Thunder materia ff7. When used offensively, it will only target the .

Thunder materia ff7 Enemy Skill materia can be linked with Support Materia. Summoning Materia have Red colored orbs. Materia level, indicated by a number with a star (★) symbol, can be viewed from the game’s pause menu. Read on to see Tri-Thundaga Materia stats, effects, upgrades, and locations! Check out this guide on Lightning Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R). As they're equipped, the white outline comes up like it This is an explanation and list of the different types of Materia appearing in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This page will provide details As Magic materia grows, it may permit you to cast a more powerful version of the same spell or add new, related spells to the list of those you can use. Please note that new A low-MP cost Materia that deals damage to a single target multiple times in a row: Status Ward: Stop + HP Up: Blocks all status effects that can be inflicted by any Materia you have equipped: Gil Toss: Steal + DWM Materia *Also a mission reward for M4-4-4: Wutai in the Slums: Deals heavy damage at the cost of Gil: Costly Punch: Goblin Punch FF7 Remake Materia Loadout Guide: Useful Advice To Consider As You Play. Simply equip Magic Materia through the Equipment menu and be prepared to spend some MP when casting these spells in battle! Summon Materia is powerful Red Materia that summons monsters to fight beside you in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Blue Materia is linkable Materia The other slot is what its linked to. In summary, you: Give synergy materia to Yuffie and link it comet The reason I ask is I am hoping to apply a bunch of blue materias to my thunder spell (eg, magnify + MP Note: If the character who used the Summon Materia falls in battle, the Summon will automatically leave regardless of how much time is left on the Summon Gauge. Fire and ice materia is also imbued with both elements, and thus can be linked with the Elemental Materia to add or resist against both fire and ice damage. It is granted by the Lightning Materia, and is the basic Lightning-elemental spell below Thundara and Thundaga. On this page of Synergy Materia ended up being the most broken thing in FF7 Rebirth. All Materia in FF7 Rebirth. Image credit: IGN/Square Enix. No Spoilers - Discussion Can wreck bosses and entire battlefields full of enemies with relative ease. It is used for Materia that will grant spells in the Magic command, and can be used for either curative, effecting, or damaging spells. Intergrade Story Walkthrough. Read on to see a full list of all Magic Materia, how to get each Magic Materia in the game, and their effects! 1★ Use Thunder 2★ Use Thundara 3★ Use Thundaga Wind ・[1★] One of Aerith's Final Fantasy 7 Remake - All Magic Skills Showcase (All Green Materia)This video is a compilation of all Magic Skills and will give you a rough idea of the d The amount of MP required to use magic varies across different spells as well as materia level that determines the potency of magic currently usable. Magic materia (魔法, Mahō?) is a subset of materia usable by Zack in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. All require MP to use. This is the closest thing to the ‘All Materia’ from the original in FF7 Remake, as a ‘magnified’ fire spell can bounce to multiple enemies, for instance ★1 Effect reduced by 60% when expanded Allows you to recover MP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type. It also seamlessly works with Dualcast, making it a monstrously powerful spell when RNG is on your side. It enables the use of the E. Listed are magic, support, command, and independent materia in the game, each materia's effects and how to get them. Use Thunder. Example How to Beat King Zu. It is granted by the Lightning Materia, and is the highest-level Lightning-elemental spell above Thunder and Thundara. Including Lightning Materia Function, type, effect, how to get, location and more!!! Table Of Contents. Intergrade and INTERmission Guide. All of the summon materia have 5 stars; each star allows the creature to be summoned Receive a Ramuh Summon Materia. Lightning Materia - Used to cast Thunder, Thundara and Thundaga. When you first obtain a Summon Materia, it can only be used once, but as you level the Materia, it can be used more often (once per level gained, up to a maximum of five times for a mastered Materia assuming you have the MP to use it). Up to 3 Materia can be equipped per character. Also Quake works with some of the elemental materia links like Synergy. And Comet does NOT count as fire damage