Eve online set drones aggressive. See full list on wiki.
Eve online set drones aggressive Shouldn't these work like Mining Drones, with a command of 'Salvage Repeatedly'? Defensive is a better name for the behavior set. Mining with your drones out. 1(Purifier) engaged a Drake on a WH. Check one option will set the Drones agressive to the special targets of the option only. On other words they will attack anyone that starts red boxing you. And they will keep recharging shields in between. Jun 29, 2018 · Have them set their drone auto aggress off if they leave their drones out all the time. Once engaging the first ship, drones seem able to engage other ships, including ones that activated an offensive module before the drone was launched. Sentry drones may also come in handy for dealing with some of the longer-ranged NPC battleships. I like the idea but are there any tricks to get stuff to stick to shooting my ship rather than my drones because I’m doing lv2’s atm (don’t have the rep for 3’s) and at 1m per drone it’s getting expensive. Auto-targetting system for the same reason (and because locking 9 targets at a time means less wasted time targetting). It is a small change with a potential big effect on botting / AFK If drone aggressive setting was being abused, then remove drone aggressive setting. Since the last patch I've noticed that I have to hit the "F" key several times before drones actually engage (yes, aggressive is set, but I prefer telling the drones to attack which targets selectively). Apr 13, 2021 · When I go mining I bring a pair drones. You can switch between passive and aggressive mode in the middle of a fight, as many times as you want. So basically, while yes they are drones, the mechanics behind them are completely different. Seriously. Dec 9, 2020 · Even if you set the drones behavior to Aggressive, they will not attack even if they are being hit by NPC’s. Feb 11, 2010 · In the drone window, expand so you can see your drones in space. (I'm running Lvl 2 and 3 missions. Drones may SP are about 585k in drones, 550k in spaceship command and 150k in everything else. Keep an eye on agro, and pull your drones in if you lose it. No Threat. even if i had those drones or Noctis, i still plan on doing this mainly solo as i dont want to rely on a corp helping me or waiting In pve, you cant always take manual control of drones as you must have a target, serpentis and guristas being damps and jammers keep you from targeting and telling them to go after what you want them to I watch small drones target battleships 50kms and such when you have frigates webbing and scramming 3k away, I had a alt in a mission stuck in Yeah drones don't engage outside drone control range on aggressive. unlock asteroid, lock pirate, So it’s a time difference, and potentially the drones are unable to salvage certain types of wrecks if they’re too high of level for the drone tier or your skills. In pve, you cant always take manual control of drones as you must have a target, serpentis and guristas being damps and jammers keep you from targeting and telling them to go after what you want them to I watch small drones target battleships 50kms and such when you have frigates webbing and scramming 3k away, I had a alt in a mission stuck in Drones will attack whatever is targeting you IF you are targeted while they are deployed in aggressive mode. Click there and then target via one of many options (target icon, shortcut etc. Webbing your own drone seems like a good way to get it killed. Aggressive means your drones will attack anyone who aggresses you - as long as they are launched prior to the aggressive action. Feb 21, 2008 · A corp-mate just posted a corp mail pointing out the existence of the Drone Settings configuration window, and suggested that one could set the drones to use "focus fire". I have to manually select the other 4 drones individually to attack the target. What does that choice mean? The assisted member do not gain control of your drones. not just needed for ECM drones but increases drone control range for all drones. Apr 17, 2009 · When set to "aggressive", drones will engage a target that shoots them and targets that shoot you - if the player/npc locks you and takes an aggressive action AFTER the drones were launched into space. So one trick you can use is to use an MTU to draw in all the wrecks to a single spot, and then just orbit the MTU at 500 meters. ECM gives a chance to cause the targeted ship to lose all targets it has locked (with the exception of the jammer)…” [1]. It also would make sense for them to act in self defense since they are pretty autonomous allready. Passive mode requires me to target a ship Even set on 'Aggressive', Salvage Drones will turn idle even while in the middle of a field of wrecks. My suggestion is, shouldn’t salvage drone also obey the focus or not focus button Jun 20, 2019 · For anyone that’s dug into entity files you’ve likely noticed a stat on almost all NPCs called “Drone