Ngati kahungunu marae name The three divisions are Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga and Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairarapa. In 2002, NKII visited more than 50 marae in a consultation exercise to develop a strategic vision for Ngāti Kahungunu. Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o The Hui-ā-Iwi will be held at Waipatu Marae, on April 26, 2024. Satellite image of Māhia Peninsula, where Rongomaiwahine lived. The Tihei Mauri Ora Response Centre was set up during COVID to help assist the whānau in the Kahungunu rohe and in the communities in which our whānau live. Iwi Ngāti Kahungunu. Nukutaurua e. The number of marae in Hawke’s Bay is Ko Mangaroa te marae Ko Takitimu te waka. A Hui Taumata will be held in Ngti Kahungunu on 31 May 2024 hosted by Omhu Marae to identify solutions for Mori Unity – Kotahitanga. Ko Thompson Hokianga tōku ingoa Profile (April 2022) Kai raro i ngā tauwhirotanga o ōku tupuna maunga . Ngāti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tākitimu waka, one of the Māori migration canoes which arrived on New Zealand's North Island around 1100–1200 AD, according to Ngāti Kahungunu traditions. It has several marae (meeting grounds) and wharenui (meeting houses) for Ngāti Rakaipaaka and other iwi (tribe) and hapū: . Mai to whare. [3] According to local legend, Tākitimu and its crew were completely tapu. Our key vision is that our young people are recognised as leaders; we have a league of fit and health kaumātua who participate in activities that embrace whānaungatanga; and we support the collective of Kahungunu ki Wairarapa marae and hapu Remutaka changes name; The loss of Lake Wairarapa; Note: Some sites, especially the marae sites are not fully developed. I a ha ha . When they heard that Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Te Upokoiri were in occupation of Te Roto-a-Tara, they came to drive them away. Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi. Board Summary; Te Ao Mārama Podcast; Media Releases; © 2024 by Ngā ti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. 4,361 likes · 324 talking about this. Kahungunu Declaration of Rights Kahungunu United Voice Kahungunu Tino Rangatiratanga Kahungunu Political Strategy top of page. Its boundaries extend from Wairoa to Wairarapa. In June and July, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII) celebrated Matariki. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; NK Political Action Plan 2026; Contact Us; More. Its principal hapū are Ngāti Hikatoa, Ngāti Kurukuru, Ngāti Urakiterangi and Ngāti Whakaiti. This 1-day event is a time to celebrate family values and kinship in a fun atmosphere of friendly competition Ngati Porou Inter Marae Sports Festival "PA Wars". Click on each rohe button to find out more about that area. Taura here. Publisher Reed. Discusses school experiences, upbringing with Vic and Pare Saunders and farm ambitions. Its principal hapū is Ngāti Pāhauwera of Ngāti Kahungunu iwi. You cannot whakapapa to this Marae as it does not have an ancestor. Wairoa Taiwhenua is continually looking at opportunities in working alongside other local entities to host an array of activities, hui and events ranging from history, research and whakapapa to supporting environmental and social service issues to enhance the wellbeing of Moteo Marae is one of the many hearts of our local Iwi or tribe Ngati Kahungunu. Ruawharo, a senior tohunga on the canoe, settled at Te Māhia. It has set up once again to deal with the Community The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board is elected every three years. This marae is represented by many hapu from various iwi around New Zealand. Paora died in May 1892 and is buried at Moteo urupa. Board Summary; Te Ao Mārama Podcast; Media Releases; Tihei Kahungunu; Continue on and learn some Kahungunu karakia, and waiata, haka. If needed, your form will be emailed to one of our whakapapa experts around the Kahungunu rohe which stretches from Wairoa down to the Wairarapa Ko Ngati Kahungunu taku iwi My name is Rawiri Smith. History; Vision Mission Values; Executive Ngati Mutunga, Ngāti Rāhiri, Manukorihi Kahungunu was born there. The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board Elections take place every three years. Its primary hapū are Ngāti Mārau, Ngāti Rangitotohu and Ngāi Tahu of Ngāti Kahungunu. About the Taiwhenua: Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea is a significant place in the cultural and historical heritage of Ngāti Kahungunu. Applicants can only receive one sponsorship per financial year (1 July – 30 June) Sponsorship applications will close off in November and will re-open 1st January. PEPEHA. Its principal hapū include Pāteika, Ngāti Kauihi, Ngāti Kahukura-āwhitia, Ngāti Muretū and Ngāti Moe. Our Hapu - Wairoa © 2024 by Ngā ti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Tuahine Joe Northover, Ngati Porou, John Scott, Ngati Kahungunu, Jim Taylor, Ngati Kahungunu, Waru Cooper, Taitokerau, Te Kahungunu ki Wairarapa is dedicated to supporting the continuous development of culturally strong, healthy and vibrant whānau. Board Summary; Te Ao Mārama Podcast; Kahungunu ki Wairarapa. Registration Coordinators can be contacted at the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated office, 304 Fitzroy Avenue Hastings. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated . Tihei Kahungunu ki Tamatea! Ko Jenny Nelson-Smith tōku ingoa. Encourage Ngāti Kahungunu population growth. Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa, Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae Trust). The kawa of the marae means the protocols that operate on the marae. From the roadside (it's not open to the public), check out the carving at the meeting house’s apex: a standing warrior holding a taiaha (spear), less stylised than most traditional carvings. Kohanga o. Type of publication Book. Significant reduction in alcohol and History – Ngati Hinepare; History – Hikateko is the Ancestor for Ngāti Hinepare; Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi Explore Moteo Marae’s sacred spaces, including the marae, wharekai, and urupā online. Primary topics discussed are iwi and hapu links, the Waipatu Marae, local beaches and food sources. Other Details. Paraire Tomoana was an accomplished writer and translator, a commentator on ancient waiata, well versed in Maori history and lore. The canoe is Takitimu, the people are the Ngati Kahungunu and Tamatea Arikinui is the man featured. Do you have any myths or legends in relation to Ngati Kahungunu ki Heretaunga that is not really known online please if you do please ASAP Tiakitai was a Ngati Kahungunu leader of great mana in the Waimarama area of Heretaunga (Hawke's Bay) in the first half of the nineteenth century. Muaūpoko has shared ancestry, history, occupation and alliances with Ngai Tara, Ngati Rangi, Ngati Ira, Rangitane, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Apa and Ngāti Rakaipaaka tribe are situated around Nuhaka. Waiata. Your whanau name will be proudly displayed in the foyer of the Marae and will be a part of the Trustees meetings and also included in the Marae AGM report. The NKII mission is to enhance the mana and wellbeing of Ngāti Kahungunu. His reputation for maintaining the Ahi Kaa was heralded throughout Ngati Kahungunu and was greatly mourned at his death. Charlie Mohi, Ngati Mihiroa, Rawiri Kamau, Ngai Te Upokoiri, speaking on Marae. This Friday (29th November) will see Ngāti Pārau of Waiohiki Marae host a wānanga for Ngāti Kahungunu where many ancestors will be mourned and stories shared from across the region. Check Register. Can't find something? Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. '[1] In ensuing years, various initiatives Tihei Kahungunu is an 8-12 page tabloid that features a dedicated Māori voice in mainstream media. Au Au Au Aue ha: A. Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa Tikanga Te Kāinga Dashboard Tāngata Social Education Ko Maungahaumi te Maunga Ko Waipaoa te Awa Ko Takitimu te Waka Ko Te Aitanga A Mahaki te Iwi Ko Ngati Wahia raua ko Te Whanau A Taupara nga Hapu Ko Takipu te Marae Ko Pikihoro te Wharenui Ko Te Karaka te Rohe According to my source of information, Mahaki was the Grandson of Kahungunu. Ngati Moe is named The church maintained the meeting house until 1978. Te Matorohanga. Ko Tākitimu te waka. Te Papa staff had their boots on the ground to There are in fact 18 Whanau affiliated to this Marae. Kahureremoana Hungahunga, Ngati Hinemanu. Family safety through the elimination of child and domestic violence. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; Kahungunu ki Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua, High Street, Dannevirke Ph 063745449. Click on their name to link to their website. Ka tu tonu au i. Their commitment to cultural resilience is evident through the revival of Matariki. Its principal hapū is Rakaipaaka of Ngāti Kahungungu iwi. More. This study is an attempt to discover the origins of the modern Māori tribe, Ngāti Kahungunu. It features in the 1950s film Broken Barrier Ranginui, the sky father, was torn away from Papatūānuku, the earth mother, and formed the vault of the heavens. Kahungunu died at Maunga A kahia and his people took the name Ngati Kahungunu, Rongo-mai-wahine became known as the mother of Ngati Kahungunu. Tamatea Taiwhenua is looking at holding major activities to promote and inspire marae/hapū participation and ongoing opportunities for whanaungatanga. Nūhaka is the tribal centre of the Ngāti Rakaipaaka people, a Māori subtribe of Ngāti Kahungunu. Ka tu atu o uri . Currently, Ngati Kahungunu Taiao Unit © 2024 by Ng Ngati Kahungunu and comprise two of the six taiwhenua (regions) that make up the Ngati Kahungunu iwi, Ngati Kahungunu ki Tamaki Nui-a-Rua and Ngati Kahungunu ki Marae and Hapu 6. Rangitihi 'Rangi-tihi' was a descendant of a line of chiefs from Tama-Te-Kapua, captain or corn mander of the Te-Arawa canoe. He named the area Te Ipu o Taraia. Waitangi Day: Family Fun Day. whenua Whaka-tupu-ranga . Chaans is married to Michelle (nee’ Brown. News; Marae Planning; Te Iwi O Rakaipaaka Inc. He paid a second visit to Otatara taking the women and children as well this time. Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, 187-189 Queen Street (Include your full name, date of The ancestor Kahungunu depicted with the canoe paddle of a navigator. This area stretches from the border of the Gisborne district to the extremities of the Wairarapa Province and embraces the whole of Hawke's Bay. Management of the registration database is reported at Board meetings held at the iwi office on a monthly basis. Tommy Taurima's group perform a Nuhaka song composed by Walter Smith, Kia Ngawari, at a concert in Napier. Our main purpose as a Marae is to provide a meeting place, improvement and future of our Marae. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; NK Political Action Plan 2026; Register. I was a very active parent in Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ngati Kahungunu o te Wairoa, Te Rau O te Oriwa Te Kohanga Reo and Taihoa Kohanga Reo. 360 Videos. 22 pages whakapapa (some fold-out), black/white photos, index. Given the geography of Ngāti Kahungunu and how the iwi are divided into the six taiwhenua as well as the taura here regions throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, our diversity as Ngāti Kahungunu, as 87 marae that make up Ngāti Kahungunu and as over 400 hapū that make up Ngāti Kahungunu, it is important that Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated recognise the After two years of preparation, Aratoi Museum is pleased to present the largest exhibition of Ngati Kahungunu taonga ever on display. Any Māori who normally resides in the rohe of Ngāti Kahungunu is eligible to become registered (Constitution clause 7) as a member (Constitution clause 6) . Waimārama marae is located north of Waimārama settlement. Bayden Barber is the Chairman of the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board and Level 1: Registered members who whakapapa to Ngati Kahungunu Level 2: Registered members not of Kahungunu descent but are Māori descent living in the Kahungunu Rohe (Nga Mata Waka) Level 3: People who do not Kahungunu Marae; What's On. The marae connects ancestrally to Marae Trustee Committees Kahungunu Marae – Te Maara a Ngata Te Maara a Ngata marae is located on Putere Road, near the junction with Arapata Road, in Raupunga. The marae connects ancestrally to the waka Takitimu and the awa Nūhaka. Address 2 Mataira Street (Ihaka St) Nūhaka Hawke's Bay 4198. A Hawke's Bay-wide State of Emergency was Declared. Ko Te Whatuiāpiti te tangata. Ko Taupunga te whare. What is Ngati Kahungunu marae? Kahungunu meeting house at Nūhaka has some magnificent Māori and carving portraying the history and stories of the early people, in the many carvings, scroll patterns and Ngāti Kahungunu ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama! Te Reo Māori Strategy for Ngāti Kahungunu are as follows: People will be confident to use quality language within their communities; Ngāti Kahungunu will suitably safeguard its knowledge regarding the language; Date: 1992-1996 By: Apatu, Marei, active 1992-1996 Reference: OHColl-0347 Description: Waipatu marae kaumatua talk about their memories of early life in the Heretaunga region of the Hawkes Bay. Tuahine Joe Northover, Ngati Porou, John Scott, Ngati Kahungunu, Jim Taylor, Ngati Kahungunu, Waru Cooper, Taitokerau, Te Ruruhira Robin, Te Whatu-i-Apiti/Ngati Kahungunu. The wharenui is also called Kahungunu. The ahi kaa or heartland of the Iwi is historically and culturally defined in terms of significant phenomena, events, sites and geographic features. It re-examines European tribal histories in the light of Māori traditions about the region often believed to have been Ngāti Kahungunu territory since the sixteenth century. Together, they represent the pan-tribal, inclusive nature of the marae and its name: Te Ngira. It is probable that much of the latter was learned from family papers; he was the keeper of his father's papers and those of his uncle Pene Te Uamairangi and his brother Te Rehunga. A newly elected Board resumed control of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi affairs in May 1997. About Us. Iona Pohatu (not verified) 15 July 2011. History. Peggy Kurapae Nelson, Ngati Hinepare. Ngāti Kahungunu chairman Bayden Barber called the discovery of Te Iwiwhati a sign of life. ) He was born in Hastings to Okeroa Tumataroa and Priscilla Clarke; where by virtue of Ko Kurahaupo te waka Ko Tararua te maunga Ko Punahau te roto Ko Hokio te awa Ko Kohuturoa raua ko Kawiu nga marae Ko tribal name Muaūpoko is derived from living at the head of the fish . Ko Kahurānaki te marae. The image here is of the whare tupuna Hineringa and Te Huki that existed on the site until they were destroyed by fire in April 2007. Hapū Ngāi Tamaterangi Ngati Kakawa; Te Rautangata; Ngāti Paki; Related Iwi. E te iwi, e te iwi e . Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. 4,361 likes The remains of the dogs were thrown into the river which took the name Tutaekuri from this event. The vision, 'Ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama ' reflects our collective desire, as Ngāti Kahungunu, To achieve excellence in the highest order and to be in constant pursuit of excellence in all areas of our lives. top of page. Contact Us. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated wishes you all a Happy New Year. Reference: OHInt-0584/1. The marae is still alive, the carving is still alive and the people of Tangoio are still alive. At Māhia, Kahungunu married high-born Rongomaiwahine, having cleverly disposed of her husband. Paora Kaiwhata, the youngest son of Rawiri Tareahi of Ngati Hinepare and Ngai Takaha, hapu of Ngati Kahungunu, Moteo is the principal marae of Ngati Hinepare and Ngati Mahu today. Can't find something? History of the site of Waihirere marae. Ngāti Kahungunu launched the Te Ara Mātua Kaupapa on 26 April 2023, at Waipatu Marae, the place where the stories and experiences of our whānau were heard and collated into a report called Kōrero Mai Whānau – the Kahungunu meeting house at Nūhaka has some magnificent Māori and carving portraying the history and stories of the early people, in the many carvings, scroll patterns, and panel weaving. . and before long was well-renowned among the Ngati-Kahungunu tribes of Heretaunga. Ngati Porou Inter Marae Sports Festival "PA Wars". Rākautātahi marae is located 27 km west of Waipukurau. Profile (April 2023 - Jenny replaces the late JB Heperi Smith A carved pou from Tangoio Marae in Napier was found on Mahia’s shores, boosting regional morale. Ko Hautekohakoha te takitaki. Most of these organisations operate under collaborative ideals and seek to synthesise an indigenous knowledge base Kahungunu Marae; What's On. The Rakaipaaka rohe is as follows: Moteo Marae. Te kawanga whare or te tā i te kawa: the dawn ceremony. Tēnei au ka whakamānawa, tēnei au Ko Kohuturoa raua ko Kawiu nga marae Ko Punahau, Ngarue, Ngai Te Ao, Ngati Tamarangi, Ngati of the tribal name Muaupoko is derived from living at the head of the fish . KAHUNGUNU MARAE. He used his father's notes Explore te ao Māori through pūrākau retold by various iwi (tribes) about the origins of time through atua Māori (Māori gods) and the historic travel sites visited by many tīpuna (ancestors) including Ranginui (Sky Father), Tāwhirimātea Ngāti Kahungunu is a Māori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The literal name for Te Maara a Ngata refers to the garden/cultivation of the land by Sir Apirana Ngata. The wharenui is called Taupunga. I tīmata mai i te marae o Rongomaraeroa. Ko Nigel How tōku ingoa Portfolio (April 2022) Tēnā koutou katoa, When I became a member of our Iwi Board three years ago, no-one could have foreseen the uncertainty and chaos created by Over the next 3 years as a governing member of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. N Kahungunu died at Maunga A kahia and his people took the name Ngati Kahungunu, Rongo-mai-wahine became known as the mother of Ngati Kahungunu. In the late 19th century Samuel Carnell photographed many Ngāti Kahungunu people, leaving an invaluable record of the iwi at this time. Contact. More Moumoukai. Interviewer(s) - Marei Apatu Accompanying material - OHA-4569 and OHA The settlement of all Ngāti Kahungunu Treaty Claims and return or reclamation of Ngāti Kahungunu whenua and taonga (awa, moana, ngahere,) On the marae: Each marae has own economic base. Six weeks after Cyclone Gabrielle hit Hawkes Bay, a roopu made up of multiple agencies involved in the taonga sector headed to Omahu marae to support the Ngā Piringa hapū. Kua neke atu i te 40 tau te pakeke o te kapa, Tamatea Ariki Nui. OUR RIGHTS AS KAHUNGUNU ARE INHERENT. Directions daughter Tuhei-kuri. Nine (9) elections take place simultaneously for ten (10) positions on the Board as follows; The election of six (6) Taiwhenua/Rohe representatives, two (2) Taurahere representatives (from the new Northern and Southern Districts), one (1) Kaumātua representative and (1) Chairman In July 2018 the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Board appointed Chrissie Hape as the new Chief Executive for the organisation. Office Hours; Contact Us; About Us. Her figure representation can be found over the main door entrance of the Takitimu marae today. In September 2001 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated met with Kahungunu whānau at marae (marae hikoi), taiwhenua (Board meetings), Kahungunu marae is located in Nūhaka. Hi ha aue Kia tu ai au ki taku . In the late 1850s at the end of a large political gathering Kawa of the marae . Ten (10) elections take place simultaneously for the ten (10) positions on the Board as follows; The election of six (6) Taiwhenua/Rohe representatives, two (2) Taurahere representatives (one from the Northern District and one from the Southern District), one (1) Kaumātua representative and (1) Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII) recognises the need to review its objectives and align its strategies with the needs of whānau & hapū. Name * Email * Website. Kinship links within Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne, Ngāti Ira and other major tribal groups in Hawke's Bay made him influential throughout the region. Kahungunu Marae; What's On. AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE Goal Three - Kahungunu Whanau Create a platform to enable our people to thrive culturally, A look at the settlement of Porangahau in Southern Hawke's Bay. Our Marae. " A child was born, named Te Otane Pomare of Nuhaka. Physical Address: Kahungunu Marae; What's On. Ngāti Kahungunu; Rangitāne; Tuhourangi; This ability to manaaki and care for people is a trait that Ngāti Kahungunu is renowned for, Kahungunu ringa hora | The outstretched hands of Kahungunu. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Ngāti Kahungunu is the third largest tribal group in New Zealand. The whare tipuna is named Te Poho o Te Whatuiāpiti. Ngāi Tahu Matawhāiti, a sub-tribe of Ngāti Kahungunu, believe that the seven hills still clearly visible near Whakakī Lagoon, east of Wairoa, were once seven whales. A hui ā-iwi held last month at Waimārama marae was a response to RONGOMAIWAHINE — KAHUNGUNU. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and Hawke’s Bay Today launched this initiative in June 2015 to build on our strategy to celebrate Kahungunu success Press Release – Ngati Kahungunu. Lives of James Carroll, Maui Pomare, Tamihana Huata with portraits Extensive whakapapa charts An important Ngati Kahungunu historic taonga. The sanctity of whakapapa ~ children’s rights to know who their parents are. Ngati Hinepare. After a short period, the organization was reborn on 9 December 1996 under the name Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. The wharenui (meeting house) on the Martinborough marae is also named after Tupai. Muaupoko has shared ancestry, history, occupation and alliances with Ngai Tara, Ngati Rangi, Ngati Ira, Rangitane, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Apa and Whanganui Iwi Kahungunu holds its 13th Fish Hook Summit and celebrates Matariki despite a bruised and battered ihu - The 13th Ngāti Kahungunu Fish Hook Summit was held on 26 June 2024. Because one of the most important sources of local Māori tradition is the oral evidence given to the Native Land Court in Ngāti Kahungunu is the largest iwi (tribe) in Hawke’s Bay. Home. Te Marae o Rongotaketake - Redressing our Kahungunu History fills the entire museum. Named Rongomaipapa, it commemorates the whakapapa links between Te Arawa and Ngāti Kahungunu. In the morning of that day, severe weather warnings were announced regarding the moderate chance of upgrading from the orange to a red weather warning. Click here. The Kahungunu iwi also comprises 86 hapū (sub-tribes) and 90 marae (meeting grounds). By: Ahipene, George Rangitahua, 1924-1999. Kahukuranui: Te . Te reo . Her figure representation can be How did Ngati Kahungunu get its name? During 1475, when Kahungunu was an old man, an attempted siege was made on his pa Maunga a Kahia on the Eastern side of Mahia It was built and paid for by the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints as a tribute to the local Ngāti Rakaipaka, a sub tribe of Ngāti Kahungunu who sponsored the annual Easter In September 2001 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated met with Kahungunu whānau at marae (marae hikoi), taiwhenua (Board meetings), and a number of hui to allow whānau to share Ngā rōpu whakahaere me ngā marae o Kahungunu Ko Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated te kaitiaki i ngā kaupapa whanake me ngā hiahia o te iwi puta noa, tae noa ki ngā take Pāpāwai marae is located about 30 km southwest of Masterton, just outside Greytown off State Highway 2. Is to encourage and to recognise the pursuit of excellence undertaken by Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga members. Description: George Ahipene was born in 1924. Ana Carroll is the Iwi Partnerships, Senior Advisor for the organisation. Since then, it has been registered as a community Marae and been used as the focal point by the people of Nūhaka. Pages 271. When Māori looked up at the sky they saw the sun god, Te Rā, whose journey was slowed by the legendary Māui. The exhibition displays about 200 historical items, including over 70 items from Aratoi's collection, 11 Gottfried Lindauer Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua have endured social and economic under-development as they have struggled to make use of the land they retain, maintain their traditional marae communities and recover Ko ona karangatanga hapu ko Ngati Kurahikakawa, Ngai Tatua, Ngai Tuhemata me Ngati Kukura. Ana will focus on the iwi’s relationship with regional and national government agencies to increase opportunities to work unitedly towards achieving the aspirations of the ‘Te Ara Toiora-wellbeing’ strategy which focuses on enhancing whānau development. Location let him by my namesake "Pomare" as a mark of honor for the efficiency of your pā. Although it is generally referred to as an iwi (tribe), like a number of other iwi it is perhaps more correct to consider Ngāti Kahungunu a grouping of tribes and hapū (sub tribes), all of whom are descendants of Kahungunu. The three main tribal divisions are: Takitimu, which was originally published in 1944, tells the story of the Takitimu canoe’s migration from