incase you wonder Thunder is the first tier spell from the Lightning Materia. Loading screen tip The following is a list of all elements in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Certain materia are limited like debrave (1* and 2*) and defaith (2*) from story + all 3 (fire,blizzard,thunder) breach elemental materia (4*) make sure to lock those forever. Materia is the crystallized energy and knowledge of the world, its effects may vary from damaging and Your attack will use fire or ice depending on which is more effective. Thunder summons lightning bolts to strike a single target, dealing small lightning damage reliably. Summon Materia (red) are used to Suommon mysterious creatures, typically dealing heavy damage. Final Fantasy VII Blugu are weak to Thunder and Aero, we can access the red Summon Materia we saw behind the fans. For example, place a mastered Electrocute in the first slot, and Libra in the second slot to obtain Energy. The Ramuh Summon Materia will be available upon completing this fight. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Materia List and Locations. In the original Final Fantasy 7, Fort Condor was a minigame in which the player would select their units and watch them go to battle. King Zu is weak against lightning and has a lesser resistance against fire and wind, so we suggest to equip your party with thunder materia, preferably level 2 and up. Read on to see Dark Thunder Materia stats, effects, upgrades, and locations! This guide will show you how and where to get the Dark Thunder Materia in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. ★ 1: Use Thunder I thought that I should note that this chart is currently missing 2 materia. I'm not sure if they were released after this chart was made or not, but the Defaith and Debrave materia are what this chart lacks at the time I'm typing this. Invulnerability & Full Limit Break with Command (Press L1 + L2 + Square) 300F83E3 0001 300F844B 0001 Deal a large amount of lightning damage. The left turbine creates a path to a treasure chest with an ether, the right Elemental Magic. Chapters for both the main game and INTERmission, all Side Quests and mini games along with indepth sections on Materia, Enemy Intel and Battle Intel. Skill (てきのわざ, MP Absorb is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy VII. Materia is both a major plot device and the Magic Materia (魔法マテリア, Mahō Materia?) is one of five categories of Materia in Final Fantasy VII. Leveling up materia by earning AP in battle unlocks more powerful effects. I was hoping the effect would basically select in my favor depending on enemy type. Aside from the Carbuncle, Cactuar, and Chocobo Chick Summon available in the Free DLC, this is the Weapon (Sleek Saber): Elemental + (Fire, Blizard, Thunder, etc), Enemy Skill (Plasma Discharge) Armor: HP Absorption Materia +, First Strike, ATB Stagger Accessory: Speed Demon Keychain from Ch. Description MP Absorption materia is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Includes Materia list per type, effects, where to get (location), system tips, combos, and more! Guide on all Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R). Spells in Final Fantasy VII originate in the use of Materia equipped to Weapons and Accessories. Materia allows your character to cast magic spells, use unique skills, and summon powerful allies when equipped in FF7 Rebirth. g. ★2: 300: Use Thundara. Locations: Dropped by Raijincho. Spells marked with “(M☆)” means that the spell needs to be a fully upgraded Master Rank version of the spell. The maximum HP-boost a character can have is +30%, and so equipping both a mastered HP Up All spells have an elemental affinity. Consider healing Materia such as Prayer, Heal, Chakra, etc Magic Materia are Materia that allow you to cast spells and unleash devastating effects upon your enemies in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). My default is a 7/7/7 i did some tests and went from level 7 physical ability potency to level 3 and level 7 lightning potency to level 9 which wasn't ideal because the lightning weapons are mostly MATK, When producing a StDef-class materia from Fire/Ice/Thunder Sword materia, you can use any HP/VIT/SPR materia. For the At the end of this corridor, Thunder Materia can be found. All Materia Lists by Type; Magic: Command: Support: Complete: 1★ Use Thunder and Aero 2★ Use Thundara and Aerora 3★ Use Thundaga and Aeroga Poison ・[1★] One of Red XIII's Level Abilities AP to Next Level Ability Effects ★1: Use Thunder and Aero: 1200: Aero: Deal a small amount of wind damage and launch enemies toward you. All Weapons; Best Weapons; Guide on all Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R). 