Tanking Modifier” and that for most, but critically not all, of the times it’s listed it is set to . In the upper left of your drone window is an "E" (three horizontal lines). (5) topleft of the drone window, you can set them to Aggressive or Passive. So a new behavior set more accurately called "Aggressive" could then be added. Just like with mobile drones, you can't order sentries to engage things that are more than (in your case) 20km from you. That's been fixed now. They only respond to ships actively shooting you or using offensive modules. When focus fire is off, drones will shoot whatever is shooting them first, whatever is shooting your other drones second, and whatever is shooting your your ship third. Choose your drone types wisely. Horray! Also don’t warp away, you’ll just lose your drones. I have to lock on the rat and then set each to Engage Target. eveuniversity. With a 'Fleet Assist' check box, if you are in a fleet with other ships that also have their drones out and set to aggressive (as well as have the 'Fleet Assist' option checked), all the drones will engage the aggressor. Edit: With the upcoming mining barge changes in the summer expansion, there is no reason for a procurer not to have a set of mining and a set of combat drones. (4) you can press SHIFT-R to recall them back into the bay. Aug 10, 2022 · Conformed that no matter how you select to attack it will only send one drone and the rest of the drones will auto aggro something. If your drones are set on aggressive, are not "assisting" someone, and have the "auto fire on", and have not been sent to attack something. “Drones will therefore no longer automatically attack NPCs when their behavior is set to aggressive and instead will rely on player-issued commands to initiate action against a designated target. If your drones are set to Passive, they will only engage targets you explicitly tell them to; after destroying that target they will return to an idle state until instructed to engage something else. If you are tying to do the lazy bit keep 4 mining drones and 1 Combat out to kill rats. When flying with drones a constant nuisance of them is to keep re-targeting them and plus guns. For casual fleets procurers are more than capable of providing defense against belt rats and are a small deterrent to gankers (as long as there is a juicier less tanked barge/exhumer in If you make drones only attack via the 'attack target' command, people will just fit ECM bursts, set drones to aggressive and orbit a drone at 500 meters (thus when a drone gets within 8km of any npc, that npc will be hit by the ECM burst making it a valid target and the drones will attack) Jan 22, 2019 · I’m thinking about a T2 or T3 Salvage drone which can be used in combat. Mostly it is NOT best to let the drones decide what to attack. This seems silly. you can set your drones to auto attack, when your in space a window will pop up that has all your drones listed that your ship is carrying. Had a red flashy show up on grid, a ganker, My drone leader attacks red flashy, all drones set to assist just sit back and twiddle their thumbs, so i try against to cast them off two more times on the same target, nothing. You must be in a fleet for this to work. Dec 3, 2017 · It gives attacking control to them, so that the drones will engage any target they shoot at, and allows one person to control the direction of the drones of up to an entire squad of ships. This is most useful with salvaging drones but has niche applications in PVP (e. Note that a feature/bug currently makes the drones shoots the assisted member if he uses weapons without target lock, e. Aggressive drones will retalitate whenever someone shoots you. But one can also select either "passive" or "agressive" drones, with "passive" as the default. Edited by: Omal Omal on 13/01/2010 14:42:26 Two options while drones are set to aggressive where there are sub trees: * Attack nearest drones * Attack nearest me If you follow the forums (or killboards) much lately you already know that setting your drones to aggressive when using one of the new depot or MTUs is a great way to unexpected PVP, but this is not about that. FOF missiles. I placed a bookmark in the can so it wouldn't poof, along with the Veldspar. Dec 8, 2020 · In addition to the Drone Assist problems people are reporting, it seems regular Agressive setting is also not working. They just orbit me. Mar 30, 2020 · A simple next step against botting and thus making time, activity and ISK in EVE more meaningful could be: Allow the auto aggressive attack mode of drones to function only against capsuleer ships / aka in PvP. I have set the safeties off and I've set drones to "aggressive" and "focus fire. If your drones are set to "Aggressive" (auto-attack anything that attacks you), focus fire makes them all shoot one enemy at a time. Drones will no longer automatically attack NPCs when their behavior is set to aggressive. If a rat shows up and starts shooting at me the drones attack him automatically drones set to aggressive and focus fire). This means that drone functionality will be exactly the same as before the patch with ‘Aggressive’ setting once again automatically attacking NPCs. How drone aggro works right now, it is easier to kill a BC or even a BS compared to fighting elite frigates at close range. Drake is all about the missiles. I then set the drone aggressive, launched it, and set it aggressive again just to be sure. Even though I understand the implications of the drones being essentially weapons. 