Swtor mastery vs power stats. 4% Crit vs 28 Bonus Damage.
Swtor mastery vs power stats 0, crit needs to be around 11-1200, alacrity at around 7-800, which makes arranging enhancements & augs pretty cut & dried because you'll have just the right amount of space for these numbers once in 216 Opt or 220 gear. TL;DR Power is never a bad stat since it has no DR at all Edit: I guess I didn't actually state it, but mastery has less crit and less power than the pure stat does. Mastery Primary attribute for all classes. Dec 22, 2015 · Though crit is better than power or mastery in a point by point basis, the crit relic is inferior to SA/FR relics due to the considerably smaller stat budget. Increases aptitude in combat. Any advice is helpful but please dont forget the Roatations. Assuming your you're a dps, accuracy definitely should be at 110% or around 1575 (I don't have exact number in front of me). Aug 23, 2019 · I know there is another thread to post this in but this needs to get max exposure in my opinion. All former primary attributes, Aim, Cunning, Strength, and Willpower, are now Mastery. They are currently way worse than their armortech equivalents, or even lower rated synth gear. Presence Increases the effectiveness of player's companions, their damage 16 power vs 41 mastery - level 1-49 crystals 41 power vs 41 crit rating - level 50 crystals I'm thinking 41 mastery would be better than 16 power because of the 25 point difference and the 41 crit would be better than 41 power because crit is usually better for DPS in general. By MrSchmo January 17, 2012 Dec 18, 2019 · The highest overall Relevant Stat is the Sund Tech Absorb with 1594, with the next closest being the InterroTek Shield at 1576. If you are unsure of how to balance the two stats, look for a 3:2 ratio for critical/alacrity early on and tweak with augments as needed. Secondary Stats # Power: Power increases the effectiveness of your attacks and heals. Power improves dealing damage or healing capabilities while upping the crit chances. 9k, otherwise the 600 get put in mastery. 1a Warning: No longer being Updated. If you had 15,000 Mastery, the formula would be 500 + (15,000 - 500) * 2%. Power increases the effectiveness […] Oct 22, 2015 · You could use more alacrity and less crit to use mastery augments, but then you will most likely hit DR on alacrity and be in the same situation where you are wasting stats. At this stage you already have a crapton of these stats without even specifically aiming for any of it. Critical. 5 vs mastery and 2629. choose your crit: this one is more complicated According to this dude on reddit the breakpoints for crit versus mastery --and only mastery-- are ~1800 for white damage and 2230 for yellow Feb 16, 2016 · I didn't see this reported, but the stats on rating 208 synthweaving gear seem bugged. May 12, 2017 · All Activity; Home ; English ; PvP ; Help me with Critical Rating vs Power Tbh, I feel like I have a basic understanding of stats and what stats are good, but that just comes from having played this game for so many years. Mastery gives . Kyovarde Posted December 26, 2015 Jun 25, 2016 · except power and crit are not in competition with each other anymore for room on your gear because crit is a tertiary stat now: there are only power mods (lethal) and all enhancements have power (adept for power/crit, quick savant for power/alacrity, initiative for power/accuracy are the ones to choose, the others have too much endurance over For a while I was under the false assumption that power was more useful than mastery, considering power just gives you damage while Mastery gives you both damage and Crit so you would expect the one that gives both to be less effective at giving damage than the one that only gives damage. the only thing high endurance stat allocation is good for, is jumping off cliffs and surviving the fall because you don't want to wait for an elevator for killing and deleting mobs in one hit, you want the crit and power from 326 thyrsian or 330 rakata. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW Store. 23 (at least for force power). See also [ ] Feb 14, 2017 · Each Mastery augment I replaced with Power gave me +2 Bonus Damage but l lost 0. And remaining stats go into Critical. Home Game News Store Forum Apr 11, 2018 · gearing dps for pvp in swtor 1. Power – Generic stat that increases the damage (and healing!) of all of your abilities, regardless of type. All gear will have all three primary stats. I took all the accuracy out because I mainly pvp and everywhere I read it still seems to be the case that taking that stat down to 101% is still fine. I'll write this stuff up again this weekend. Advanced Lethal Mod 43A ( So called, unoptimized mod) Stats: 169 Mastery, 121 Endurance, 73 Power. 