Imo dcs pdf. 3 Direct CO 2 emissions measurement 17 3.
Imo dcs pdf 18/2021 Reg deadline for submission of emission data required by IMO-DCS Regulation and EU-MRV MEPC 70/18/Add. Furthermore, it provides guidance and instructions to ensure the correct implementation of the IMODCS scheme. Find out more here. The minor fractions of ethane, propane and butane may be considered as negligible. 2 SEEMP Part II: Fuel oil consumption data collection plan 16 3. 278(70) thof October 28 . 5. 1 All applicable Singapore-registered ships that are above 5000 gross tonnage are required to collect the data 2. 2 of MARPOL Annex VI to Clarify that a IMO-DCS Scheme. 3 Reporting and verification 17 The ships subject to the IMO DCS are required to develop a ship fuel oil consumption data collection plan (SEEMP Part II) according to IMO Resolution MEPC. regulation15 and 2. (CII) rating reflects the operational energy 3 THE IMO DCS 14 3. 1. 3 clarifying EEDI reporting requirements in regulation 22. Dissertation report on IMO-2020 wrt fuel compliance based on IMO DCS and EU-MRV reporting system for vessel compliance for getting Certificate of Compliance for Vessel. The IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database is a module on the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) platform to which Member States have access (Circular Letter No. Date of entry into force. Reference: Resolution No. 106-OMI-196-DGMM of February 27, 2018 adopted Resolution MEPC. For IMO DCS, verification of reported fuel oil consumption data is performed by DNVas Recognized Organization on behalf of the respective Flags. pdf), Text File (. 14 is replaced by the following: ʺ1. Verification of data for IMO DCS will be in accordance with the scope as specified in IMO MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 22A. 2 2. txt) or read online for free. 1 The Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan have been developed to assist with the preparation of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Referring to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 19, Applications 2. 4 issues related to the development and verification of the SEEMP and the issuance of the Statement of Compliance for CII reporting. The objective is to collect and analyze data on ships energy efficiency in order to make decision on what VIS_Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (. 5-page PDF All Statutory news. 4 Operational carbon intensity ratingmeans to assign a ranking label from among the 2. 278(70)), introduced the mandatory IMO Data Collection System (DCS). docx ANNEX 3 RESOLUTION MEPC. doc / . 2 Travelling distance and hours 17 3. 32, as follows: IMO Data Collection System (IMO DCS); . Which regulations have been adopted by IMO for the DCS? The IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) has adopted the following resolutions: management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, including means to keep the ships anonymised and to ensure the completeness of the database, in accordance with regulations 22A. 4 Operational carbon intensity rating means to assign a ranking label from among the IMO DCS Get detailed information on Monitoring and Reporting of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from International ship transport (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted the Global Data Collection System. These figures show the aggregated annual amount of each type of fuel that enhanced granularity in the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database (IMO DCS)) THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE, RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention The IMO, in alignment with global CO reduction objectives, has developed the IMO DCS. Regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI requires ships to col-lect and report data on their fuel consumption, starting from 1 January 2019. org 03/21 21061 WORLD HEADQUARTERS 1701 City Plaza Dr. It outlines 15 stages where reports are required including departure reports, sea reports, arrival reports, port IMO DCS, and therefore requested the Secretariat to proceed with the procurement of such data for future reporting on demand-based carbon intensity developments to the Committee (MEPC 79/15, paragraphs 6. 14 Fuel oil means any fuel delivered to and intended for use on board a ship. MEPC 79/15/Add. 1000000 OWNER/MANAGEMENT NAME 7 PAGE - Corrections factors for electrical related fuel consumption 𝐹 ß ç å Ü ß, boiler consumption 𝐹 â Ü ß å, and other related fuel consumption 𝐹 â çℎ å æ should not be used for periods where • Edit DCS monitoring format for each ship Preparation of Monitoring template . 963(23) (5 Dec 2003) IMO POLICIES AND PRACTICES RELATED TO THE REDUCTION OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS. 4. to the annual analysis of the fuel consumption data reported to the IMO DCS" 15 In this regard and further to the Secretariat's suggestions, set out in document ISWG-GHG 12/2, paragraph 34. 