1 Like Chan_aar (Chan'aar) October 22, 2019, 9:32am Hi all, Im areturning former eve player. This will impact those who have multiple wrecks and multiple drones. That's how AFK miners get into trouble - rats spawn and aggress them outside their drone control range. (3) you can grab drones from that window and drag them into space to "throw them out". Jan 6, 2021 · Salvage Drones aren’t really that good and often just a waste. If you follow the forums (or killboards) much lately you already know that setting your drones to aggressive when using one of the new depot or MTUs is a great way to unexpected PVP, but this is not about that. Yellow boxing you is not aggression, they need to actually do something. Rogue Salvage Sites (Cosmic Signature → Drone Beacon → Site Type) A Beacon that Rogue Drone use to mark wreck sites for later use or their salvage yards. Mining drones also work differently in that you send them to mine, or mine and repeat. Mar 3, 2018 · Either learn the drone keyboard shortcuts, or set some new ones that are easier to remember (I hate the defaults, I set my shortcuts back from before there were defaults and mine are way better. That is as intended. They will only aggress targets which attack you inside your drone control range. Aug 4, 2022 · Specifically, Hornet EC-300 drones. Drones are set to aggressive. Click that and ensure your drones are set to "aggressive". Aggressive drones will attack things of their own accord if the Defensive is a better name for the behavior set. Big guns vs small targets are no good and you have to watch your distance etc. Aug 23, 2021 · I’ve been doing some experiments with drones on the rats. Drone sniping. 7 . So I bought a couple of salvaging drones to see if that could hasten the process. Nov 26, 2020 · When the update hits, drones will no longer automatically attack enemy NPC’s but will need direct orders from a player before they engage the NPC. Or another NPC of the group aggros you after they are deployed. org Jan 28, 2019 · Passive means the drones will wait for instructions. ) Your Lasers, drones, railguns , missiles whatever will go after whatever you target the instant you start them. Before we dive into advanced drone strategies, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of drone operation in EVE Online. Jul 1, 2023 · Wrecks: Change Wreck Times to 3 hours decay, 2 hour auto Abandon. That said sometimes people prefer to have a set of warriors and a set of ECM instead of a mixed set if that is all the drone bay allows and drones aren't the primary damage. Drone speed and tracking is often stated as a reason to fly or not to fly a specific drone or race of drones. The Aggressive setting was done in an effort to allow them to automate the locking and killing of NPC Rats. All Drones: Engage: F All Drones: Return and Orbit: Shift-Alt-R All Drones: Return to Drone Bay: Shift-R Drone Settings: Toggle Aggressive/Passive (None) Drone Settings: Toggle Focus Fire (None) Launch Drones: Shift-F Reconnect To Lost Drones (None) All three options should set unchecked in standard, so Drones behave like now when set to passive mode. He can also launch his own drones. In my experience, they will not attack if launched after you are targeted. CCP changed it so aggressive drones don’t automatically engage someone that goes suspect shooting an MTU, which solved the issue. i dont have access to any advanced or different drones, i can only use light scout drones and medium. Drones are remote-controlled, AI-driven spacecraft that can be launched from a mothership to attack or defend against hostile targets. However in some situations I feel the need to switch my drones to aggressive. Jun 27, 2019 · Hi, I would guess that might have been thought of. See full list on wiki. Say drones are engaging a target at 40km. " In mixed sets you would try to go for fast drones on the mediums which would be valkkyries or infiltrators. this, but there is still the rare bug of them shooting different targets still, to solve that (until ccp does), just order them to attack a target and they should keep focusing fire until the bug happens again. For instance, I am being swarmed by a dozen frigates or rogue drones but my BC tank is enough to ignore them while I focus on other things. Oct 17, 2020 · Train Drone Durability, Drone Navigation, and any ship skills that increase drone HP. Make sure you are redboxed before launching drones. Sometimes in missions fighting serpentis I've been permadamped by frigates to the point where I have <10km targetting range and >30 second lock times on frigates. What happened to the drones aggressiveness settings? Missing now? Aggressive drones work based on you getting aggression. Yes they are set to aggressive. Drone sniping means using sentry drones to destroy enemies at long range (often outside the effective range of their For future reference (Or for anyone interested in how the drone assist mechanics are currently designed), the general rule is that combat drones will only consider characters that are personally legal targets for their owner when deciding to instigate an unforced attack. 