Make recyclerview not clickable My bottom sheet was expanded to full height with recycler view in it; the bottom sheet was collapsing on user-drag, even though the first item in recycler view wasn't visible yet. getLayoutParams(). OnItemTouchListener instead worked for me. setClickable(false); or through xml android:clickable="true") I can't drag it to expand. Also – and this is not strictly programming-related advice – but I think Google's policy won't allow that. Place the TextViews side by side without any margin. 1. id. Clicking on the RecyclerView doesn't perform the click on the whole item. import android. But if you click the item immediately, it won't. Dec 30, 2014 · I have been making an app that uses a recycler view in a navigation drawer. Even when its height is not reduced and it isn't clickable then also click event goes under it and fire on RecycleView item. After a user scrolls, they cannot click on an item in a RecyclerView. ACTION_MOVE: rv. The problem is SwipeRefreshLayout does not show at all, and hence the data is not populated in recyclerview. 3. I tried everything. Aug 29, 2018 · For some reason the click event doesn't work for my RecyclerView despite the items appearing as normal. For example, as shown in the code, I gave Tittle a click feature, but I can't click right now. So now I made a 1st level recyclerView which is not clickable. OnNoteListener{ private List<String> data; public ExampleFragment(){ super(R. Sep 27, 2016 · When you have ListViews if you try to click on two items at the same time it does not allow you. My goal in this case is making only the fifth view in the Recyler-View clickable. How can I have the RecyclerView items which are visible only as clickable? Mar 5, 2018 · add android:clickable="false" to your Button because clickable enabled for button by default. arrayList = arrayList; this. The notes are showing up fine in the recyclerview but I cannot click them. recyclerview. If i touch anywhere outside from the RecyclerView area, the Ripple Effect occurs and i navigate to the other screen. Create an interface for getting the child recyclerview item click in the activity or fragment. Nov 16, 2015 · I make a simple custom list with the help of RecyclerView in android and i have done it, Different pic is use in custom list, I want to make image click able individually. 2. Solution : Here I will explain how to do it without an external library. If it is not clickable, click event goes through it and user click on RecycleView item underneath it. Sep 12, 2022 · (either through code binding. ActionDown itself which is not really a click so I ended making a custom MovementMethod Jan 30, 2015 · Implementing a RecyclerView. I would like to make the "title" and "some url" clickable but want to make description as non-clickable. I had a look online, but could not find what I need. RecyclerView. Commented Apr 19, 2020 at 22:35 Dec 6, 2021 · I have a layout with a view pager and consist of 2 fragments with recycler view The first four-row is clickable, but the other is not clickable, it's happen in tablet mode. I have RecyclerViews all over my app and only this one is not recycling. but i want to make it clickable so that it will open a new activity that will pass the Dec 27, 2016 · This will work: Use boolean variable and setting default value to false and change value on button click. OnItemTouchListener Apr 2, 2019 · I've tried making the ViewHolder's itemview as clickable programatically and in XML and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Ok I found it what is causing this. How to add multiple view in recycler view in android. I now want to make this nested RecyclerView clickable, not the items of it, but the whole view. But I found that my RecyclerView items is not clickable right after the scrolling. recycler); recyclerView. Is that so? Dec 26, 2016 · If you only have the issue after scrolling / flinging the RecyclerView, it's a known bug in the SupportLibrary. First of all, let me acknowledge @tim. setOnClickListener(new Mar 5, 2016 · Under MainActivity, Let’s create an inner class implementing RecyclerView. This makes the list view no longer clickable. I assume it has to be a custom effect. OnItemTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) { int action = e. 1, Simply try this one:-Implement View. Suggest me some tips. I was looking at the MainActivity XML. Tried to set every single View to clickable false. example_fragment); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super. View; Aug 16, 2016 · I am still not confident working with android and I have 2 problems here, I would like to make Multi level recyclerView with 3 levels. Even if the RecyclerView is not scrolling at all(e. 0. I have done the same thing for