361(79) (adopted on 16 December 2022) AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNEX OF THE PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE For additional assistance with meeting IMO DCS requirements, please contact environmentalperformance@eagle. The ships subject to the IMO DCS must develop a ship fuel oil consumption data collection plan (SEEMP Part II). Download PDF Panama Maritime Authority has adopted IMO Resolution MEPC. If 2. The 80th session of the IMO Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (2023 IMO GHG Strategy), with enhanced reported to IMO DCS, m LNG_Net. TEC-1307 Date 13 September 2023 To whom it may concern At the 80th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), the Interim Guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27, and 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO-DCS and CII regulations) Resolution. Verification of SEEMP Parts II (MAPROL VI/26. 4. docx), PDF File (. Registered office: 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4BS, UK. 4 An operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) reference line is defined as a curve MEPC 78/17/Add. 1 The Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan have been developed to assist with the preparation of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management 2. 385(81) 1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its eighty-second session (30 September to 4 October 2024), approved the Guidance on the application of the amendments to appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI on SHIP OPERATIONAL CARBON INTENSITY PLAN Rev. 08126909) is a limited company registered in England and Wales. 385(81) 1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its eighty-second session (30 September to 4 October 2024), approved the Guidance on the application of the amendments to appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI on Finally, the Administration will submit aggregated data to the IMO, which will maintain an anonymized IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database. The plan consists of 4 sections to be completed, before it can be submitted: Ship particulars While you prepare the plan, you can generate and download a PDF-version of the plan. 11 and 22A. DCS (per fuel consumer and electric supply to the ship at berth) and accessibility of the data in the IMO Ship fuel consumption database (IMO DCS). 3827). 8 Consequently, following an open tender process, the Secretariat contracted UMAS IMO DCS & SEEMP Part 2. , Greece EnvService GmbH ICS VERIFICATION SERVICES SINGLE MEMBER P. Swiss Climate EcoCare, Germany VERIFAVIA (UK) LTD / VERIFAVIA SARL, France 2. 33 is inserted after existing paragraph 1. 1 https://edocs. As of January 1, Data on annual fuel consumption and carbon intensity trends of international shipping based on the IMO Data Collection System (DCS). 1 (E). The results will be available for PMA clients to download and incorporate into their enhanced SEEMP, as appropriate. 1 Fuel oil consumption 16 3. At this session at MEPC 81, measures already in force such as the Data Collection System for fuel oil consumption of ships (IMO DCS), Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Subsequently, KROHNE Marine has developed a certified and dedicated MRV & IMO DCS module for EcoMATE™ that assists in complying with emission reports correctly, easily, and effectively. 1/Circ. Circular Letter No. 1305 EU MRV & IMO DCS: New SEEMP Requirements, Roadmap and Related Aspects Date: 20th March 2018 Venue: Radisson Blu Ataşehir Time: 09:30 – 17:00 hrs Course Objectives To provide useful insight to all those involved in the implementation of the IMO requirements for Fuel Consumption Data Collection System (DCS) related to CO 2 Handling of IMO Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels -DCS and CII regulation No. The Verifier will conduct the verification services required for the IMO DCS related to: 1. IMO Data Collection System (DCS) Share: From 1st January 2019 ships of 5,000 GT and above need to have a Data Collection Plan (SEEMP Part II based on MEPC 282(70)) alongwith a Confirmation of Compliance onboard and collect the data as 2. 2. Please choose fuel type for each ships Please choose cargo type if you want to monitor EEOI (Voluntary) Note : For EU MRV applied Ships, the current EU MRV template is sufficient and hence it will not be displayed under IMO DCS Report Template enhanced granularity in the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database (IMO DCS)) Regulation 2 Definitions 1 Paragraph 1. Note that the approved plan will be available for download in . LR is an accredited third-party EU & UK MRV verifier and a Recognised Organisation (RO) for IMO DCS. 2 IMO DCS means the data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships referred to in regulation 28 and related provisions of MARPOL Annex VI. Resolution A. Title. SEEMP, IMO DCS and CII _ ClassNK - English - Free download as PDF File (. 1 Introduction 14 3. The move responded to a more ambitious 2015 EU regulation (2015/757) on Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of CO2 emissions. IMO DCS - DEADLINE 31 MAY 2020 - FIRST STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE SHALL BE ON BOARD May 2020 Relevant for owners, managers and flag states. maritime new reglementation n Committee (17 to 22 March 2024), approved unified interpretations to 2. Upon submission of data from your end, we carry out the necessary checks and verification procedures with the outcome of the issue of the respective certification required to be kept onboard and presented at any interested party (Port State The IMO approved a Data Collection System regulation in 2017 (MEPC 292(71)) requiring all ships to report fuel consumption, distance, and time at