1 confirms the drake dropped lock. Instead, each wreck needs to be targeted and the Drones explicitly ordered to Salvage it. This change would save a lot of micro management I have with drones at the moment All three options should set unchecked in standard, so Drones behave like now when set to passive mode. I do not use any drone mods besides a link augmentor atm, because many targets get eaten up faster than you can even lock them. When I shoot at something with turrets, my drones will NO LONGER automatically attack the same target. The result of the attack was the loss of a ship, and NO kill rights. (it's usually best if you have them all in a drone group, but not essential). We are making this change to ensure that NPC killing activities move closer towards attentive player interactions and rely much less on low or no Yeah drones don't engage outside drone control range on aggressive. ) - clicking these drones will cause them to deploy, clicking again will recall them and have them re-enter the bay. Drones could then actually act aggressively, attacking any legal target within control range, with the consequences this would entail. Nov 7, 2022 · Since last patch this setting appears gone. What this stat is actually doing is making drone boats do 30% less damage to all common rats. Jul 31, 2017 · I have been working on salvaging for quite some time now. I am using a Noctis fully set and rigged for salvaging and I can clean a lvl4 mission site pretty fast. Unless there is something that i’ve missed i can’t seem to change that. Oct 25, 2017 · No problem with tracking. Select first target, right click a drone->engage, Press 1 (next target) Move mouse down to next drone, right click ->engage, repeat. Oct 13, 2022 · Drones: Unless I’m missing it, there no longer seems to be a way to set drones to passive or aggressive. The BC/BS ignore my drones while the elite frigates will wreck my drones in 3 volleys. Let’s see if afk ratting would still be a thing if they won’t have any drones left. To get them started they need to detect a new red box, so if you change them to aggressive while already being attacked they won't do anything. They will aggress when something aggresses on you. Nov 7, 2019 · Greetings, I am busy in the Exploration career and am looking for recommendations on drones. Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. Vokan_Narkar (Vokan Narkar) December 4, 2017, 8:22am Granted drones without drone control range set to aggressive might be an issue, but even then you could only take advantage of this by having the enemy aggress you, which means there were within range, or they were within targeting range and were directed to attack, in which case it's no different than any other weapon. Mate nr. Use missile rigs and missile damage increasing mods (3) in the low slots. You can give orders to aggressive drones as if they were in passive mode, and your orders will override their own targets, but if you don't give orders to aggressive drones, they'll make their own orders up for themselves. Passive is pretty easy to understand, the don’t will wait for orders. Checking all three options are like the actual agressive mode. Eve Online has incredible depth of gameplaybut it's MUCH easier to get started in than you might imagine! Signup with my Recruit a Friend link to get bon Do drones no longer auto-attack? I was mining this morning, went AFK for a few minutes, and came back to find three pirates attacking, with my drones just orbiting my ship. Drones allow you to adjust damage type to your enemy weakspot. Why don’t they attack if I’m Sep 20, 2021 · At the end of 2020, EVE Online received an update that modified the behavior of drones - they now respond only to direct offensive actions by other players or drones controlled by them. On the other hand drones are destroyable and it takes time till they get to the target and back Target painters are the single most useful mod for increasing drone damage application. 