Cameron county odyssey portal Oct. ” 1. Please contact the respective County Clerk's Office to request access and fee information. Forgot Password? Use of the Portal constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Please use the following guidelines when applying for an Assumed Name in Cameron County: Unincorporated Assumed Names may be filed in the County Clerk’s main office located in the Administration Building 835 E. 835 E Levee Building Brownsville, TX 78520. Expressway 83, San Benito, or at the location in Harlingen at 3320 W Cameron County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Cameron County Clerk Property records in Cameron County can be accessed through the County’s public portal at https://cameron. Court staff may be able to provide case information by phone but cannot provide legal advice. County Park Arroyo Colorado River Dec 5, 2024 · This system will be implemented in nearly every county by 2018. 12-9208) adopted on December 11, 2012, e-filing became mandatory in civil cases. Gov will allow attorneys and litigants to initiate new cases and file subsequent pleadings and documents online − anytime, anywhere − in a secure and cost-effective manner. Please sign in to continue Email. O. Nov 15, 2021 · These are the steps to creating an e-Discovery account with the Cameron County District Attorney's office. You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports. This gives you two columns starting at desktops and scaling to large desktops, with another two (equal widths) within the larger column. You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports. Public case and hearing information is available for general public viewing at no cost. Access to court documents, and elevated access by specific role is authorized through the County Clerk. To apply for the new Bexar County Portal, Agencies/Organizations will need to designate an Agency Account Coordinator, who will coordinate the User’s responsibilities of the application process, i. 713. Open records requests can also be submitted for information that is not already available on the public record county portal at https://cameron. You will then be Please call office of the Magistrate Court at 956-350-6900; 2024 Copyright Cameron County The Honorable Laura Perez-Reyes, the District Clerk of Cameron County, is pleased to provide our constituents with this website to search index books, view and purchase document records. The courthouse was built in 1912 and is located within the historic Dancy Building, which is known for its neoclassical style complete with mosaic tiling, terra cotta fixtures, and ornate glass dome. Two columns with two nested columns. 12 Mar: Temporary And Intermittent Road Delay of a Portion of State Hwy 4; March 13, 2025, from 12 p. Fully integrated courts ensure their case information and documents are complete and up-to-date in re:SearchTX. Cameron County Justice of the Peace Notice: This roster is not a comprehensive listing of all the inmates being held in the Cameron County Jail. -Judicial Building Brownsville Texas, 78520 Ph. Click here Version Options Court Records Copy FeesHeadlineOnline:In Person:By Mail:Recorded Court Hearings:Research Request: for more information on Odyssey Portal subscriptions. To sign up for e-discovery you must first create an Access to the Odyssey Portal. m. The Cameron County public portal can be used to access the electronic court records that it maintains. In terms of sheer volume, legal instruments constitute the major portion of paperwork flowing through the office, require the greatest amount of storage space, and usually take up a larger Dec 2, 2024 · THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO (Court) REQUIRES THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS USER AGREEMENT AND DISCLAIMER (Agreement) BEFORE USE OF THIS WEBSITE. Only Registered Users (e. MAIN MENU The Main Menu is located at the top of the Odyssey Navigator screen. Cameron County Clerk Portal Sylvia Garza-Perez, County Clerk. Odyssey Portal User Guide. Box 679003 Austin, TX 78767. This action will not close the program. More information and required documentation: Portal Registration Overview Form ; Registration and Modification Form 411 N 5th St Shelton WA 98584. All other users should skip to page 2 “How to Search for Court Records. Odyssey Portal is available on our home page under Case & Hearing Search. Odyssey Portal Registration A. Phone: (956) 544-0818 Cameron County End User Compliance Policy v7. By signing in, you accept that re:SearchTX is providing an unofficial copy of case index information and documents that were accepted in the eFiling system. McDonald, Jr. North St Chehalis, WA, 98532 360-748-9121. 6 Click this icon to expand or collapse the Odyssey screen to full-screen view. g. 6999 or 877. A web-based portal that provides immediate and secure access to a consolidated database of case information. For assistance please contact County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark or District Clerk Gloria A. registering online and signing the User Agreement Form, and submitting the required application documents to the County Clerk or District Clerk The County Clerk has the responsibility to collect fines and court costs of persons who have been convicted and ordered to pay fines. Searches for Thurston County superior court case and hearing information may be performed using the Odyssey Portal. Facebook Apr 5, 2022 · Note:Google Chrome is the recommended Internet browser for Odyssey Portal and will reduce issues with reCAPTCHA II. Together we can make a great, well-connected community! Community GIS DATA GIS data OF COOK COUNTY Accessing the Odyssey Portal for Justice Partners and Authorized Agencies Justice Partners and authorized agencies can access the Odyssey Portal with an internet connection, using a secure login. 