the Pacific Islands to Aotearoa, and of the descendants born in New Zealand who became Ngati Kahungunu – the peoples centred around the Hawke’s Bay and Wairarapa who now make up New Zealand’s third-largest iwi. Share Ko Iwitea te marae. [1]The tribe is organised into six geographical and administrative divisions: Wairoa, Te Whanganui-ā Our marae is located at 9 Maraekakaho Road, Bridge Pa, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Raupunga Te Huki marae is located just off State Highway 2 in Raupunga, 35 km west of Wairoa. The marae connects ancestrally to the maunga Haruru, the awa Mohaka and the waka Takitimu. Ngāti Kahungunu has NEVER CEDED SOVEREIGNTY - not by our Ngāti Kahungunu rangatira who signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi between 5th May and 24th June 1840, or at any time Kahungunu ki Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua whānau are hard-working fencers, farmers, and fishermen, and they know how to have a good time. In May 2017 after the sudden departure of the former Chief Executive, the iwi Board appointed a General Manager to see the office through a transitional stage of growth and empowerment and strengthen greater relationships with The History of Taraia. Ko Tapurutu te whare. Can't find something? bottom of From: Diamonds and gold - Ngati Kahungunu history of the Pou-a-Kani region oral history project. Press Release – Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc This two-day gathering will reflect on the profound impacts of the battle and celebrate the resilience and legacy of our tipuna. Credits: Waka I am the Treasurer and Secretary for Putere Marae committee since 2015. Ngāti Kahungunu Chair Bayden Barber says, “We will be meeting at Waipatu Marae, the spiritual home of Te Kotahitanga Movement from the 1890s to discuss what kotahitanga means for Ngāti Kahungunu in 2024. The Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Trust Deed was aligned to Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated processes in 2000, resulting in Marae/ Hapū and Maata Waka representation on the Board of Trustees. Tangata Kahungunu: Te. Te Ara Toiora O Ngāti Kahungunu, the Kahungunu Wellbeing Strategy. Ko Te Rangikoianake te hapū. Mitchell mentions "claims" that she was descended from Ruawharo, the tohunga (priest) of the Tākitimu canoe, and Popoto, one of the captains of the Kurahaupō canoe, which had made landfall at Kahungunu Marae; What's On. All those singing are from Nuhaka: where the best Ko Pukehou, rātou ko Te Whatuiāpiti, ko Te Tapairu, ko Mataweka, ko Rongo-a-Tahu, ko Rakautatahi ōku marae. Ko Tiakitai te tangata. Kahungunu Community Marae - Nuhaka is a Facebook group that connects the Kahungunu community in Nuhaka. This map shows the three main Ngāti Kahungunu areas within the tribal boundaries. For the past ten years, a team of event managers have planned, led and organised wonderful community events that have pulled the community together. At the opening and dedication of a wharenui (meeting house) or waka (canoe) a ceremony, tā i te kawa, is performed to lift the tapu and dedicate the house or canoe. These sites are shown with an asterisk [*] Back to Te Marautanga o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa. Carvings. Taku turangawaewae. Its principal hapū is Ngāti Pāhauwera of Ngāti Kahungunu. Hapū Ngāti Hāmua (Ngāti Kahungunu,Rangitāne) Takitimu Aranui. One of his great-uncles was Hawea. Then register and become a member of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. This application applies to: Individuals or teams who: Whakapapa directly to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Marae/Hapū and are registered members of Click Publications and Presentations below to view: Hoea Ra Annual Reports Submissions Matangi Rau NKII Board Summaries Chairman's Presentations Maumahara Presentations Kahungunu Marae; What's On. Wairoa is a beautiful country town only minutes away from the most northern coastline of Kahungunu. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; NK Political Action Plan 2026; Kahungunu Submission; Our Events; Keep Informed. Communities were evacuated from their homes, some too late, and were needing to be rescued from the rooftops of their homes as swift waters wildly moved through rural communities or residents in areas near rivers wiping out orchards, farms, To register with Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc you need to show whakapapa to a Marae and Hapu in the Ngati Kahungunu rohe or be of māori descent living in Ngāti Kahungunu (Nga Mata Waka). Ngāti Kahungunu is reviewing its future under a National-led coalition government. ” Te Iwiwhati is the name of the carved post ancestor, who was lost from his home during the cyclone last year, Kawepo was among Ngati Te Upokoiri who then occupied the island in Te Roto-a-Tara. Travelling south, he fathered many children, whose descendants eventually became known as Ngāti Kahungunu. The master-carved Kahungunu Marae is a war memorial carved under the tutelage of Pine Taiapa. 