2 - I am using Hornet EC-300 set to aggressive 3 - I have died, quickly due to not Drones will therefore no longer automatically attack NPCs when their behavior is set to aggressive and instead will rely on player-issued commands to initiate action against a designated target. But with high (max?) skills according to Eve-Uni all wrecks* are salvageable by t2 drones. It would need to be carefully balanced but- Once the targets shields are down this drone causes a certain amount of damage, armor and possibly hull until the armor is gone then hull. If your drones are set to Aggressive then the logic is a little more complex. you should also set them to "attack and follow" and "focus When set to "aggressive", drones will engage a target that shoots them and targets that shoot you - if the player/npc locks you and takes an aggressive action AFTER the drones were launched into space. Drones deployed after will have to be manually set to attack unless the NPCs switch aggro away and back to you. Drones ignore them and since the rats have already aggressed the drones continue to ignored them while they close in and kill the mining barge. They just sit idle. Train drone durability and drone navigation skills. The only way I have lost drones is if I get disconnected. Just use proper sized drones and all of them are more than fast enough and have high enough tracking speed to get the job done. The rats often shoot 7 volleys before they engage if I launch Jan 16, 2023 · Ever since i’ve started using Photon, which for the most part i do enjoy, i’ve had issues with drones seeming to always been on aggressive mode. One drone starts to take some aggro so I return the whole flight. I lock up targets, release drones (expand drone window to see them all). In the last 24 hours I’ve seen something 4 times that I’ve never seen-not even in a wormhole. Prioritize webbing frigs, as they will increase damage application to drones and slow their return to your drone bay. It's my firm belief that if you don't put a flight of EC-300s in your Astero's drone bay you might as well undock it and self-destruct right away. You lock up the small craft, kill them, and then let the drones focus fire on the BC/BS. The larger the drone, the less able they can apply their damage to smaller targets. You name it. I understand the settings themselves and typically have my drones set to passive in order to avoid unwanted aggression. In Lowsec the Dominix is notorious for being a ship solo pirates DO NOT want to tackle. Focus Fire should mean deployed drones always attack 1 target as a group In reality it's not always but usually. When focus fire is on, all the drones should attack the one target. This change would save a lot of micro management I have with drones at the moment Had a red flashy show up on grid, a ganker, My drone leader attacks red flashy, all drones set to assist just sit back and twiddle their thumbs, so i try against to cast them off two more times on the same target, nothing. I got it into my head that I needed sentry drones and trained accordingly, but now that I have Garde I drones I am thoroughly underwhelmed. Asteroid Watcher The best option I've found is to assign a hot key to "next target" (I set 1 as that since I use F1 F2 etc for modules). While doing missions I noticed NPCs are very aggressive vs drones, Trying my best to keep them alive but still losing drones regularly. But with the incoming T2 Salvage Drones, who knows? The way Drones will salvage is basically just auto-selecting the closest wreck to your ship. When the MTU was first introduced, this was a way that baiters got many kills, because aggressive drones attacked them when they shot an MTU. EBR-211823. In the last 24 hours, the rats have become so aggressive my Ishtar can’t carry enough T2 heavies to finish a site. When set to "aggressive", drones will engage a target that shoots them and targets that shoot you - if the player/npc locks you and takes an aggressive action AFTER the drones were launched into space. " They don't seem to want to attack on their own. killing frigates that only have a 3k-5k bounty, which means they are super-fragile and so sending 5 drones at them is overkill). It works great. Drones are same from 0 to 200 km. Nov 25, 2020 · "Drones will therefore no longer automatically attack NPCs when their behavior is set to aggressive and instead will rely on player-issued commands to initiate action against a designated target. Effectively I was using them to defend my ship against NPC's. . This was added during one of the rat AI passes to prevent what were at the time For future reference (Or for anyone interested in how the drone assist mechanics are currently designed), the general rule is that combat drones will only consider characters that are personally legal targets for their owner when deciding to instigate an unforced attack. So the support skills are pretty pathetic. Drones deployed before aggro will auto engage. I used Ctrl + Tab and see a drone window, but when I select to bring it forward, nothing happens. Click the three horizontal lines at the top left corner of your drone window. Drake targets him back etc. i would also still need to train in Ore Industrial to get the Noctis. thats useful but since i just started and im