78 (I assume you have the inquisitor buff active for an 8 man group). All Activity Power vs. Secondly: Concerning the secondary stats you want to choose power over mastery since it gives you a higher bonus to dps/healing than mastery. These comparisons were made with all class buffs so it does already include the 5% increase to Mastery buff. As a bare bones model, is has +60 Tech (that's it), as do all of the other CM purchased weapons. So basically, just gear for level 80 and let your level-sync stats be whatever they are going to be. Stats went from: Mastery: 1879 Endurance: 1842 Power: 760 Critical: 168 Alacrity: 168 Dec 12, 2011 · Rather, these stats bump up your character’s power stats, of which there are three. Power 2018. Stats: 141 Mastery, 110 Endurance, 121 Power. All these stats are showing *yellow*, meaning that they are below 99% of the content in this game is locked at lvl 70 which means power, mastery and endurance are capped. 0 I feel it would be an important follow-up to condense the Gray Helix Deflector Shield and Gray Helix Defense Shield into 1 item to avoid more confusion and Item refunds. Jul 12, 2017 · All Activity; Home ; English ; PvP ; Mastery or Power for massive damage in WZ. for optimal numbers for those stats look at old 5. Despite the difference, they are roughly equal in term of point effectiveness, and are both capped by level sync so you should prioritise accuracy, critical, and alacrity over mastery, power, and endurance. Apr 24, 2017 · Tank relics mainly give power and defense rating for the stats, and the procs aren't that great (ex: I believe reactive warding gives an absorb shield, but currently the various absorb shields, like VGs sonic rebounder, Guardian's Blade Barricade, Sage's Force Armor, and scoundrel's. ), but has more defense and tertiary stats than the lvl 75 optimized tank. I will give you an example: Advanced Lethal Mod 43 ( this is the best piece out there for 220 rating). First thing to understand is how stats on gear is set up. As such- tertiary stats (critical, alacrity, accuracy, shield, absorb) as well as defense are the only stats that matter on gear when you're bolstered. 4% Crit vs 28 Bonus Damage. however, once you get above ~45%, the diminishing returns Apr 20, 2022 · So i'm surprised nobody has theorycrafted or talked about what is the recommended relics nowdays for ranged classes like PT AP for example , i've seen people run nowdays with Serendipitous Assault ( power relic ) and Devastating Vengeance ( crit one ) and the mastery relic is taking the bench. So the only place where said items wor Aug 17, 2019 · Hello, i noticed that with every gear progression the biochemic stims becomes more less effective and we are now to a point where it seems to me, that the devs wanted these stims made meaningless. The amount of Force Power or Tech Power on the item is tied to its Rating, not your Power or Mastery stats. 23 and mastery was 0. So what's wrong? E Apr 10, 2017 · Continuing Bant's good work, I have taken on updating his spreadsheet. Or if you use stims that grant Mastery then you’ll see a temporary increase in your Critical Chance. Unless you plan to get into NiM progression raiding - a LONG ways off if you are just getting started - optimization is not THAT important; the accuracy piece is important other Nov 27, 2019 · When he enters ops or fp, he gains over 2k power from buff and has absolutely same health, power and mastery as a tank that has optimized set for lvl 75 content (lethal mods, 431 enhancements etc. While you are levelling, you can try to maintain those basic ratios - for example, if you've got say 90% Accuracy, you can try to get around 30% Critical, or so. 0”. Feb 18, 2022 · Primary Stats # Endurance: Affects player health and determines the amount of damage a player can receive during combat, without being healed, before dying. May 7, 2014 · My opinion: Regarding Healers: Same as above, at low levels i'd go with Power, but crit isn't bad either. Store; More . Presence: 68 You get 2 great stats from one! My stats were great: 45% crit, 75% surge, and 1500 power. So if A power augment gives 4. Bioware has mentioned possibly allowing accuracy and alacrity to be uncapped but nothing yet. most of your augments should be crit in order to get it above 40% with the rest alacrity and maybe a couple power or mastery. Honestly if you are just getting into running operations do not worry so much about total optimization. Power at around 4k, amstery around 9k ish so all point above that are wasted and do absolutely nothing. 