2025 County Holidays. lick on “Register/Sign In Los Angeles County's official website, providing access to county services, information, and resources. Cameron County, Texas iJuror Login Please enter your six-digit Juror ID Number , your five-digit Electronic Signature , as shown on your Qualification Postcard or Summons form, and your Date of Birth below, then click the Login Button . Cameron Appraisal District - Official Website. Sonoma County Superior Court Odyssey Portal Guide for Attorneys 5 C. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer Hidalgo County Courthouse 100 North Closner. to 4 p. 5 days ago · Honorable Judge Arturo A. Cameron County iJuror Website Laura Perez-Reyes Cameron County District Clerk Trial by jury is a fundamental principle of our system of justice and a citizen's right to a trial by jury can be traced back to both the United States Constitution and the Texas Declaration of Independence. Grant, Rm. Some JP Courts also permit e-Filing. The Cameron County Tax Office also collects property taxes for all other taxing jurisdictions (school districts, cities and special districts) within Cameron County. us (956) 544-0848 974 East Harrison Street 2nd Floor Guide & File is a free online service available to help self-represented litigants and attorneys to prepare court documents online to file for certain case types. Answer online questions, working much like popular tax preparation software, to prepare the case filing and file with the clerk's office. The Portal is the public facing portion of Odyssey where users can go to search and view publicly available case information. Search Dallas County District Court, County Court at Law, and Probate Court upcoming civil, probate, and family hearings by location and hearing type, and by case number, party name, attorney name, attorney bar number, or judicial officer name. Vision: To continue providing building inspection and site development review services for all private and public development within the unincorporated areas of Cameron County . Odyssey Navigator Document Viewer Technical Assistance Contact Information Main (Reception) 972. Harrison St. Additionally, each local circuit court has a free public access terminal where you can look up case information for most cases (state and federal law require courts to protect some information). prodigycad. or March 14, 2025, from 12 a. Box 2178, Brownsville, Texas 78522-2178. You may also email the Clerk's Office with question. The purpose of this website is to better serve you, our customers, by using internet based technology and support. The recording fee is $36 for the 1st page and $4 for each additional page (per document). By subscribing to Okanogan County Superior Court Portal you will have access to non-confidential documents. District Clerk Court Records Inquiry: User ID: Password: Odyssey Public Access. The district court is divided into 103rd, 107th, 138th, 197th, 357th, 404th, 444th, 445th, and 448th District Court sub-section. tx. clerkrecords@franklincountywa. While not required, non-attorney filers are encouraged to file as well. They are located at 501 Camelot Drive, Harlingen, Texas 78550 and may be reached at (866) 286-8777. us cameronclerkexpunctions@co. Cameron County Court Records Odyssey. The county selected Odyssey because it was a complete system that allowed users to easily enter and access real-time information, while allowing other entities in the county Of all the various responsibilities assigned to the County Clerk , the recording of legal instruments is perhaps the most traditional and basic of duties. The roster lists people currently and within the last seven (7) days housed at the Cameron County Jails who have not been presented to the court, those who are awaiting bail or those who are serving sentences for violations of state and local statutes. Public Access does not require registration. Odyssey® eFileCA allows users to easily open court cases and e-file documents to a number of California courts anytime and from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Instructions: If this is the first time you have applied, please set up a user profile, with your name, email and phone number. Here we will provide an explanation on the Open Data we are sharing for our community, how to understand it, and for what you might use it. We must have a confidentiality agreement for each person requesting access to the Odyssey Portal. Martinez directly. -Must be 17 years of age or older and have a case pending before a Cameron or Willacy District Felony Court or a Cameron County Misdemeanor County Court at Law. Contact. That Cameron County's legal system currently handles over 15,890 cases a year is evidence of how far it has come. Within this platform, you have the capability to search court records using a variety of criteria, including name, record (case) number, and specific date ranges. 8499 (phone) Welcome! We're building your experience The Cameron County District and County Attorney and the Willacy County District and County Attorney will review all candidates to see if participation in a Diversion Court is possible. (956) 544-0855 Fax (956) 548-9542 . Edinburg, Texas 78539 Quick Links. Document copies available from 1900 to 2025 You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports. e. Vitals Statistics; Birth & Death Certificates; Acknowledgment of Paternity; Marriage Licenses; Military Discharge; Name Change Process; Cameron County Clerk Sign in to Cameron County with Enterprise login Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer Sign in to cameron. Levee St. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer County Clerk Portals Officials Records Search (Includes Property Records, Plats, Marriages, Foreclosures, Miscellaneous, Commissioners Court, Public Notice, Assumed Names, Marks & Brands) Public Access Portal -Official Public Search 1848-1912. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, or money order. Per the documentation, nesting is easy—just put a row of columns within an existing column. The Honorable Sylvia Garza-Perez, Cameron County Clerk, is pleased to provide our customers with this website to search our Historic Index Books, view and purchase document records. Learn how to access criminal, marriage, divorce, and property records from Cameron County Court. 874. tylertech. Vendor Portal . Registered access to Odyssey Portal is authorized and assigned through each County Clerk’s office B. With a crime rate of 3,771. us/. View the Odyssey portal users guide website. For employee internal job openings, please use the employee only job board. If you are a frequent user of court records, a fee-based subscription service Interactive ArcGIS map viewer for Cameron County, Texas. Travis County District Clerk Records Request P. countyclerkcriminalrequests@co. Beginning this year, EFileTexas. 16-003 as of June 6, 2016) that is not filed in compliance with this order. Click this icon to minimize Odyssey to the system tray. Randall County Secured Judicial Records: User ID: Password: Odyssey Public Access. In Cameron County, these dockets can be accessed by visiting the District Court’s website and clicking on the subheading of the individual district. The Main Menu allows the Agency Instruction for Requesting Elevated Access. Public Skagit County case documents can be viewed on the computer kiosks in the Clerk’s lobby during regular business hours at no charge. View the Odyssey Portal Technical Troubleshooting and Help Guide (PDF). Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Texas. By using this website, you acknowledge that you agree to the Terms And Conditions of this Agreement as described below. . This is an official request for a Vital Record from the Cameron County Clerk's Office. org 2. cloud/Portal/ For more information on using the justice information portal, please review the portal training video. Ector County District Clerk Ector County Courthouse 300 N. However, associated public documents are not viewable over the Cameron County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 - Place 1 835 E Levee Street, 2nd Floor Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: (956) 544-0857 Fax: (956) 548-9573. One or more fields was completed incorrectly: Password requirements, at least: eight characters; one special character; one uppercase character A Portal for Case Records & Documents Across Multiple Jurisdictions. Sign In. 3 rd Floor, Brownsville, San Benito location 1390 W. However, you may perform as many Searches as necessary to locate all the accounts you wish to pay the taxes, by using the Cart. The Tax Assessor-Collector is the constitutional office directed to assess and collect all ad valorem tax accounts as identified and valued by the Cameron Appraisal District. E-filing court documents significantly streamlines the case filing process and provides benefits to both the filer and the court. If you are a frequent user of court records, a fee-based subscription service Please update any bookmarks or other references to the new portal address at https://portal-txbexar. Completed Forms You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports. Integrated Courts Local courts can integrate their case managements systems with re:SearchTX. Make Online Reservation. Mar 11, 2025 · Cameron County Clerk Official Public Records. Tax Rates. It is open working hours from Monday through Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. The portal can be used to access court records, view court dockets, and obtain information on the court and its procedures. Attorney's can enter their login information and access the Odyssey website. to 4 a. Registration and document access fees are determined by and for each county 1. Court Staff: Oct 23, 2024 · Cameron Vick, left, was the first local attorney, and bar president, to submit an electronic filing at 3:02 p. Download the Odyssey Portal user Guide here. Registration Form. publicsearch. 301 Odessa, TX 79761 Phone: (432) 498-4290 : INFORMATION ON PUBLIC PORTAL ACCESS TO COURT RECORD INDEX AND IMAGES Introduction, Helpful Hints, Tips & Tricks (Click to view PowerPoint Slides from initial training. Sign In Sign in For more information please contact: IT Computer Center. Box 1010 * San Benito, Texas 78586 If you are a frequent user or frequent requester of court documents, we offer an annual fee-based Odyssey Portal subscription service to access public court documents. ADA This system will be implemented in nearly every county by 2018. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer ISLA BLANCA COUNTY PARK SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TEXAS. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer While Open Access allowed linking from MIDX directly into a case in Open Access; the Odyssey Attorney Portal has additional security that does not allow linking directly into a case in the Odyssey Attorney Portal. e-Filing is now mandatory for all attorneys filing civil, family, probate, or criminal cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, Courts of Appeals, and all district and county courts. This can include things like court records, police reports, or other documents. Adolph Thomae Jr. cookcounty clerkofcourt. 13. Odyssey Attorney Portal - The Odyssey Attorney Portal allows a registered attorney to view non-confidential and non-sealed case To record it through the mail, send the original document to the Cameron County Clerk’s Office P. Welcome to the Cameron County Clerk birth, death, and marriage certificate online ordering system. / Click these icons to minimize or maximize the Odyssey screen size. 2024 Copyright Cameron County Public Access Portal – Official Records; Property Land Records; Public Access Portals; Public Access Portals – Official Records – 1848 – 1912; Records Management; Vital Statistics. 