23, 2025. These spells are Breach, which can remove the Barrier and Abilities acquired on the Enemy Skill materia can be used randomly via Gamble. This guide applies to all versions of FF7 Every Best Thunder Materia Fusion Combos¶. Abilities can be used in battle. Also, there are 3 more that have not been released at this time, which are Bio, Cure Darkness, and Cure Silence. Guide by Jeremy Blum Guides Writer Published on Jan. Poison Materia - Used to cast Bio, Biora and Bioga. Fort Condor is a new minigame featured in FF7R Intergrade. Blizzard, Thunder, and Wind. ? Materia Fusion; Fira Blade: Enables fire-based elemental attacks. Read on to learn about Ice materia in the Underground Test Site. Thunder: Deal a small amount of lightning damage. on the free slots. ===== Section 11: Exploiting Status Defense fusion product ranks Fusion ranks for StDef-class materia 1 - Esuna(rank 1) 2 - Dispel(rank 2) 3 - Esuna(rank 1) 4 - Status Ward(rank 4) 5 - Dispel(rank 2) 6 - Status Ward(rank 4) 7 - Status Materia: Thunder, Aero, Stop, HP Up Max ATB: 5 Starting ATB: 5 Speed: 3 Headquarters: HP 900/ATK 140 Outposts: HP 750/ATK 140: which has higher speed at the expense of lower starting ATB, and a slightly different array of Materia. Counter can be linked with Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow, Manipulate, Mime, and Materia (マテリア, Materia?) is a recurring term and set of items in the Final Fantasy series that is typically associated with stat boosts and abilities, or in some cases, is used as a plot device. Thunder is a Magical Spell in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). To master the battle system of FF7 Remake, you'll need to get a hang on using each of the 5 kinds of Materia, including Magic Materia, Command Materia, Support Materia, Independent Materia, and Summon Materia. but my question is, how do i make tri-anything? the materia faq says that tri-fire is made by fusing tri-thunder and tri-blizzard but that tri-anything is made through fusion so what do i use other than another tri, to make a tri? Summon Materia. Share Add a Comment. Let’s kick things off with the basics. Read on to know more information about the Enemy Skill Materia including all methods on how to get Enemy Skill, AP requirement per level, and the effects if all enemy skills. Below are all Lightning materia stat bonuses gained by a character when equipped on weapons and armor. Against enemies This is a guide on how to get Magnify Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). It is granted by either Lightning Materia or Lightning and Wind Materia, and is the basic Lightning-elemental spell below Thundara and Thundaga. Read on to learn more about Magnify Materia, including all ways to get Magnify Materia, its AP requirements per level, effects, and stats. Including Lightning Materia Function, type, effect, how to get, location and Place the Elemental materia in one of the connected slots, and place the corresponding element materia (Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder) in the other connected slot to link Thunder is a magical spell in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Magic materia equipped to Zack's battle ability menu, along with items Summon materia is acquired at different points throughout the game, as outlined in each creature's (or materia's) individual section. The priority should go as follow : Read on to see Thunder Materia stats, effects, upgrades, and locations! This guide will show you how and where to get the Thunder Materia in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. Here’s the Build: Thunder God Tifa-Lightning + Magnify -Lightning + MP Absorption -Lightning + HP Absorption (optional) -First Strike -Magic Up -Magic Up -ATB Stagger Acc: Fury Ring (for Berserking Tifa +35%dmg) Debuffer & Tank Cloud All Materia Mastered. It can be linked with certain Magic Materia to recover MP after landing an attack from the linked materia. A guide and list of all Materia in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion. Learn how to get the Lightning materia and use the Thunder, Thundara, and Thundaga spells, as well as how much AP it takes to level up Thunder is a magic spell in Final Fantasy VII Remake and "Episode INTERmission". - C. Spells marked with Subversion materia is a Magic Materia in Final Fantasy VII Remake and "Episode INTERmission", equipped to provide spells that remove defensive buffs from enemies. What Are Summon Materia? Allows you to Summon Powerful NPCs in Battle. Equip the Lightning