Activity and it works just fine but not in fragment. If it doesn't, you could switch to using a RelativeLayout, and make the first element a button with this selector as the background and fill_parent for its layout width and height. May 20, 2019 · I have a recyclerview inside SwipeRefreshLayout in a fragment. Instead of setting a click listener on the individual RecyclerView items, you can add the listener to the parent layout and prevent the click event from being consumed by the child views. The ads load fine, but the ads are not clickable. OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(View view, int position) { // do whatever } @Override public void onLongItemClick(View Apr 5, 2011 · I haven't tried it, but you can possibly set the LinearLayout's android:background to this selector, and set android:clickable to true and it'll work. I have another horizontal RecyclerView above NestedScrollView (which is obviously not part of NestedScrollView because its static and its not suppose to scroll vertically. Feb 7, 2022 · You can simple make one more interface and call it in nested adapter's onclick method. Its just When the RecyclerView is scrolled, the CardView disappears and reveals the whole list. ) I have a recycler view of cardviews, where each cardview contains a textview and a listview. I have an invisible LinearLayout LL1 in a fragment that I turn visible when a recylerView data is empty, that LL1 has a button on it. The view is definitely there as I can see the scroll shadows. For example, you can snap the firstVisibleItem of the RecyclerView as you must have seen in the play store application that the firstVisibleItem will be always completely visible when scrolling comes to the idle position. result_list); relative1. ViewHolder implements View. adapter Jun 10, 2015 · Each entry hosts another RecyclerView that is a list of images. But I can't make the button clickable. DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager(). 1. If I set offset to 1 if the scroll offset is 0, all items are clickable, however, this makes the swipe to refresh stop working. I need to set onClickListener for entire RecyclerView item but also allow to interact with ViewPager by swiping and those 2 Buttons. gradle file as shown below. has scrolled to the top). how can disable RecyclerView click listener but scroll working. Notice the extra space in the end of the first view for natural text alignment. Use method 3 above and use itemView. The issue is that items behind the CardView, which are not visible to the user, are also clickable. rl3_layout. Its really weird. Also, here's the truth: as long as you set the autoLink and the linksClickable, don't forget to add this at String. setClickable(false); (Yes, I tried to have the some_layout not clickable in XML. xml file so that the clickable link will work. SnapHelper is a helper class that helps in snapping any child view of the RecyclerView. Other general items in my RecyclerView are clickable as i implemented OnClickListener for th May 23, 2018 · public class RapportListAdapter extends RecyclerView. When I click on a star, I want to change its color. Let's say, I want to have buttons in the decoration view (for some reason. Android : How to make a RecyclerView not clickable and pass onClick event to parent view?To Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows tech develo Hi Im posting this after not finding any possible answer here. Jun 29, 2018 · I'll explain better, i have a recyclerView "FOOD" from which i add items to another recyclerView "NOTEBOOK" something like a waiter got note of what someone ordered. height =a; Sep 27, 2017 · I just upgraded to API 26 and support library 26. Another way to do this is to set it to: android:clickable="false" Here is the code to make a RadioButton that is red, that turns green when checked (in your code), but can not be checked by the user. getParent Apr 1, 2020 · I have implemented a recycler view where each row has images. Mar 9, 2022 · I have a RecyclerView placed within a ConstraintLayout. Basically I want the item to absorb the whole RecyclerView click event. addOnItemTouchListener( new RecyclerItemClickListener(context, recyclerView ,new RecyclerItemClickListener. To make card below recyclerView clickable I created RecyclerTouch event class and when clicked childView is null it means it is outside childs and open space and I give touch event to my card. Currently, if I click on the textview portion of the Each entry hosts another RecyclerView that is a list of images. ViewHolder> { private ArrayList<RapportStructure> mDataset; // Provide a reference to the views for each data item // Complex data items may need more than one view per item, and // you provide access to all the views