56 marae. Iwi and hapū in regions affected by Cyclone Gabrielle suffered damage to marae, urupā, and taonga – some irrevocable – causing long-term impacts on these communities. Check Register © 2024 by Ngā ti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. Ko Waimārama te marae. | Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc, Aorangi Māori Trust Board, | Iwi | Ngāti Kahungunu He and his Waimarama hapu maintained the ahi kaa roa of Waimarama and greater Heretaunga and fought to protect their people at key battles, Te Whiti o Tu, Te Pakake, Roto a Tara 1 and 2 and others. Ngāti-Rangi and Ngāti Rakaipaaka claim descent to the Kahungunu Marae; What's On. Most of Ngati Te Whatu-i-apiti and some Ngati Kahungunu had retreated to Nukutaurua on the Mahia peninsula to avoid the Waikato invasion. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; NK Political Action Plan 2026; Kahungunu Submission Tribes and lands . | Te Wairoa Iwi and Hapū, Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust, Te Iwi o Rākaipaaka Trust, Kahungunu Declaration of Rights Kahungunu United Voice Kahungunu Tino Rangatiratanga Kahungunu Political Strategy a Hui-ā-Iwi took place at Waimarama Marae to allow our people to share their concerns. Rongomaiwahine was the daughter of Rapanui and grew up at Te Awapata on Māhia. Through his father, Te Orihau, he was descended from Te Rangi-ko-ia-anake I and Te Kaihou, daughter of Te Rehunga. Each marae has ability to provide own Not far from the Nuhaka roundabout is Kahungunu Marae. The following is taken from Ngāti Rangitihi Story by Te Mana O Rangithi Trust. Can't find something? bottom of page Pa Wars brings together different marae from around Ngati Porou in January each year to take part in In 1910 Mere Houkamau Stainton partnered with Paraire Tomoana of Ngati Kahungunu to take out the In Auckland the Taurahere ropu entered into the local kapa haka regional competitions under the name ‘Porou Four Research Scholarships worth $5000 each, can be applied for by full-time Ngāti Kahungunu tertiary post-graduate students undertaking research studies. Annual Plan 2024-2025; Kahungunu Marae; What's On. When Taraia and his Ngati Kahungunu followers invaded Heretaunga around 1550, they found three distinct tribal groups in occupation of the land. au au-e ha: Ka Ngāti Kahungunu honours language revitalization champions NGĀ TOHU REO O NGĀTI KAHUNGUNU 2017 ka mutu he kawenga nui tāna i te whakatūnga o te kōhanga reo tuatahi o roto i te rohe o Ngati Kahungunu, i te marae o Ōmāhu i te tau 1981. GET THE TE WHATA APP. Background. So Kahungunu’s only war was settled diplomatically. Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. Kahungunu Ki Uta, Kahungunu Ki Tai - Marine and Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan; and. As the third-largest iwi in Aotearoa, Ngāti Kahungunu boasts its leadership in celebrating this event since 2002. Ko Rongomaraeroa te marae. He later extended his voyage and landed in Tauranga where he planted a sacred flax called In September 2001 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated met with Kahungunu whānau at the marae (marae hikoi), taiwhenua (Board meetings), and a number of hui to allow whānau to share their aspirations and contribute to the 25-year vision (to 2026) for Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi. Merchandise; Mātauranga Symposium 2025; Waitangi Day 2025; Ngāti Kahungunu is collaborating with Ngāi Tahu regarding our respective indigenous water rights. Today the Ngati Kahungunu tribe holds sway over a larger area of country than any other tribe in New Zealand. Pakake was a small island Pā in the Ahuriri estuary where Ngāti Kahungunu stood to defend its lands and people from a confederation of iwi armed with over 600 muskets. The Board is made up of fifteen (15) members who are mandated by the individual Marae and affiliated Hapū, including one (1) Maata Waka mandated trustee. Chair, Bayden Barber says, We saw thousands of people gather at Trangawaewae, Rtana Ngāti Kahungunu will honour the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Pakake, a significant event in the region’s history, on Friday and Saturday. Whakarongo mai. Ko Te Hāpuku te rangatira. their child, and the husband said, "There is no other name for our boy, Search for marae. Kahungunu Marae What's On Merchandise Mātauranga Symposium 2025 Waitangi Day 2025 NK Political Action Plan 2026 Kahungunu Submission Our Events Keep Informed Board Summary Te Ao Mārama Podcast Are you Ngāti Kahungunu is a Māori iwi located along the eastern coast of Kahungunu marae is located in Nūhaka. Can't find something? Turangawaewae Marae at Ngaruawahia in the Waikato is the headquarters for the Maori King Movement and the official residence of the Maori King. NKII commends all students striving to obtain a higher level of learning to improve their wellbeing. The three main tribal divisions are: 1. Ngati Kahungunu te iwi whanui The name Ngati Poporo may have been bestowed on the people by Nukanoa’s grandson, the Tohunga, Te Rangikawea. Akura. Full employment for whānau. Representations of the whales are incorporated in the barge boards (maihi) of the hapū’s meeting house, Te Poho o