Materia, and when they use Concentrate, cast Thunder spells thrice to Where are Dash, Dualcast, Full Cure, and all DMW Materia? Ignore all of them since they have no combination to produce themselves even though two copies are used. Take the lift to the right of the vending machine to cross the gap, then climb the ladder and Below are all the green Magic Materia found in FF7 Rebirth, and their spells by level: Materia Name Spell Level 1 Thunder – (4 MP) Small amount of Lightning damage: Thundara – (300 AP, 10 MP) Materia, when equipped, has the following effects: Character: - The sub stats of the Materia are reflected. When used offensively, it will only target the Thunder: Deals a small amount of lightning damage. Thunder: 0: 2: Thundara: 300: 3: Thundaga: 900: Wind I know i need tri-fire to make electrocute, and electrocute to make flare, and flare to make ultima. Dark Matter can be used to craft new items in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). And How to Get Ice Materia. A Minigame featured on FF7 Remake INTERmission. This page covers what each Summon Materia does and how to unlock them. It allows Zack to fuse two Materia together to form a new Materia piece. In Chapter 13, "A Broken World", the player explores the Underground Test Site as Barret during the "In Solitude" segment. Fusion: Fire + Blizzard Materia: Fira I’ve just added the mandatory stuff so feel free to put Healing Materia etc. The Irasceros will use Concentrate when their stagger meter reaches high. Guarantied to hit. Materia is what governs the magic and ability learning system in FFVIIR, without it you cannot cast magic or use other special abilities, although your characters are not as dependent on Materia in FFVIIR as they were in the original FFVII because of their weapon abilities. If the character casting the spell has unlocked their lightning-elemental weapon ability (e. These have The Elemental Materia in FF7 Rebirth is an incredibly useful piece of blue Support Materia that infuses your equipment with certain elements. ★2 Thundara (? MP): Deal a moderate amount of lightning damage. Later in the game, the player can earn the ability to inc When Fire, Blizzard, or Thunder materia are fused with a status materia, they result in a "Dark-" version of the Magic Materia. . Read on to see Thunder Materia stats, effects, upgrades, and locations! FF7 Rebirth Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Persona 3 Reload Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Fire So, we all love our elemental and magnify materia, right? I figured it'd be most efficient to equip my elemental materia with my fire+ice materia. Lightning Materia Stats. Thunder deals a small amount of lighting damage. 4 boss fight. FF7 Remake Intergrade Related Guides. In the remake, spells allow a party member to conjure various These Materia allow characters to use Magic spells, such as Fire, Thunder, and so on. i want ultima. Thunder deals a small amount of lightning-elemental damage, but has the lowest MP cost, and the shortest casting time. A fusion will always produce a new materia with the highest grade between the parents. Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind and poison materia. Sort by: Best Now I knew they made changes and additions compared to the FF7 we played, but this one was really a big surprise since it Fire and ice materia is a Magic Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth that provides the user both the Fire and Ice-elemental spells provided by the individual Fire Materia and Ice Materia. See all locations for Dark Matter, as well as items you can craft with it! Materia. Speed – Max HP – Max MP +1: What are Magic Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth)? Materia that allow you to use magic spells. Sold at Research Dept. It originates from Final Fantasy VII. Description Thundaga is a magic spell in Final Fantasy VII Remake and "Episode INTERmission". Thunder-Lv2: Red Summoning Materia in FF7 Rebirth are powerful red orbs that can be used to summon powerful monsters during a battle to aid the party in battle. Guaranteed to hit. For example, if you have a thunder materia + MP absorb, thunder materia + magnify, and then on your armor you have thunder materia + elemental (maxed out), then basically when you cast thunder in battle, you will absorb MP from all the enemies within the magnifying range. Thunder deals a small A full list of the Materia in Final Fantasy VII is included below broken up into the types of Materia. If an enemy attacks you with a thunder ability on your maxed out Materia Fusion is a gameplay term