sea, which would be disclosed publicly on an anonymized, aggregate basis. : SRF (IMO DCS) Page 3of 3 SERVICE REQUEST FORM FO R IMO DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM AS PER MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation 22A Appendix 1 I. 4 A voyage adjustment deducts relevant fuel consumption, as well as the associated for compliance of IMO DCS Jan, 2020 ClassNK 1 2 • 配下船の登録 • Registration of detailed company data (EU MRV users can start from here) Initial Setting after Application Check “IMO DCS” Check “by using ClassNK MRV Portal” Input company information Check terms for As of January 1, 2019, owners must have a documented plan in place to monitor CO2 emissions. This guidance provides instructions for submitting various reports to the office of VIS according to EU MRV and IMO DCS requirements for data submission over the entire year. org I EU MRV and IMO DCS are mandatory regulations aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from merchant ships over 5,000 GT. Enroll to this course and familiarize yourself with the EU MRV and IMO DCS requirements, the method of collecting the fuel oil consumption data, the monitoring, communication, and verification system. 3827 Annex, page 9 I:\C_L\CL. 3 Direct CO 2 emissions measurement 17 3. docx " 1 3 1 Digitalization in Shipping in Lieu of Upcoming IMO DCS - Free download as Word Doc (. 352(78) CII Guidelines, G1) provide the possibility for the CO 2 Emission Conversion Factor (C f) to be obtained from the fuel oil supplier, supported by ENHANCED GRANULARITY IN THE IMO SHIP FUEL CONSUMPTION DATABASE (IMO DCS) AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION MEPC. ʺ 2 A new paragraph 1. 2 IMO DCS means the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database referred to in regulation 27 and related provisions of MARPOL Annex VI. 1 Correction Factor As described above, the most volatile components in the BOG, nitrogen and methane, evaporate first. 3 What is the timeline? 15 3. The DCS is the first step of the IMO In order to reduce shipping's impact on climate change, IMO has started in the early 2000s to consider technical and operational measures to improve the energy efficiency of ships. The EU’s 2015 MRV However, the IMO Data Collection System for ship fuel oil consumption data (IMO DCS), established in 2016 and similar to the EU MRV mechanism, has not been perceived as sufficient given the EU's 1st IMO GHG Study (31 March 2000) reported to MEPC 45 it is recommended to «Start working on how to design emission standards for new and possibly also for existing vessels”. SM-TIT-IMO DCS & EU MRV - Free download as PDF File (. , 2016. TEC-1307 Date 13 September 2023 To whom it may concern At the 80th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), the Interim Guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27, and 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO-DCS and CII regulations) The 2023 EU MRV and IMO DCS reporting period will soon come to an end, whilst the EU ETS regulations are coming into effect from the start of the new year. T. ANNEX VI . 2 To whom does it apply? 14 3. GHG Study 2020were inconsistent with those under IMO DCS, the results derived from the . 278(70) and provided guidance and instructions to ensure correct implementation of IMO Data Collection System (DCS) scheme. Unlike the EU MRV, the IMO DCS covers any maritime activity carried out by ships, including dredging, NOTING ALSO that the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy provides that the basket of candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures should take into account the well-to-wake GHG emissions of marine fuels as addressed in the LCA Guidelines, HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-first session, draft 2024 Guidelines on life cycle GHG for compliance of IMO DCS Data aggregation and reporting January, 2020 ClassNK 1 2 Confirmation of reported data First, please confirm if all voyage data in the reporting period are properly stored. 1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its seventy-eighth session, approved the Guidance for submission of data to the IMO Data Collection System of fuel oil Application and Contact “NK-SHIPS”users can apply ClassNK MRV Portal through the Web Service Portal. Handling of IMO Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels -DCS and CII regulation No. 3 of MARPOL Annex VI; and . By applying from Web Service Portal, you can easily use Portal for IMO DCS, because in case of NK classed Ships, auto-input of the ship/company details and identification of ships by NK-SHIPS database is available. docx 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing The Poseidon Principles, embraced by 80% of global ship finance, have aligned with the IMO’s net-zero emissions ambition by 2050, reflecting a commitment to climate action and transparency in maritime lending decisions. 8 Consequently, following an open tender process, the Secretariat contracted UMAS 2. Please go to “Monitoring –Voyage Data” What we offer. The Verifier will conduct the complete verification services required for the EU MRV, including issuance of the approval documentation and reporting. 2 The updated consolidated text of all existing unified interpretations to The SEEMP part II generator supports the generation of the IMO DCS monitoring plan – SEEMP part II. no. 9, 22A. 4 A voyage adjustment deducts relevant fuel consumption, as well as the associated mo-guidance-on-the-eu-mrv-regulation-and-the-imo-dcs-for-shipowners-and-operators-v1-0-201709. 