for a data item in a view holder public static Oct 4, 2016 · RecyclerView with nested RecyclerView - make nested RecyclerView clickable as a whole view. so i have a recycler view that has inside 2 labels and an image. This works, the click is sent to the parent. Recyclerview and cardview dependency Add recyclerview in activity_main. Apr 3, 2015 · class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView private lateinit var viewAdapter: RecyclerView. I have used a WeakReference in the ViewHolder to eliminate a potential memory leak. Of course I can put a click listener on each of the items, but the white area between them remains unclickable. Apr 13, 2017 · I think you have not call filter class try with replace in ProductsByCatAdapter class. Sep 2, 2015 · Add this code in your activity, will set the height of your recycler view to the 90% of user's screen window. I have been trying to fix this for hours but in vain. I want make my like button clickable on recyclerview. See RecyclerView onClick. setOnClickListener(this). getAction(); switch (action) { case MotionEvent. ItemDecoration for it. Why the contents of the recycler view are not showing up. ). Modified 6 years, 7 months ago. Try this: In ItemViewHolder add a View object and set it to itemView:. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. some_layout, someLinearLayout, false); view. inflate(R. 1st level is categories RecyclerView, 2nd is ListView with list of exercises and 3rd level is details. Apr 17, 2019 · The RecyclerView items are not clickable, the only purpose is to show some data from a list. When i click the MaterialCardView, i must navigate to another screen. Aug 23, 2021 · binding. Any help highly appreciated! Mar 6, 2017 · How to make a RecyclerView not clickable and pass onClick event to parent view? 0. Be careful I mean click on just RecyclerView not RecyclerView's item. I inflate the layout with button, it draws properly. Thanks very much in advance! Edit: This is not the same problem as the one presented in the referenced topic. How to add long click listener on recyclerview adapter? Hot Network Questions Mar 24, 2016 · will make the button/checkbox be grayed-out, to show it is disabled. I am trying to make a notes app which will allows the user make simple notes and save it. Nov 7, 2021 · I have a recycler view inside of a refresh layout in my app and for some reason, only the first item is clickable if the recyclerview is at the very top, scroll offset = 0. I want to make it clickable so that on clicking a specific item in the list it takes you to a new activity. boolean touch = false; movieListRecyclerView. 0-alpha02) and Compose (1. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. OnItemTouchListener. I missed that you were inflating the first xml. This response could open a new page with more data, present a toast, remove an item, etc. setClickable(false); in the RecyclerView Adapter. g. And now onclick will work on your Cardview. setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod. Currently I am only able to focus the area surrounding the RecyclerView-items. getMetrics(displaymetrics); int a = (displaymetrics. Acti Mar 21, 2019 · I recently implemented a small RecyclerView setup and tried out the recyclerview-selection library. Dec 7, 2018 · I am working on recycle view and want to disable click event at position, position get from api, what i am trying : viewHolder. addOnItemTouchListener(new RecyclerView. So it will pass that data from adapter to the activity when you click any adapter items. id You don't need to use this code (t2. Is there a way to make the entire RecyclerView area clickable? I can't click on items in RecyclerView. I've never used ads, personally, but from the many questions I've seen here about them, Google is rabid about not having their ads blocked in the slightest way. onCreate Dec 26, 2019 · the above code displays the data from firebase being populated in recyclerview. For Interface. However, if i click on the RecyclerView, nothing happens. May 7, 2019 · I had similar issue: Maybe the solution to my problem will give you some ideas. Just add android:clickable="true" to the card layout and then add a ClickListener to the ChildViews. When I click on recyclerview it shows that i clicked but how I can do it for a specific item on recyclerview, especially like imageview. In the same way I gave deleteimage a click feature, but I can't click. Recyclerview allows that. i need when this recyclerView is clicked to navigate to second activity. SimpleOnItemTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) { // true: consume touch event // false: dispatch touch event return touch; } }); Oct 1, 2018 · I am pretty new to CSS, I have a simple case like the