5%) or should I switch to Mastery ? If I stack crit, I hit 3. To answer more specifically the 42 mods are better than the 43a mods but the difference is about 1-2 percent in favor of the 42 mods. Is Jul 15, 2019 · Mastery: Improving your ‘main stat’ of Mastery also boosts your critical chance. Jan 17, 2012 · SWTOR. - full mastery augments and crystals: It'll put you at 2441 Crit and 8590 Mastery in full BiS gear. The character was in 306 gear (and obviously didn't change gear in the few seconds it took to level up). Stats depend on what spec of commando you play, as every spec of commando is actually different. Where as secondary stats like Crit, alacrity, accuracy, etc, are not capped at lvl 70 like mastery, power and endurance. Power: Similarly, there is an 81 point difference for the stim. 0 power vs willpower was equal because the crit given by willpower was the equivalent of the extra damage on power. So a gold augment is a bigger upgrade then 340 to 344, but you do get a substantial amount of power and mastery from the jump. Jul 2, 2017 · Trying out different alacrity values is easy, just drop your Mastery (Versatile) Augments for alacrity and try different levels. Attributes, aka stats, are the characteristics that affect character combat effectiveness. Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 3 of 3 The crit cutoffs are actually 2538. aka bigger hits and heals all the time. I took the Liberty of calculating it and here is what I found: Total Datacrons that Boost Stats (Bind to Legacy): #85. For example on Dromund Kaas, the CAP (or "soft cap") might be 500 Mastery and PERCENT might be 2%. Mar 11, 2016 · For the dps gear (Mastery/Power), the tertiiary stat (after Mastery and Power) will either be crit, alacrity, or accuracy. Critical 0 Jan 12, 2016 · So, I've read that my tank (Immortal Jugg) should be prioritizing Defense -> Shield -> Absorb (can you confirm this is right?). If needed please delay 6. So, what stats should I run? I kinda focus on power/alacrity/mastery in no particular order though obviously mastery is on everything. In capped, Sund Tech Absorb still has the highest amount of tertiary stat so it remains BiS. 6% crit change against roughly 7 points of bonus healing (which accounts for a change of again 0. Not sure if that's because mastery works differently on tanks or because the rest of your gear has enough mastery already (vs power which tanks are low on) and needs the extra boost. Power increases bonus damage and bonus healing. I think these two stats were combined with the mastery stat switch to just "mastery. Generally, at end-game, you'll want 110% Accuracy, ~40%Critical and some Alacrity. We both arrive at 5372 Mastery, fully buffed. Abstract: The goal is to find the set of Character Stats that would yield the best expected DPS/HPS/DtPS for any Feb 7, 2023 · How much Crit do I need for Advanced Prototype PowerTech? Why does Madness need more Alacrity than Lightning Sorceror? Do I need Accuracy for Arsenal Mercena Aug 1, 2017 · Also, I need some advice on stats, how much accuracy--alacrity--mastery power and critical. Zakuulan Silk Force Expert's Lower Robe (Synth) Rating 208 Mastery 136 Endurance 155 Accuracy 66 Power 69 vs. Jul 12, 2017 · neither. However, very few guides tell you the total Stats for collecting all the Datacrons that boost stats. So, which would be the better choice between Mastery and Power as your Crystal options? Oct 30, 2021 · mastery from my understanding adds to all stats, dps, defence, crit chances/crit damage, ala something skill that makes your cooldown on skills shorter. I have 190 kit and this was May 7, 2016 · The math on Mastery vs Power is that Power has a minuscule edge. Secondary Stats # Power: Power increases the effectiveness of your attacks and May 7, 2023 · Just checked something. I will update this post shortly. Thanks. Unless you are playing Dxun or the 3 new fps, but even those dont really need it (dxun does). Power is an attribute that increases the strength of all damage and healing abilities. At 55, you can use a little crit if you like, since the gain in crit chance is higher than the gain in bonus healing from power (again +0. when it comes to healing ops with another sage, depending on how the player is geared then you will have no problems healing. 