protective Uchiha Sasuke; Time Travel Fix-It; Alternate Universe - Time Travel; Time Shenanigans; Crack; How Do I Tag; Episode: s04e14 But I Don't Need Therapy (Dynasty) Why Did I Write This? I Tried; I Can't Kakashi and Rin, who heard Obito's exclamation, followed. Unfortunately for Kakashi, Minato, in his rage-filled musings, had unknowingly begun to exude killer intent. Time Travel/Minato alive (NOTE: Up for adoption; discontinued. [Team Kakashi] [Team Yondaime] [Team Sandaime] [ChibiSaku x Many hints] Pairings: Namikaze Minato x Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku x Uchiha Mikoto, Haruno Kizashi x Haruno Mebuki ChibiSaku x Many hints Team Minato (Naruto) Summary. Minato internally panicked. That is why I was chosen as captain of this team. " Team 7, minus one member, thanked her, and when she left Minato-sensei set up a few seals around their temporary hide-out and they all headed out once again. Even though he was still processing everything, Minato had accepted that they were somehow in the future. The Senseis of the genin teams were having their own discussion about the upcoming match. Yes, today was another blissfully quiet day of nothing but mind numbing D-Rank missions. All three members of team Minato looked at their sensei awaiting his orders. His genin team, seated in a corner of the room, rolled their eyes in unison. Naruto Sarutobi chuckled. / Each chapter features a member of Team Minato. She only hopes Kakashi and Minato will one day reach that golden sunset, that they will have healed the cracks she and Obito have caused, and will think warmly of them and their team as they walk under that pure, brilliant sunshine. " Minato said, figuring Obito could use the break more then Kakashi. When Minato-sensei told Kakashi he’d been reassigned to a genin team, Kakashi had been pissed. By: Hellowriters. Finally are team finished training for the day. Title: Team Sakura. Will a Relatively-Good!Kyuubi, Time travel, a younger stick-up-his-ass (though not for long if Kurama has anything to say in it) Kakashi and a shocked Team Minato be enough to save the world? (First Fanfiction, some angst, no romance, ever-evolving plot!) Saying goodbye to the Uchiha Sakura went after her son, who probably were at the ramen and hopefully Minato were already there. ***5 times Team 7 confused/terrified the shit out of everyone +1 time they explained why (ft. "Morning!" Kushina responded, giving Minato a peck on the cheek, humming a soft song under her breath as she stirred the soup. Other nights he dreams of three small genin children who he has such a strong urge to protect, butKakashi has never led a genin team before, he's only a 11 year old chunin and the rest of Team 7 is very much alive(aka Kakashi has prophetic dreams of the future sorta time Kushina's prank on Minato goes all kinds of wrong, and her along with Team Minato (minus Kakashi) get sent into the future. Sorry. T for language. If they work together, surely there's nothing that they can't do. Kushina's prank on Minato goes all kinds of wrong, and her along with Team Minato (minus Kakashi) get sent into the future. "So, what are your thoughts about this match? That is your student down there. I was early except I bumped into someone in the street and made them drop what they were carrying. Minato Namikaze_specialized jounin, age 21. " Kakashi and Obito both stopped their argument looking straight at their sensei then noticed the newbie beside him smiling. Days later, when hewas due to meet his team for training, he announced to Rin, Kakashi and Obito about the new jutsu. I hope that the artist will excuse me for taking their beautiful and cute idea. If interested, check out my other Naruto stories. , Itachi U. In Konoha, they bury another empty casket. Kushina cleared her throat and read, Naruto's True Nindo It is said that one little, seemingly irreverent event can have enormous consequences. Obito Uchiha_Genin, age 13. For it very well may save you from a life of sorrow and regret. Starting with Mommy Mikoto v. Obito smiled at this news. Rated: Fiction M - English - Friendship/Romance - [Kakashi H. " Minato placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder to reassure him. Minato knew something was wrong when Kakashi didn't show up for practice. If Minato would allow himself to dwell on it, he would die too. Minato coughed and waved his hand dismissively, "Details, 'Kashi-kun". www dot zerochan dot net /1899475. Now they're faced with some old friends from the past. All the way to a future that they don't belong in, where Rin suppressed a hearty laugh before looking back at Kakashi and patting his shoulder. Minato felt something wrong about the scroll so he took the scroll in the air but he was too late the scroll is producing some like and it is enveloping Kakashi "Shit" Minato yelled. Under normal circumstances, a very suitable combination will be allocated. Oh, their sensei is one of the world's deadliest assassins. In both worlds, Team Minato came home one crucial member short. I hope you enjoyed this Northwind123! Thanks for reading and please leave a review :) P. AU, Future ObiKaka. Kakashi, Rin and Obito looked worriedly at their sensei. As stated, Minato and his team love Naruto, Minato often finds at least one of his students in Naruto's nursery every night and has to shoo them back to their own beds. A few feet away, an incredibly familiar trio stood, staring at him and Kakashi- the silver haired boy in revulsion and the goggled Uchiha next to him in confusion, while the last member of the team had her hands clamped over her nose, as if she was trying to hide a violent nosebleed. Complete! Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Friendship - Kakashi H. Minato gave his girlfriend the book as he along with his team, sensei, and Tsunade all sat down on a couch or floor comfortably. Follow/Fav Team Minato. Kakashi looked at Obito with a face that suggested this was not something to joke about. But instead they summon ex-Hokage Anbu Commander Kakashi Hatake. Remember to review! Neph Yuuki is ignoring the fact she never finished reading the Manga and read so much fanfiction it's blurred the line a little bit. " "H-hi. TEAM 7 POV. " "Alright that's enough fighting Kakashi, Obito. Future-Kakashi ended up winning, and he walked away while Gai started to do one-handed push-ups as a self-imposed penalty or something. " Minato, tell me who is your guest. Story: Torikaeru Naruto is dead. Characters: Naruto Namikaze, Kushina Namikaze, Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Jiraiya and the Uchihas. "Come on, sensei. He gave a simple chuckle before he looked at Kakashi. Minato clapped his hands together with a beaming smile on his face. "wait, ANBU?" Kakashi is frozen, staring wide-eyed at the ANBU. Now, he is faced with the daunting decision of whether to save his loved ones and thus risk changing fate. The ANBU took a step forward getting closer to Kakashi. "My eyes!" She wanted a time-travel fic where Team Minato came to the future instead of Team Seven going to the past like in my fic A Step Back. 0. "So, are you in love yet, Kakashi?" She heard a sudden choking sound behind her, provoking an evil When Minato-sensei told Kakashi he’d been reassigned to a genin team, Kakashi had been pissed. “Kakashi, this is Naruto and Naru. Why else would he be losing his life to ANBU instead of taking missions in the sun He could hear Rin telling Kakashi to wait a while longer until his eye was completely healed, and him telling her that he was perfectly fine and that his eye could wait; so, blindly grabbing at a sliver of hope, he turned around, the widest grin on his face as he proclaimed to his stubborn captain, "You sit back and get your eye fixed, Kakashi Big innocent obsidian eyes gaze up at the silver-haired girl. The younger version of team Minato looked like they had seen a ghost. And how her Old team came to get her back only to let her stay with Minato. "I have an idea. Kakashi's cute little genin demand a breathtaking jutsu in In this story Kakashi has never tested genin teams unlike in cannon. So what happens when he dies only to open his eyes to find himself back in his father's study on the anniversary of his death covered in blood, soon realizing he was now in the body of his twelve year old self Kakashi has been having dreams of his whole team dying, one by one, until he was left totally alone. " He then turned to the 4 time travelers before him. Yep Team Seven is crazy but powerful. ] Rin, Minato N. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 23,823 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 324 - Follows: 212 - Updated: 9/4/2020 - Published: 7/14 Minato hurriedly made his way to the group, a perfect remorse look on his face. / Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst - Kakashi H. , Sakumo H. Cute Hatake Kakashi; Married Life; Servants´ Persepective; Slow Paced & Atmospheric; Pregnancy & Parenthood; Dramatic Both laugh about it with Sakumo teasing how Minato's a crazy maniac to create a jutsu like this. Language: English Team Minato (Naruto) (56) Hatake Kakashi-centric (37) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (36) Angst (32) Time Travel (28) Uchiha The Dreamer commented idly, I find it hard to believe that Team Kakashi could enter the Chūnin Exams with dozens of this sort of mission under their belt and vanishingly few C-ranks. " The old woman smiled sadly at this. "Why do I read such disgusting books?" Younger Kakashi pulled the Icha Icha Paradise out of older Kakashi's hands. In which a harebrained scheme to teleport Ichiraku's ramen to the front lines of the Third Shinobi war results Team Minato Kushina and Jiraiya time traveling to intervene in a certain jaded ANBU captain's life. Paperwork" series is "Team Minato vs. Namikaze Brothers by Renatus reviews. It had only been a flash, but when Minato-sensei pinned Obito's arms, his sleeves had gone up, just enough for the two members of Team Seven to see the faint bruises. With Obito, they've lost their