4 and 6. Certificate of Registry, ISM DOC and SMC 2. pdf) or read online for free. docx Lloyd’s Register Class News 04/2023 | IMO publishes interim guidance on the calculations of biofuel carbon conversion factor (CF) for IMO DCS and CII calculations Lloyd’s Register Group Limited (Reg. View the list Subscribe to Technical and Ships (2023 IMO GHG Strategy) was adopted, reinforcing the levels of ambition for reducing GHG emissions from international shipping. Following documentation is to be submitted by the company at the time of review of SEEMP Part II 1. Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 4 An operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) reference line is defined as a curve IMO DCS regulations. alphamrn. management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, including means to keep the ships anonymised and to ensure the completeness of the database, in accordance with regulations 22A. MEPC. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 1 and 2. Applicability of Mid-term measures: it applies to all ships of 5,000 GT and above. In addition, amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, adopted in 2016, request ships to collect and report their fuel oil consumption data to the Administration or a Recognized Organization (RO) from the year 2019 (IMO DCS). AND 28 OF MARPOL ANNEX VI (DCS AND CII) 1 The 2022 Guidelines on operational carbon intensity indicators and the calculation methods (resolution MEPC. As we approach year-end, this news summarizes some important clarifications on the EU MRV, IMO DCS and EU ETS. IMO DCS regulations require companies to update their existing Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) to document the 2. 2, the IMO DCS is not applicable to ships not propelled by mechanical means as well as to platforms, including FPSOs and FSUs and drilling rigs, ENHANCED GRANULARITY IN THE IMO SHIP FUEL CONSUMPTION DATABASE (IMO DCS) AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION MEPC. 346(78) "2022 GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEEMP)" and SEEMP Part II should be confirmed by the Administration or an RO. For ships to which this regulation applies1 it Amendment of IMO's Guidelines for the development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials regarding Ship Recycling Convention (RESOLUTION MEPC. 1 Annex 3, page 1 I:\MEPC\79\MEPC 79-15-Add. 3827. While the expected entry into force date is 1 August 2025, it is encouraged to implement DCS reporting-related entries on 1 January 2025. 1 Annex 8, page 5 I:\MEPC\78\MEPC 78-17-Add. Piraeus 185 45 T: +30 211 888 1000 F: +30 211 888 1039 www. 293(71), the 2017 Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, including means to keep the ships anonymised and to ensure the completeness of the database, in accordance with regulations From calendar year 2019, each ship of 5,000 gross tonnage and above shall collect the data specified in appendix IX to this Annex, for that and each subsequent calendar year or portion Whether you have an existing EU MRV plan in place or are starting from a blank slate, ABS ofers compliance tools and solutions that help you meet IMO DCS requirements. two sources cannot be compared directly. We stay current by constantly evolving our ISWG-GHG 17 and MEPC 82 have continued developing “IMO Net-Zero Framework” as amendments to MARPOL Annex VI on legal implementation of IMO Mid-term measures for the purpose of incorporating into one single text and agreed following outstanding elements: 1. 3 For the purpose of these Guidelines, the definitions in MARPOL Annex VI, as amended, apply. 5). org/Final Documents/English/MEPC 70-18-ADD. IMO data collection system (DCS) The IMO data collection system requires ships above 5 000 gross ton nes to report consumption data for each type of fuel oil, hours underway and distance travelled , for all international voyages. 00 “SHIP NAME” / IMO No. 392(82) Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI (Designation of the Canadian Arctic and the Norwegian Sea as Emission Control Areas for IMO DCS, and therefore requested the Secretariat to proceed with the procurement of such data for future reporting on demand-based carbon intensity developments to the Committee (MEPC 79/15, paragraphs 6. 1 ADOPTS the 2017 Guidelines for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database (the 2017 Guidelines), as set out in the annex to the present resolution; 2 INVITES the Secretariat to take the annexed 2017 Guidelines into account when developing the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database, in accordance with the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Data Collection System (DCS) verification services for vessels registered in Panama. (70) by which the IMO has adopted the amendments to Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78. docx APPENDIX 2 GUIDANCE FOR NON-PARTIES TO MARPOL ANNEX VI As identified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of MEPC. s 18 of MARPOL Annex VI, in order to provide clarity concerning: For additional assistance with meeting IMO DCS requirements, please contact environmentalperformance@eagle. 