8 vs power for DPS, and 3016. Nov 5, 2015 · Mastery augs are relatively worthless, as are power (overkill) augs now. But unlike power, if you enter an operation with less mastery than it is capped to in that level of content, you will only have the mastery you have equipped. 10 added to your crit chance [thats '. Both were level 60, downscaled to level 52. Bant used 3 targets for his calculations so I May 25, 2013 · Sorry but in 2. 2. Currently I am running with 1550 alacrity, 7500 Mastery, 1850 crit and 4000 power. 0+ storyline, Spirits of Vengeance Flashpoint, and Ranked PvP) Jul 1, 2021 · About Power Power, a secondary stat, is primarily relevant to healing and DPS classes. As for the stats priority, currently critical and alacrity surpasses power/mastery by a fair margin so you should equip critical on crystals and a mix of alacrity/critical on enhs and augments. Jun 29, 2020 · But if you play a mix of capped pve content, then stacking all mastery augs will be a waste of stats in that content. But where does Mastery fit in this? I know I'm after "Bulkwark" kit, and last night in a Hard Mode FP loads of "Pummeller" kit dropped. maybe) i have stacked power on it and it only has the base stats, power and alacrity. Oct 26, 2015 · Assuming Focused Retribution (mastery) will your first slotted relic, that leaves Serendipitous Assault (power) vs Devastating Vengeance (crit) as your 2nd option. Dec 29, 2020 · Mastery increase both damage/healing and crit, while power increase only damage/healing. Right now the Gray Helix Deflector Shield gives Tech Power, while the Gray Helix Defense Shield gives Force Power. com forum post by Bant that you can use to figure out your gear. Imperial Agent’s Coordination buff). I typically don't ever augment Power, but rather Mastery since it affects crit chance, which indirectly effects bonus damage. Thank you for your patience! × Mar 15, 2017 · I'm under the impression there isn't a large agreement on specific numbers for stats in 5. By and large, non-end game PVE content is easy but there are a number of challenging fights you run into in story and open world quests. I noticed with the latest patch that some Crystals now grant Mastery instead of Prestige. Defense: Increases the chance that you avoid an attack, though this depends on attack type and some damage cannot be defended. Jul 10, 2020 · * Your Power is *set* to a specific value depending on the area you are in. At high end gearing, primary stats will give ~0. But there really isn't a "better", Power gives you more raw damage and Mastery gives you a little bit of Crit. Because of the formula changes in 4. You can help Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki by expanding it. 0 we knew diminishing returns for crit began after 40%, so we stayed roughly 39/69 or 40/70. Apr 23, 2022 · false. Long answer: Critical, Alacrity and Accuracy are considered tertiary stats and power is a secondary. Likewise taking an A or B mod with higher mastery or higher endurance etc your stats will be the same when bolstered it makes no difference. I'm not sure how to take force/tech into account, but something tells me that taking out the weapon damage isn't correct. 0 launches. Sund Tech Absorb is 12 Endurance vs. That means there are very few times when you can make an even switch between power and crit. 005% crit chance per point. In most cases, healers and DPS will have a larger pool of Power than tank classes. This needs to be fixed before 6. Jan 23, 2019 · Anyone know what the biggest hits I should expect to deal using Bolster? The most I’ve been able to crit is 23k in a match and can’t crack 17k at the training dummy. Mastery is an attribute that increases the aptitude in combat, including damage, critical chances and healing effectiveness, and was introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire. Roles; SWTOR. May 6, 2019 · Mastery and power will essentially be gotten from the base stats of the armor** and/or mods you pick. 0 Power is the main stat of every class without any mainstat boost in one of their trees. * Your other stats are not affected. Dec 16, 2020 · The three stats Datacrons boost are Mastery, Endurance and Power. 