currently training Drones V, so 4 days to go. 1 "Drones that are set to aggressive will no longer perform automatic actions against a target if those actions would trigger a new Limited Engagement, unless explicitly instructed to engage that target. I verified that the drones were set to aggressive and also attack & follow. if a rat shows up and I do not have any drones out, when I launch my drones they don’t attack the rat. This is the description of the drones: Once launched and given the order to salvage Here's what happened: Mate nr. Select the drone, drones or drone group you want and then right click. Knowledgeminer (Knowledgeminer) June 30, 2018, 5:40am 6 Had a red flashy show up on grid, a ganker, My drone leader attacks red flashy, all drones set to assist just sit back and twiddle their thumbs, so i try against to cast them off two more times on the same target, nothing. I decloak my Falcon and ECM jam the Drake before he launched drones. As a result there have been several fights that have been impeded because drones switch off my target mid fight even if i’ve just given a command. Set your drones on aggressive and let them do their thing. Jan 15, 2022 · If you set your drones to assist a fleetmate, they will help the fleetmate and kill whoever he tries to kill. If you multi-box with either ship setting their drones to assist, you may be in the same position even if your drones are set to passive. I'm at 3. ) Keep an eye on your drones, recall them the instant they start taking damage and don’t launch them again until you get aggro back on your ship. T1 drones are vastly cheaper than the others and some consider that is a point in favor of them…to think of drones as almost expendable like ammo. Please fix this asap! Apr 26, 2018 · Hi CCP, I would like a change to the way salvage drones obey the drone presents in their window. Oct 20, 2020 · Hey tried out a drone boat (arberator ?) for the first time properly yesterday. It also has a chance, modified by one or more skills, to disable and retrieve a random module. But if not that would be a great idea. You should NOT rely on aggressive drones to protect you though, even from rats. Am i missing something Oct 27, 2018 · While it is true that this would auto-generate limited engagement timers (and thus the drones should do nothing if the safety is set to green), the ‘aggressive’ setting should result in the drones responding to a player who attacks their ship (or the ship the drones are assisting) if the attacker has a criminal timer. It's effectively unplayable without aggressive drones. Oct 21, 2019 · Personally I would prefer if they nerfed drones by getting rid of aggressive mode so you actually need to manage them rather than having the rats wipe them out. putting one of your webs and two of your drones onto one of your opponent's drones) and PVE (e. Quote: Drones on aggressive and not currently shooting something will attack the last ship that aggro'd you. However, if I wait until the rats come on grid, they will often not engage, not even if the drones themselves are attacked. Passive drones will only shoot when you tell them to. Instead, drones require the player to give them commands. *assuming drifter wrecks are as advanced as wrecks come, if not please correct. Jun 24, 2020 · The reasons for this is simple: Drones are like mini-turrets. Dec 6, 2023 · All drones should have the same speed, tracking, and damage multiplier at each tech level, with the potential that all faction drones might have more HP, ‘augmented’ drones do more damage, and tech 2 drones have higher stats overall, or whatever - but the only difference between Amarr, Minmatar, Caldari, and Galente drones should now be the Once engaging the first ship, drones seem able to engage other ships, including ones that activated an offensive module before the drone was launched. They will (should) still automatically attack an attacking player, but not NPCs. So I like to use drones, but about 80% of the time my drones don't automatically engage when I'm attacked by rats and such, they will be orbiting me non-engaged as I'm slowly dying cause I have to lock the target and manually engage the enemy. I've done that. Then somebody came up to loot the now concordukken'ed red flashys loot, I try again twice more to send them off, nothing. When my drones are out on aggressive by default they will engage the rats. It doesn't matter if I have them out in space at the time when I am attacked or if they come out later. More information can be found on EVE Online forums. Drones will keep firing even if you are jammed. Sometimes your drones will choose to ignore this setting -- usually clicking the other setting and then the intended setting will remind them who is in charge around here. Dominix can simply benefit from the built in bonus, and use small, medium, and large drones to counter tacklers. And tracking targets is an issue for them. – Gallente drones typically do more damage but are slower. 