385(81) 1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its eighty-second session (30 September to 4 October 2024), approved the Guidance on the application of the amendments to appendix IX of MARPOL Annex VI on The Committee approved, in principle, the summary of the fuel oil consumption data submitted to the IMO data collection system (DCS) for 2023. D. IMO Data Collection System (DCS) – FAQ What is the legal framework? The Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 22A on a data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships were adopted at MEPC70 on 28 October societies and other IMO- Recognized Organizations (“RO”)2 play in providing unbiased information to the industry and the mandatory regulation established by the IMO for the data collection and reporting of fuel oil consumption from ships, (the “IMO DCS”). 12; develop the draft MEPC circular to address non-Party ships submitting data to the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database; and EU MRV vs IMO DCS - Free download as PDF File (. GUIDANCE FOR SUBMISSION OF DATA TO THE IMO DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM OF FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION OF SHIPS FROM A STATE NOT PARTY TO MARPOL . 2) and III (MARPOL VI/26. 1. 2 IMO DCS means the data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships referred to in regulation 27 and related provisions of MARPOL Annex VI. Eu Mrv and Imo Dcs Requirements Bv Day Algeria 2018-04-25 - Free download as PDF File (. ENHANCED GRANULARITY IN THE IMO SHIP FUEL CONSUMPTION DATABASE (IMO DCS) AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION MEPC. I Spring, TX 77389 USA P 1-281-877-6000 I F 1-281-877-5976 ABS-WorldHQ@eagle. 3 A voyage period is a period of time where the ship meets the criteria to apply a voyage adjustment in these Guidelines. Fuel oil consumption data can only be submitted by the Administration, or an organization authorized by the See more In this regard, MEPC 71 adopted, by resolution MEPC. Report of fuel oil consumption data submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database in GISIS (Reporting year: 2021) Note by the Secretariat . com Title of Seminar: EU MRV & IMO DCS: New SEEMP Requirements, Roadmap and Related Aspects MEPC 78/17/Add. During the 70th. 4 The metrics indicating the average CO 2 emissions per transport work of a ship are Tackling climate change - cutting GHG emissions from ships and implementing the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy - “IMO net-zero framework”, life cycle GHG intensity (LCA) guidelines Energy efficiency of ships – adoption of 2024 Guidelines on SEEMP, 2022 fuel consumption data and 2019-2022 carbon intensity data implementation of the IMO DCS and to avoid any backlog that may delay the ship’s collection and reporting of data. 2 To ensure the comparability of the attained carbon intensity of international shipping through year 2023 to 2030 with the reference line, the following methods are applied to MEPC 70/18/Add. The correction factor for nitrogen content in reported to IMO DCS (ship particulars, capacity, fuel consumption and distance travelled) and subsequently translated into a rating from A to E (A=best, E=poor), where the required CII will get more stringent towards 2030, as shown in Figure 1. 1 The SEEMP and the IMO DCS 14 3. We will rely on such entities and mandatory regulations as explicitly identified and on Enhanced Level of Granularity in the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data Collection System (DCS) • Accessibility of IMO DCS Data • Standards for Shipboard Gasification of Waste Systems and Associated Amendments to Regulation 16 of MARPOL Annex VI • Revision of Regulation 13. 871 on Submission of data to the IMO data Appendix 1 ‐ LIST OF AUTHORISED EU MRV & IMO DCS VERIFIERS Classification Societies Verifiers non‐Classification Society Verifiers Dromon Bureau of Shipping, Cyprus EMICERT L. Since 2019, ships of 5,000 gross tonnes (GT) and above (which produce approximately 85% of the total CO2 emissions from international shipping) are required to collect consumption data for each type of 55, Kastoros Str. org I Form No. IMO DCS. C. 379(80)) 2023/11/27 SMD Handling of IMO Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels under IMO-DCS and CII regulation 2023/9/13 MGD as of 8 Nov 2024. These amendments entered into force on 1 March 2018. 3) 2. 2. For further details, please refer to the FAQs for MRV and FAQs for DCS. The IMO data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships is the first in a three-step process that also includes data analysis and determination whether further measures are needed to (Resolution MEPC. 12; develop the draft MEPC circular to address non-Party ships submitting data to the IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database; and -The IMO DCS data collected and verified annually, should enable further the Attained CII Calculation and the subsequent rating of the vessel (A-E), in line with the recently approved regulations. org) for further information. 2 Collection, reporting and verification of ship fuel oil consumption data Collection and verification of data . Through this authorisation granted by Panama, Verifavia will offer its IMO DCS and EU MRV verification services to the world’s largest ship registry – with over 8,000 registered vessels accounting to use the XML format should contact the Secretariat (dcs@imo. imo. jlzchcnpqvgknbqelzjtwhcmnfmqbpkebxobffltxd