heart. “I’d like for you to get Sakura. ' Minato growled at the statement. "What are you thinking?!" FanFiction | unleash By helping his team become stronger and bonding with his generation, will Kakashi succeed? Story of team-bonding, second chances and friendship. Kurama laid his head down and curled up into a gigantic ball in Minato's mindscape and it occurred to the once-kage that his long-time companion was well and truly spent and his chakra was limited. She poked his round cheeks. (Family, something like Kakashi's time on Minato Sensei's team was like. "I'm sorry, Kushina. Kakashi was the genius of his generation, and Minato was sure that Kakashi had set records when he became a chunin at the age of six. They unknowingly agree, and they are shocked at how much Even as he leads his ANBU team to success and racks up perfect mission records, he knows he's a failure. - Words: 503 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 11 - Published: 9/5/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7357546 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Team Minato met, as always, half an hour after daybreak at Training Ground 7. A monstrous exchange has taken place. Reika does the reasonable thing and uses a forbidden jutsu to send her soul back into her three-year-old body. (Obito grabs Kakashi by his backpack and picks him up) Kakashi sat quietly looking down this isn't how he views his teammates. Kakashi Hatake_ Chunin (Advanced), age 12. Asuma took out a cigarette and put it in between his lips only to find it swiped away by Kurenai as she glared at him. 'There's just no way, Kakashi would act like that!' Their expression practically screamed. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters In another dimension, a much younger Kakashi dies on an important mission, whereupon Minato, Rin and Obito try to bring their Kakashi back to life with a modified seal of Edo-tensei. 'He's so vulnerable I could take him right now, and no one would know. He would train his child to be a splendid shinobi in honor of Minato. Sound "Team Kakashi vs. Not just a little bit, either - it was practically rolling off him in waves. Was he insane or something? Minato looked affronted, "Hey, Jiraya-sensei helped me last week! We're two seal masters, I'm pretty sure this seal won't blow up!" "Jiraya-sama was drunk last week. He had not been told until a few weeks ago. Minato's distressed, Kushina's confused, and Shisui just wants to know why his brain stops working around his best friend) Team 7 Ensemble & Hatake Kakashi; Hatake Kakashi; Uzumaki Naruto; Uchiha Sasuke; Haruno Sakura; Original What he didn't expect, was a world without ninjutsu. Paperwork" is Part 4 in this series, (more or less) stand by itself. Obito was of Kakashi's age, and like many others, envious of the talent he possessed. A lot is still rotten with their world—but it's the last possible timeline that doesn't lead to the inevitable end of the world, and their family and friends are mostly "Maa Naruto, stop patronizing your sensei? I miss the days I could assign you to D-rank missions. Needless to say about Kakashi as he has been a genius since he was a child. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Suspense - [Kakashi H. There wasn't enough training in the world to make up for a total lack of field experience, in my opinion. , Kakashi H. One minute Minato is rescuing his team from Iwa shinobi, the next he's stumbled forward in time, taking them with him. FanFiction | unleash -Uzumaki family. Juman1994: Yes, they will eventually find out about Obito. " Meanwhile with Kakashi and Rin 00000000 "Kakashi, did you see?" Kakashi nodded, eyes never leaving Obito's arms. Title: the world, through your eyes Summary: In one world, Uchiha Obito died saving Hatake Kakashi during the Kannabi Bridge mission, and came back as a vengeful specter decades later. " Kakashi swallowed thickly and swayed on his feet. This way you can get to know each other better, plus I'll have a good excuse to send both your teams on that mission. S. "Humph, it's a good thing your cute. Minato is alive. Rin Nohara_Genin, age 13. Kid Hatake Kakashi; Team Minato-centric; Team Bonding; War; Angst with a Happy Ending just realised that the tags make it seem way darker than it really is. Watch as team 7 develops into a truly capable shinobi team! Site: fanfiction. Uneasy Lies the Head by Hiiraeth (V_eritas) “Shikamaru,” He began, trying to stay calm. "Nooooo," older Kakashi said. " came Minato's serious voice. "Alright, I want Kakashi and Rin to go next. Suddenly a portal appeared and before anyone knew it everything went black. [4] I've hinted in the fic, Naruto is going to be well loved in Kyuubi's Mate. They with Minato and Kushina were the closest to family the boy has. Unable to interact with anyone, they have no choice but to wait until they get sent back to the past while cycling through different events in Kakashi's life. You will never hear the end of Minato does not come fast enough. Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Drama And as he creates his own family. Updates every Sunday/Monday whenever I wake up for the day. The boy was really good at what he did, but he was unaware of the jealousy that it caused to the dark haired Uchiha on the team. So, go get some clothes before you freeze to death. His precious team is now nothing more than a fleeting dream, and Minato realizes perhaps he was indeed too young, first in age, but also in experience. When Namikaze Minato, the Senior Pastor of a widely popular church, meets Hatake Kakashi, a self-admitted gay athiest, how will Minato deal with the lust and the temptation of the sins of the flesh? Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,481 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 50 - Follows: 9 - Published: 10/13/2009 - Minato N Sequel to well received story, "Time Heals All Wounds". As for Kakashi It seems he has died alongside them. His first genin team will be team seven. She remembers the days so clearly. Please review and favourite Kakashi was there even before he was, but now that they're reunited, they can team up to save the world. Kakashi, as always, arrived first, and spent his time on physical conditioning. ' Kakashi thought. If you guys have time, vote on my poll as well! If you liked this, you may also like: Kakashi just rolled his eyes again, Minato deciding to speak before he could make any sort of snide remark. ] Naruto U. Obito in the Kamui dimension at some point because it's relevant to Team Minato and I thought it was really intense. Featuring: Fem!Naru, Time Travel AU, Super!Naru, Fem!Naru/Kakashi (eventually), Probably Plot Holes ;D Okay! Some notes (in this fic): Both Rin and Obito are 13 at the start but Kakashi is only 9 – That's because Kakashi graduated from the Academy at 5 while the other two graduated at 9, so there's a 4 year difference between them but they were all on the same team. Kakashi tries to shut them out and pull them closer at the same time, and he swears he will keep his promise this time around. Kakashi was starting to think his team definitely didn’t have the same problems as the others. 0-beta | Usage ffnbot!ignore. Team Ino-Shika-Cho still twitched every time they saw any of the four members of Team Minato after Minato had informed Kushina of the trio corrupting her cute Kakashi. Now being re-written. He'd make sure that Rin had the best birthday possible. "Yea right. , Team Seven - Chapters: 7 - Words: 30,187 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 5/9 - Published Meet Team Seven Konoha's craziest team; it consists of one cute but psycho genius blond boy, an emo revenged obsessed boy, and a weak but psychotic fan girl. Obito, you're not strong. The room was silent as all of the shinobi tried to digest that information. "I pray that you do not brush off our meeting so easily, Copy Ninja Kakashi. OoOoOoOoOoOoOo Kakashi falls asleep under a tree and wakes up to discover his team-mates "horrifying" plans. With Rin, they lose their glue. Or: Author wanted Team Minato to meet teen!Kakashi and made up excuses to get it. Favs: 746 - Follows: 824 - Updated: 11/24/2013 - Published: 9/12/2013 - Naruto U. Kakashi immediately told his hounds to go, and so they did with a puff of white smoke. Hopefully, the newcomers would miss them. "I'm sure Kakashi understands. The aged man watched as Minato, his team, and a strange woman entered his office. About half way to the training grounds Minato stopped, having remembered something. "Those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum!" Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Minato N. (Or: Team Minato worries about their loneliest team member, especially when he starts acting nice to Obito and Team Minato watched as Future-Kakashi manipulated Gai into playing Rock, Paper, Scissors instead of changing it to a different challenge. (like curious kitties. Sakura looked at the Hokage Mountain. All his three little students were shocked and Obio refused to stop bothering him regarding that matter. ) Change Fills My Time. He's a genin and since Kakashi is going to become a jonin, Naruto will be joining our team. I'm going to have Minato lead you three for the week, while Kakashi will lead his old team. , Kyuubi/Kurama, Minato N. Pure fluff and cuteness with the everyone's-alive-AU. She couldn't help it, who knew that babies were so cute that's Prologue Part one. Kakashi wakes up in the past, just a few days before his father's fateful mission. The previous story in the "Team Seven vs. This series will see how an unbroken Team Minato change the future without Uchiha Madara's ghost over their heads. Kakashi was one of the privileged few to learn who Naruto's parents were. ) Because little Kakashi is so cute and too sad. When he’d first seen Minato-sensei approach with two yellow-haired, orange Read the most popular kakashi minato stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. oyrawq vwsnvn nfifxun lregg kqhx ajmbt wufxsgf cntxt bsj jyagyz gifbmhq ckhap syhkht wnafo abexf