above. Then, my problem is that after the right_item is tapped, other items are clickable during delay(5000). If you wait for a second, it will work. I'm struggling to make the buttons clickable. d("recyclerView clicked");}); How I can set RecyclerView clickable even it has items on it. Step 1 - Create a class that you can reuse like this: I have a RecyclerView (with LinearLayoutManager) and a custom RecyclerView. How can I achieve that? Problem: setting the onClickListener for the main view of the nested RecyclerView does work, but only if I click outside the RecyclerView itself protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. Navigation Drawer Fragment:. Jul 15, 2017 · Hello I found an answer. my_activity); mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R. cardview). ViewHolder typically in conjunction with a RecyclerView. The above approach has some performance issues. setClickable(false); viewHolder. I have created new activities as destination for the clicks. Jul 25, 2017 · Extend RecyclerView and make onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) return false. my_recycler_view); // use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes // in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView mRecyclerView Dec 9, 2014 · thank you! for me, it worked, also I marked the properties for the linear layout as: android:clickable="true" android:focusable="true" and the button as you said : android:clickable="false" – dicarlomagnus Dec 20, 2017 · I am implementing Facebook Native Ads in RecyclerView. in that case use class in this SO and set it up like this: I made a tabview for my app and added recyclerview in one of the tabs it works properly but I cannot make it clickable. 0-beta02) have improved support and performance for Compose when used in RecyclerView thanks to the PoolingContainer library it uses. For RecyclerView if it has not any item, then click on RecyclerView works, but if it has items clicking on RecyclerView doesn't work. Is there any way to do that by applying some CSS on the span so that whatever inside that span, it is not clickable. I’ve also moved the code to the onBindViewHolder , but still no response to clicks. Sep 6, 2019 · Hmm, I'm not sure you're going to be able to do that easily. I have implemented AsyncTask to fetch data for recyclerview. I have card below RecyclerView and recyclerView has padding from left and I set clipToFading=false. OnItemTouchListener mScrollTouchListener = new RecyclerView. How can we make the RecyclerView to work like a ListView for when clicking? Jul 19, 2019 · SnapHelper. I think this happens because I programmatically inflate and add the views. Now when i click on inflated image it open the image. Data model Oct 31, 2019 · Silly question probably but i cant find why my RecyclerView not responding to clicks. Update: If you are using a RecyclerView. OnClickListener{ public ImageView mImageView; public TextView mTextView; //add here public View view; ItemsListAdapterListener mItemsListAdapterListener; public ItemViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView, ItemsListAdapterListener May 17, 2015 · this is how I handle multiple onClick events inside a recyclerView: Edit : Updated to include callbacks (as mentioned in other comments). recyclerView. Clickable on items in RecyclerView. What I want to happen is, When one of the notes in the recyclerview is clicked I want to start a new acitivty. I dont know what im doing wrong. Adapter<RapportListAdapter. Snippet of usage: RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(R. I have a list of items, each item contains a RecyclerView. ViewHolder. My requirement is to disable the click of image if we click the item row. Adapter, you can use a View. – CommonsWare. No need to dispose nor set the ViewCompositionStrategy. Mar 24, 2023 · Not sure what is causing this. The better Jan 8, 2021 · When displaying a list of data with RecyclerView, you may want to have a response when an item is clicked. When I click on the text I want to open new Activity with more details about the Schedule. Nov 14, 2015 · Your RecyclerView needs to be listed last within the DrawerLayout to have the correct z-ordering. For example: Lets say you are already touching on an item in a listview and during that time you try to touch another item it won't let you. Viewed 109 times Jul 30, 2018 · The assumption is that you have worked with the recyclerview(in Java) before and know how to create a recyclerview adapter. setOnClickListener line will make RecyclerView clickable itself and you are probably looking for click listener fired when any list item/child of RecyclerView will be clicked. RecyclerView differs a lot from a ListView. Right now when clicking on the RecyclerView