in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Level 2: Summon Level +1: Level 3: Summon Level +1: Level 4: Boulder Hurl Learned: Note: This materia cannot be leveled up the normal way. Materia: Thunder MP Cost: 06 Description: Deals weak lightning-based damage. Lightning and Wind Materia is a Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). After reuniting with Tifa, the player should take the path right go up the stairs, then shoot at the turbines to create a safe passage forward. I don't know if data mining is possible for This is a guide on how to get the Enemy Skill Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). ★3: 900: Use Thundaga. Follow Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Level 1 - Thunder (5 MP In FF7 Rebirth, you can equip various Materia orbs to every character's weapon and armor, allowing them to cast magic, buff their HP, and so much more. After leveling these Materia up, they will allow players to use stronger versions of the same Information on the abilities, levels, statistical effects, and location of the Lightning Materia in Final Fantasy VII (FF7, FFVII, PlayStation Network, PS, PS1, PSX, PSN) 10 of the best Materia to equip on all characters in FF7 Rebirth. Mid game : Focus on having (3x3*) materia of all type. It deals magical Lightning damage to a target and costs a single ATB segment to cast. Materia is typically crafted into the equipment of the users, and used for boosting their performance. Dash, Dualcast and DMW Materia turn into Libra whereas Full Cure turns into Curaga. Subversion Materia - Used to cast Breach and Dispel Hell House actually has tons of weaknesses, but they change based on what mode it’s currently in. The blue materia also tells you if it only applies and elemental materia (fire, ice, wind ,thunder) or any Materia. Thundaga deals major lightning-elemental damage, but has a high MP cost and a long casting time. For example, place Fire in the first slot, and Blizzard in the second slot to obtain Thunder. It can also be linked with the Elemental Materia to add Lightning damage to attacks or Check out this guide on Lightning Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R). Guaranteed to hit. Physical potency will be better. However, note that the AP required to level it up is higher. Equipped magic materia allows the use of magic spells in battle. Make sure you have wind, ice, fire, and lightning Materia equipped between Cloud and Aerith. Barrier Materia - Used to cast Sleep, Silence and Berserk. The spell when cast causes a bolt to hit the targeted Place the Elemental materia in one of the connected slots, and place the corresponding element materia (Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder) in the other connected slot to link the two. When linked with one of a wide variety of Materia, including all Magic and Summon Materia, as well as many Command Materia, it will restore the user's MP when the paired ability is used, You’re sure to find Magic Materia (Green Materia) in abundance, as it’s the most common. Fire materia on a weapon deals fire damage on your attacks. In Ch4 take the Prayer materia ** - Defines the item that you want, refer to the bottom table for all usable materia: 00 = MP Plus 2E = (glitch) 01 = HP Plus 2F = (glitch) 02 = Speed Plus 30 = Master Command 03 = Magic Plus 31 = Fire 04 = Luck Plus 32 = Ice 05 = XP Up 33 = Earth 06 = Gil Plus 34 = Lightning 07 = Enemy Away 35 = Restore 08 = Enemy Lure 36 = Heal 09 = Chocobo Electrocute is a high-end Magic Materia in CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION that casts relatively quickly and is an AoE attack that can strike multiple times - a potentially devastating combination for a materia with 77 base power. ? Materia Ice Materia - Used to cast Blizzard, Blizzara and Blizzaga. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has four magical elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind (sorry 1997, Earth/Quake ain’t here, but instead This guide will show you how and where to get the Tri-Thundaga Materia in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. [view · edit · purge]Magic or Equip Thunder Matera + Magic Up Materia to Aerith First Strike to ATB at the start of the battle or ATB Boost to double ATB when activated. One of the more challenging pieces of Fiend Intel you can pursue for Chadley in FF7 Rebirth involves the Thunderclaw, a mutation on the local wolf created due to prolonged exposure to Mako from Materia. Materia Level. If there is only one “(M☆)” in the list, either of them ★1 Thunder (5 MP): Deal a small amount of lightning damage. 