6, limited jumps into WH’s till my experience and expertise improves. Drones would respond to players shooting your MTU by returning fire, causing you to enter a limited engagement. These are focus, passive and aggressive. Why. Minmatar drones deal the least damage, but are the fastest. When it comes to drones, who is the jammer? Drones may be deployed in both passive and aggressive modes. 5 m SP and focusing on Gallente drones. I looked in this article, but didn't see my answer. However. Drones with these settings will also go after When you have your drones set to aggressive and you get attacked, they will automatically attack the aggressor. Passive/Aggressive is in there. The ‘Aggressive’ behavior setting of drones will now only cause drones to respond to direct offensive actions taken by another Capsuleer (player) or their controlled drones. 2m/s flight velocity on Large Drones. Your distance to the target has to be equal to or less than the drone control range for them to work; that's what drone control range is. Especially where all salvage drones will focus on one nearest wreck, when there are thousands to salvage. Passive is a needed feature for some combat situations, like avoiding certain mission triggers or shield/armor thresholds. Jun 28, 2017 · By selecting target and then pressing CTRL By holding CTRL and clicking the target By clicking the target and clicking the LOCK button By activating a module (hotkey or mouse) and then clicking the target I have an au… If you follow the forums (or killboards) much lately you already know that setting your drones to aggressive when using one of the new depot or MTUs is a great way to unexpected PVP, but this is not about that. So it's possible to mine, swith target to pirates and set drones on them while the mining lasers happily keep what they did. These sites are just drone clean up sites with Wrecks <Small/Medium/Large> Battlefield - Small/Medium/Large Wrecks Scattered in a 50km/100km range. 2) If I remain in drone control range, does my position matter in this scenario? B) Assuming the sentry drone can shoot farther than I can lock targets or can control the drone. I propose that an aggressive drone attacks anyone that attacks it or its mothership, regardless of when an offensive module was first activated or the drone was launched. Is it because my heavy launchers aren’t doing enough damage? My drones do 330 and I’m doing 70 May 25, 2018 · Emphasis on drones since they can be set on aggressive and require less multitasking. Hello again, I can finally use my new Salvage drones, but I'm having some trouble commanding them, after looking at some youtube vids I still cant find a way to just let them salvage one ship after another, is there a way to just let them salvage (your wrecks) in the area, or every wreck you locked, or do you have to assign every drone to a wreck again and again(and again and again and again)? Being webbed is very bad for drones, as they will take damage fast while taking much longer to return your ship. To my knowledge, drones don't respond to target locks if they're set to aggressive. My drone window has disappeared after Crucible update. This means that drones do not automatically attack NPC opponents, even when they are aggressive. I get the difference between Passive and Aggressive drone settings, but what does Focus Fire do? Does that setting make your drones attack whatever you attack? A) If the sentry drone is set to aggressive and I remain within the drone control range of it, at what distance it will keep acquiring targets and destroying them? A. ) Rubicon 1. Being on Aggressive is good for if you've been jammed and can't lock a target - as then the drones will attack things on their own but mostly - you want to target something if you can - and tell the drones which target to attack by right clicking on them and selecting Engage Target. Select 'Assist' from the menu and choose your fleet mate. If your drones are in space and set to aggressive, they should attack the moment you are red-boxed. One problem I think with that is, if they engage the drones, not the ship - they kill drones then they kill you If they are set to aggressive and focus fire, once either they, or you are aggressed, the rat gets owned. If you set drones to assist after he already started shooting, he needs to stop shooting and resume shooting. Nov 1, 2021 · It would be cool if there was an option in the drones menu to make your drones attack anything that attacks your drones. The focus fire setting applies to drones acting without direction (ie: in aggressive mode). I'm having trouble getting drones to aggress on their own when I am attacked. Oct 31, 2023 · Light Drones, especially the Shield Variants (Hornets, Warriors) are incredibly good against your opponents drones, not only are they fast, they tank on shield and are fast so you can pull them back in quickly when brawling and instantly put them out again to keep massacring opposing