it does nothing. How can I achieve that? Problem: setting the onClickListener for the main view of the nested RecyclerView does work, but only if I click outside the RecyclerView itself After scroll, recycler view items are not clickable and the issue is still open https: using onClickListener for recyclerView not working. Only Buttons and RecyclerView item Jun 24, 2022 · I want to make my RecyclerView item clickable, and after that show in DetailsActivity. The RecyclerView contains a list of Schedule objects. Mar 7, 2012 · In the above code, i tried to create a layout inside which i added a list view. Oct 1, 2020 · I have a very simple recyclerView as shown below in the code, The issue is that it does not respond to clicks (in this case it should just display a smiple snackbar), I’ve made sure that my cardView is set to clickable in the xml file. What I am trying to achieve is making the ConstraintLayout clickable and focusable, not the RecyclerView or it's items. (AOSP issue 66996774) Issuetracker ID 66996774 and also 69823266 because it's still not fixed in 27. I used realm database to save the users notes. Aug 19, 2015 · You should not make the RecyclerView clickable, but its cards. Main activity code : RecyclerView relative1 = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R. public ProductsByCatAdapter(Context context, List<Model> arrayList) { this. Jun 29, 2014 · Here is a better and less tightly coupled way to implement an OnClickListener for a RecyclerView. Adapter<*> private lateinit var viewManager: RecyclerView. Set clickable="false", focusable="false", focusableInTouchMode="false" in To achieve the behavior of disabling clicks on RecyclerView items while forwarding the click event to a parent view, you need to handle touch events correctly. Jan 20, 2018 · Making RecyclerView clickable not working. The second is a clickable view with text like "TERMS AND CONDITIONS". 0. xml where you removed the textview May 15, 2017 · I'd like to open a popup when RecyclerView is clicked (either one of the items or the background white area), but the usual setOnClickListener is not working. In Phone mode, everythi Mar 17, 2018 · This example shows how to implement the onClick listener for an item in your adapter, and getting the position of the clicked item. Jul 30, 2018 · Add recyclerview and cardview dependencies in app level build. 6. heightPixels*90)/100; recylcerView. We also need to make use of ClickListener interface in this inner class. Here's the code below: Jun 2, 2020 · I have RecyclerView which has 2 Buttons inside its item and also swipable ViewPager. below is may recycleView Adpter: Jul 1, 2021 · public class ExampleFragment extends Fragment implements CustomAdapter. layout. OnClickListener() interface to your class and then in your onCreate() method you could write findViewById(R. getInstance());) in order to make the link clickable. mFilteredList = arrayList; this. Apply this below ontouch listener to inner recycler which is may be in adapter of parent recycler. I have made my code like this to show Toast and Log, but no data is showing. I have tried android:background attribute to the RecyclerView itself and set it to "?android:selectableItemBackground" but it did not work. OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(View view, int position) { // do whatever Dec 13, 2019 · Basically, the function of clickListener of RecyclerView_items is. The version of MotionLayout that I'am using is 2. Like this : 1. The fix for me was to - also that programatically - set the inflated root view not clickable: View view = layoutInflater. I have to do this because, i am trying Dec 18, 2016 · There are some different ways to do it. Adapter {private Activity mActivity; private List<OfferShopModel> offerShopModels = new ArrayList Jan 21, 2020 · android:clickable="true" android:focusable="true" android:focusableInTouchMode="true" this atrr will make your layout(Top) click able and avoid click white space to bottom layout -- hope this help So I am trying to make my cards clickable and as they are clicked it opens a new activity (not implemented in the code below though), here is my code:. Nov 18, 2011 · The first is a non-clickable view with text like "I have read and agree to the ". Apr 8, 2021 · I faced the same problem, Don't know the actual cause of this but I found a working solution. The only thing I can think that is happening is that the Inflated view is completely filling out you custom view and when you click it, the Inflated LinearLayout is taking the click as opposed to your custom view. so you need to disable the clickable property for Button. Apr 24, 2015 · Oh. I have used 2 different adapters based on screen size Jul 30, 2015 · I want to make them clickable. my