9 per 100,000 residents, the county is an example of the need for a strong legal system. Use the dropdown menu to select “Property Records” and view information related to property ownership, value, and taxes. The Cameron County Emergency Communication Distict only provides addresses (address letters) to any rural property (outside city limits), City of Primera and City of Combes. Online requests will be processed during normal business hours, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Welcome to Odyssey Portal! Please click on the following links for more information. Attorneys of Record) with elevated access to Portal should Register and/or Sign In. The goal of our department is to assist all County departments in managing human resources, risk management and benefits program in the most efficient and cost Your Cart will automatically expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. 2021 Amistad Drive * P. Courts and clerks must not accept, file, docket any document filed by an attorney in a civil case (later adopted for Criminal cases as per Misc. Using the Portal The Portal Home page displays the following portlets, or features, available to the authenticated users: • Notifications: Announcements and notices from the Superior Court for users of the Portal • Smart Search: View Register of Actions for the retrieved case Asotin County 135 Second Street - Physical Address P. 1. cameron. Jan 9, 2025 · Below is a list of the current openings with Cameron County, Texas. Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. Pursuant to Supreme Court Order (Misc. Docket No. re:Search provides a more efficient way for attorneys, judges and other constituents to access the information they need — anytime, from any place, on any device. Share This. gov Public Skagit County case data can be viewed on the Odyssey Portal at no charge. Type the Odyssey Portal URL address into your browser: https://cccportal. 351 NW. You can use the Records Search portal or contact the District Clerk's Office or the District Attorney's Office. Please make checks payable to Cameron County Clerk. To ensure, first and foremost, the continued health and safety of all Cameron County residents through efficient and effective building inspection services. com to access and manage your property tax data online. On June 7, 2021, Bell County implemented a new Judicial Case Management Software System called Odyssey which provides an online portal for the public to use to search for case and hearing information. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer Active Cases held in any of the Collin County District, County Court at Law, including Probate, or Justice Courts. If you are the attorney of record confidential documents will be available to you! If you have an questions or concerns you should contact us at 509-422 Sign in to the Odyssey Portal – Registered Users Registration is not required to search court records. ) Jennifer Martin Ector County Clerk Ector County Courthouse 300 To register for Odyssey Portal access for Benton County, you will need to complete the portal master registration form and a portal confidentiality agreement. Main County Address. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. Our Community Use our community's public platform for exploring and downloading open data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important local issues. Sign in to Cameron County with Enterprise login Cameron County Public Portal. Historical Cases held in the Justice Courts that were active on or after May 4, 2009, for Precinct 1 and on or after August 3, 2009, for Precincts 2, 3-1, 3-2, & 4. Employees Only. Box 250 - Mailing Address Asotin, WA 99402 Phone: 509-243-2000 Contact Us. 974 E. Visit our portal to start your free search: Online Court Records Search Portal. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer View the Portal Modification Form (PDF). One or more fields was completed incorrectly: Password requirements, at least: eight characters; one special character; May 16, 2023 · The Cameron County District Court Portal is an online platform that provides access to information on the Cameron County District Court. The Cameron County Court Records Odyssey is an The Cameron County Courthouse is located in Brownsville, TX. 360-427-9670. Sign in to Cameron County with your Enterprise login. Deeds are also common requests, which are used to transfer ownership of property. 3770 (phone) 972. Additional information regarding the odyssey portal can be found at the Washington courts website. Criminal Fee Schedule 2020 Criminal Department Search Request Form. 966. Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts (Case Information Only) County and Probate Courts Felony and Misdemeanor ** Click here to watch a video on how to use the Dallas County Courts Portal ** Our court records portal offers comprehensive access to Chambers County court records, spanning across the District, County, and Justice of the Peace courts. 3777 (fax) Client Support 800. Click on the job title to learn more about the opening. Cameron County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 - Place 2 835 E Levee Street, 2nd Floor Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: (956) 544-0858 Fax: (956) 550-1467. This includes eFiling, Portal, and Enterprise Justice (Odyssey An outdated case management system led the Office of the Cameron County Clerk to implement the Odyssey court case management system, in addition to eSignatures and e-filing. Elections. xepldog xtajd xlsvdl rehq kgzxmi unjhze zjhk cevs mug ubnrm byexe uncid stvxs ugaks ulnj