drones. g. online/aceface_skillpointsNews post It’s this. This means that when ratting you actually at least have to press your configured hotkey for your drones to attack. My Jita trade alt then stole the Veldspar. Dec 11, 2020 · The change to drone behavior made on 8 December has been reverted. Jan 6, 2010 · I purchased a Caldari Bantam mining frigate, a Hornet I light scout drone, and one piece of Veldspar Ore. When I get attacked I generally freeze up, panic and die miserably, just putting that out there. Nov 18, 2021 · Shouldn’t be the case anymore. you should be mining with 2 mining lasers, your 2 drones can handle most belt rat spawns. You don’t need to do anything at that point except watch local. If you are sensor damped and can’t target them, the drones can still attack them as long as they are in drone control range. May 2, 2011 · Working as intended. Sometimes your drones end up orbiting/following outside of their optimal range so their damage application is crappy and this can be fixed by webbing the target and/or increasing the drones optimal range through mods, skills and ship bonuses. Even if I manually select all drones only one goes to that target and the rest use their auto aggro. 1 - I am generally running data/relic in 0. But I wanted to see if I could up my game and make it even faster. I suspect that the drones really don't suck this much and I'm just not using them well. IE: Acolytes, ECM drones, Mixed drones, etc. Drones: Allow drone groups to be placed on the action keys (F1, F2, etc. This would make ratting in the drone regions in a big ship with drones alot more enjoyable, since the enemy drones like to engage your drones. Implement an automatic restriction As mentioned, drones set to aggressive will agress anyone that *initiates* an aggressive act against their owner - if you're alreading shooting the target before they're launched, you're fine, but if you aggress while the drones are out and idle (but set to aggressive) they will go after you. In PvP there is significant truth to this statement, however in PvE activities it is essentially a non-issue. The only time drones attack the NPC’s is that if their own ship is being aggressed. at the top left of the box there are 3 horizontal lines right click those and set the drones to aggressive. What happens if my drones are assisting him killing a target (let’s say A) and then I manually order the drones to engage same target A? Will they just kill A and the return to their default behavior of waiting for me to be attacked and engaging whoever attacks me? Dec 21, 2022 · Well you can set your drones to aggressive and they will kill a bunch of things as long as they are in drone control range. They’ve set drones to NOT automatically attack NPCs that attack a player when set to aggressive. Forcing a keyboard input for every drone attack instead of aggressive would also be pretty inconvenient. Having drones launched and set to aggressive is very important if you are engaging opponents who have jamming (ECM) capability. I discuss the Drone aggression update and why I don't like it. Nov 29, 2020 · [edit: as of dec11th patch notes have reverted to the old broken way][edit: as of dec8th patch notes have a note about this (see addendum)][edit: as of 03:30 Dec 20, 2023 · Also allow drone groups to be set in the simulation tab that are also saved. Because my setting was on Aggressive, my drones engaged a Player who attacked me unprovoked in High Sec. The Aggressive setting should mean that your drones respond independently to an active aggressive act on your ship Being targeted is a passive action, so they ignore that, otherwise 'aggressive' works as intended. This has been consistent with all ships that have drones in them. Because Domi can use all drones with bonuses, and doesn't cost whatever the hell you spent to get 8. But having them work properly is like a 1 in 10 chance. Nov 25, 2020 · In December, we will be modifying the ‘Aggressive’ behavior setting of drones, making them respond only to direct offensive actions taken by another Capsuleer (player) or their controlled drones. But there is a big problem. Apr 30, 2018 · -drone sharpshooting-advanced drone avionics. You need to manually select targets for them. Mar 31, 2018 · It’s all determined on either what you have shot at or what has shot you, depending on if you have set them to aggressive or defensive. It's a pain in the ass with aggressive drones that can eventually burn the frigates off. Overall the philosophy on what exact drone type to use varies a lot. It still makes it extra annoying when flying a mission to launch light drones for targeting small ships all the while targeting Now, there is a huge advantage to this build that makes it optimal for me - it can be done nearly AFK. I’ve read that “Electronic Countermeasures, also known as ECM or ‘jamming’. It gets really annoying when I have to hit the "F" key several times before the "Drones engaging blah blah" appears and the drones get to it.