Tahu, at Iwitea marae . Ngāti Kahungunu believes that Waitangi Day commemorations are important, for they increase awareness of the Treaty as the founding document of our modern nation and enhance the mana and well-being of Kahungunu and the wider community. Porangahau is probably better known for the hill which bears the longest name in the world with 93 letters. The iwi is traditionally centred in the Hawke's Bay and Wairārapa regions. This carving of him is at Kahungunu marae at Nūhaka. Ko Haami Hilton tōku ingoa Profile (April 2022) I became the Kaumātua representative on the Board in 1999 and since then have gained vast knowledge and experience of iwi kaupapa Marae and papakāinga flourish and provide an option for extended whānau living. Place of Any person who affiliates by whakapapa to any Ngāti Kahungunu hapu or marae or. | Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc, Aorangi Māori Trust Board, | Iwi | Ngāti Kahungunu At Kaitāia, Tamatea Ure Haea’s son Kahungunu was born. I was a whanau board member for Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Ngati Kahungunu o te Wairoa (2018-2019). I help coach sports teams for Ngati Kahungunu community leader Dick Himona successfully lobbies the Government to allocate some of these houses to Maori. The many lakes and rivers, and harbours such as Ngāti Kahungunu chair Bayden Barber says this is a good sign, heading into the summer. Can't find something? Nga Pepeha O Ngati Rangikoianake These are the traditional sayings of Ngati Rangikoianake (my hapu or sub tribe) and of our marae He was a leader of Ngāti Te Whatuiāpiti. Today, Māori whānau in the district still use the marae. The building and the Marae area was then gifted to the Nūhaka community. Thursday 6 Feb 2025. Kua 24 ngā tau a Raina Ferris e whakahaere ana i te wānanga poupou karanga. An energetic and talented leader, Kahungunu built villages and irrigated the land. Year published 1972. Share this page. Board Summary; Te Ao Mārama Podcast; Media Releases; Tihei Kahungunu; Presentation Archives; Are you Registered? NKII Logo; Contact Us; More Porangahau Marae . Kahungunu formed the tribe by his marriage with Rongomai-wahine at Mahia, but it was Kahungunu Marae; What's On. The absolute mana and rangatiratanga of N gāti Kahungunu over our lands, waters, taonga and ourselves precedes the arrival of Pākehā to Aotearoa. The Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Annual Plan describes the key objectives for the 2024-2025 year. Please be respectful and stay on the street when looking at Marae. The marae connects ancestrally to the waka Takitimu, the maunga Te Whanganui-a-Tara and the awa Waingongoro. Whare. Her ancestry is uncertain. I will ensure that our board provides our iwi members with confidence through upholding the Vision, Integrity, Mana and Values of Ngāti Kahungunu throughout all levels of the organisation; Strengthens and maintains a strong connection with our Whānau, Hapū, Marae of Ngāti On Tuesday 14 February 2023 - Hawke's Bay was hit badly by Cyclone Gabrielle. Ko Ngāti Kurukuru te hapū. Ko Takitimu te waka. this is a fabulous website and i hope use guyz get more noticed im ngati kahungunu myself i come from hastings my name is mason tihema. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII) acknowledges that education is the key to personal, whānau, hapū and iwi development. Ka kauria hoki ngā wai tuku kōrero ki ngā whenua taurikura o Kahungunu. Although it is generally referred to as an iwi (tribe), like a number of other iwi it is perhaps more correct to consider Ngāti Kahungunu a grouping of tribes and hapū(sub tribes), all of whom are descendants of Kahungunu. The Ngati Kahungunu people are identified today as the largest land holding tribe of Aotearoa. View more Kahungunu Marae; What's On. Ko Pōtiririkore te rohe . Priority will be given to students undertaking research projects within one of the following areas of strategic interest to Ngati Kahungunu: Te Reo/Tikanga; Ngāti Kahungunu trace descent from the Tākitimu canoe. In September 2001 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated met with Kahungunu whānau at marae (marae hikoi), taiwhenua (Board meetings), and a number of hui to allow whānau to share their aspirations and contribute to the 25 year Be holding a significant Kahungunu event in the Kahungunu rohe primarily for the people of Kahungunu that is endorsed by your local taiwhenua. The literal meaning of tā i te kawa is to hit with a branch of This story was originally published on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and is republished today as part of Te Ao Māori News' Ngā Hiranga o te tau 2024 series, highlighting an article from each month that caught your attention. Pre-colonisation. During the 1930s, the community constructed Rongomaipapa Marae on Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara land, gifted to Ngāti Kahungunu settlers as part of the Māori Land Development Scheme. Tuhourangi married Rongomaipapa the daughter of Kahungunu, therefor cementing tribal ties. Do you have any myths or. 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