adapter code: Jun 19, 2015 · I am trying to add Ripple Effect to RecyclerView's item. : Sep 10, 2020 · I've added buttons into a a cardview and recyclerview. So far, the selection works fine but I also connected a click handler on the recyclerview items a Sep 6, 2017 · Check that you are actually clicking on the view you think you are clicking on. The problem is simply that the button is not clickable ! I tried setting the listener in different ways but still not working. When I touch an edit text inside that item's layout it is still clickable and will open the keyboard. The RV is in a fragment, i added an interface to the adapter and im implementing it to the fragment. context = context; pref = new SharedPref(context); // add below line getFilter(); } I have to make a replica of the following RecyclerView:. paetz whose post inspired me to set off to a journey of implementing my own sticky headers using ItemDecorations. Next, we create the model class containing username and phone. – Sep 10, 2020 · Everything is working fine except that views in RecyclerView are not clickable for a few secs after very quick scrolling from RecyclerView. Well I had certain issues with LinkMovement for example the click is triggered on MotionEvent. I am not sure what I have done wrong, as the app does not crash when it is run. Also in my app i'm able to add to the FOOD added to the NOTEBOOK some variants in other words i've added PIZZA to my NOTEBOOK and with variants i can add a child to PIZZA called A RecyclerView is not clickable -- the items in the RecyclerView are clickable. I want the entire cardview to be one clickable item. getDefaultDisplay(). . onCreate(savedInstanceState); //This is where we initialize the data. Currently, it is opening "under" the CoordinatorLayout , which is why you can't manipulate it by touch. Jul 26, 2016 · public class PracticeActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. I thought it was probably from some rendering issues because everytime scrolling up and down, the positions of views in RecyclerView are replaced too. Already tried to set the view as not clickable and not enabled in the view holder constructor but still with no luck. The user can click on one of the RecyclerView's items to make a call directly. i mean my recyclerView its still not clickable. Aug 19, 2022 · The modern approach to handling Item Click. After searching the web for a while I got hints (though I am not sure) that the header is not clickable at least by default. The first way is to do like this: RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(R. Same for the inner RecyclerView. You may be overlaying the view for which you are trying to suppress clicks with another view so, even if you disabled the view you are interested in, you will see clicks from the overlaying view. Below is the pic of my custom list: I want to make the like and dislike image clickable. setOnClickListener(view -> {Timber. You could implement the View. Oct 10, 2021 · The latest version of RecyclerView (1. public static class ItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Edit: Added parent RecyclerView adapter Aug 5, 2020 · First item in RecyclerView not clickable. However, now the RecyclerView is not scrollable anymore. Every time I click the buttons it's actually registering the recyclerview as being clicked. You need to create a Listener class which implements RecyclerView. activity_practice); setLayoutViews(); } private void setLayoutViews(){ // setting up messages list view RecyclerView mMessagesView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R. OnClickListener, then simply apply switch case and define the id of your text view in the case and pass the intent. view. Is this possible. What do I need to do to make the items clickable? Where is the problem? I can't click on the items in RecyclerView, that's the problem. That means setting OnClickListener has to be done differently! Here is how I do mine. Is it true? Is it possible to make the views in the header of my drawer clickable? Dec 8, 2016 · public class OffersRecycleViewAdapter extends RecyclerView. bs. Is there something wrong with my code? Or is something missing? I have searched Google and YouTube a lot that should use Firestore Adapter. OnClickListener on the RecyclerView. In RecyclerView, the onBindViewHolder gets called every time the ViewHolder is bounded. It will be a very long post, so brace yourself. wrong item click -> change image_resource; right item click -> change image_resource -> delay(5000)-> navigate to another fragment; Problem. LayoutManager private var locationArrayList = arrayListOf<Location>() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super. iin etzcn lkvk prp iucsxe ddcf ddby zcsk fwwbscccc guqmc