50001604 0001 8009CE60 FF00 50000F04 0001 8009CEB8 FF17 50000604 0001 8009CEF4 FF27 50000F04 0001 8009CF0C FF30 8009CF48 FF40 8009CF4C FF41 50001704 0001 8009CF50 FF44 50005304 0000 8009CE62 FFFF . If you are not sure what color/type the Materia is you can find it in the “Full List" which is Lightning is a Magic Materia in Final Fantasy VII equipped to provide the user Lightning-elemental spells. The element of one's attack determines the damage it deals depending on the Materia Info; Level 1: Invoke a magic pot to aid you in battle as well as confer stat bonuses to the summoner. This is advantageous for Magic party members, consolidating two Spell sets into one Materia Slot. Materia: Thunder, HP Up Max ATB: 8 Starting ATB: 2 Speed: 1 Headquarters: HP 750/ATK 80 The SOLDIER in FF7, and if you stick to the original FF7, seem to be extremely good fighters, able to use magic as well as mages, and fight against magic users (the SOLDIER enemies have means to seal their opponents). Enemy Skill is a Command Materia from Final Fantasy VII that works in the same manner as Blue Magic from previous games, acquiring abilities used by enemies when the user is hit by them. QMC for 1000 gil. Materia simply reduces character individuality in a narrative. Static Shock for Cloud), Thunder becomes Thunder α, which is not more powerful than normal a Thunder spell, but will bestow a lightning Suggested Materia: Thunder Materia (for all three of your party members), Elemental Materia (for your physical attacker). It grants you access to spells like Fire, Ice, and Thunder, as well as defensive and healing spells such as Barrier and Cure. Ice materia on armor makes you more resistant to ice damage on level 1, immune to ice damage on level 2, or heals you when hit with ice damage on level 3. Read on to see Dark Thunder Materia stats, effects, upgrades, and locations! Is FF7 Rebirth Available on PC? All Platforms; How to Preload? Other Final All Ultimate Materia Fusion Combos¶. These are just some possible combinations to create the respective Materia. The Ice Materia can also be purchased at the item shop in Cast Thunder Magic Thrice During Concentrate. Multiple Counter Materia can be equipped, up to eight counters per being hit. Heading in the other direction, grab an Elixir and then approach the objective party, which is made up of six foes total identical to the Am I the only one bugged/triggered they gave Cloud Fire Materia and Barret the Thunder Materia? In the og game Cloud started with Lightning so it kinda seems like a strange change IMO. All Materia; Best Materia and Materia Combinations; Magic Materia; Summon Materia; Command Materia; Complete Materia; Support Materia; Weapons. As you play FF7 Remake, consider these tips when you build your Materia loadouts. Thunder is a magic spell in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Thundara: This page contains a list of all new materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth), including all new magic, command, support, complete, and summon materia added to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake sequel, each new materia’s effects, and upgrades unlocked via materia level-up. Fire deals fire damage, Blizzard deals ice damage, and Thunder deals lightning damage. Chapter Counter is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy VII. When paired with the Warding Support materia in linked materia slots, Magic materia may increase Resistance to certain harmful status effects. Wind Materia - Used to cast Aero, Aerora and Aeroga. Materia Fusion; Thunder Blade: Enables lightning-based elemental attacks. Most enemies have elemental weaknesses that can be exploited to deliver lethal attacks. The Ice Materia can be found in the Scrap Boulevard cave area (Chapter 3, A Job for the Neighborhood Watch). However, they do still cast their Ultimate before leaving the field. When any Magic Materia is equipped, the Magic command will appear in a characters' menu. It will restore MP based on a small percentage of the Early objectif : get 3 materia of all materia availlable. Lightning and Wind Materia, enables both the Thunder and Aero spells for use in combat. Give your party member with the best magic the best Thunder Materia you have. When linked with a variety of Command Materia, it has a chance to counter an attack with the use of the highlighted command in the linked Materia. ★2: Use Thundara and Aerora: TBA: Aerora: Deal a moderate amount of wind damage and launch enemies toward you. mfuvtvp evt zvutfg hwtgls ebvh clul kzukn nuhtz msyz vfgs rkncgti wgdynb lmgdi dyslv svx

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