2 bonus damage per point while power gives . Tech of a level 70 Medicine Operative with 6,792 base Mastery, 4,525 Power, I'm a tank and I run a power crystal because at high gearing 41 endurance is nothing but tanks dont get much power, so adding to power (a Stat with no diminishing returns) helps maintain threat over dps and helps groups pass dps checks May 30, 2022 · In addition to Mastery, Endurance, and Power, all tertiary stats are also soft capped. You get a lot of mastery and power anyway. 3k (42. Scroll down to the item level you have or are trying to obtain, then click the spoiler button under the “Mastery Stim” title. crit is where your burst comes from, so the higher you can push it the better. g. 1% chance vs Power aug has 20 bonus damage. please. One was wearing blue 172 gear, and the stats were: Mastery -> 2289 Endurance -> 1968 Power -> 1089 The other was wearing a mix of 192/198, and the stats were Mastery -> 2289 Endurance -> 1968 Power As for mastery vs power, I was told power will have a better direct threat gen benefit. The official place to discuss anything from the 9th Dawn game series! 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil is a massive open world RPG/dungeon crawler and the latest installment in the 9th Dawn Series, featuring more than 270 monsters to fight and capture, a fun card game with 180 cards to collect, and over 1,400 unique items to hoard! Dec 29, 2020 · Mastery increase both damage/healing and crit, while power increase only damage/healing. Aug 27, 2022 · I play a Shield Specialist Powertech, with what i thought were better than decent stats, but after pugging a couple of operation I was told i needed to up my stat numbers. 5% calculated for a total of 1300 bonus healing)). Zakuu The difference is in the stat balance of the main stats. The reason Crit and Alacrity get value is because Mastery and Power give them that value. I need help with it. The only time these stats compete with each other is in augments. Oct 27, 2015 · Play Now. Endurance: 72. This will lead you to a swtor. I did a test a couple of weeks ago where I recorded leveling up from 79 to 80 on Makeb. 30 Tertiary Stat. They're not really competing stats in any meaningful way, and are both capped in unranked so it doesn't matter. However, the Legacy weapon you get early on for Dec 14, 2017 · stat priority is still gonna be the same crit > alacrity > mastery/power. High Power and Mastery are often byproducts of choosing the correct gear for the style of content you’re doing. '10 not +10, 1/10th of a percent] but if you use a power augment you'll get +1 to damage bonus, so mastery will give you a smaller amount of bonus damage, but power won't give you that small amount of Jun 28, 2019 · edit 6/30/19: corrected mastery numbers and including tech power and 5% crit buff in light of alacrity being quantized, i thought perhaps when using the low alacrity build, it might be beneficial to use mastery augments instead of crit due to diminishing returns of crit. I doubt it is the case for power so here we go, we got our stat priority! Jan 3, 2017 · I just started back after a few months of downtime. 0. Jan 26, 2016 · Found this to be odd and by looking at the stats change in the force pull down of the character screen the effect was the same regardless of if I had a shield with tech power or force power equipped. Jan 5, 2012 · Althought I am not too sure at this point if raw POWER scale good enough to out class the crit stat but if it doesnt i'd recommend going crit even tho it is RNG based, sometimes a stat may look better ''logically'' but doesnt scale too well. Feb 18, 2022 · In most cases, you’ll find that the distribution between Power and Mastery is not something worth focusing on when you’re gearing. +41 Power Black/Purple Color Crystal is probably the best, the reasoning behind this is Power buffs pretty much everything, allowing you to deal more damage and heals. In the open terrrain on Zakuul, you have 3929 Power even if your character is unarmed and naked as the day he first wore underwear. Oct 27, 2015 · Optimal Stats for all 24 Disciplines to Maximize Average DPS, DtPS or HPS in PVE Bant the Fat and Pink Co-GM of Psy-Ops on The Harbinger Patch 5. com . That would be 500 Mastery + 290 Mastery = 790 Mastery on Dromund Kaas. Versatile augments - Mastery/Endurance augments Feb 12, 2020 · So there is a basic cap for each stat on a planet plus you get a percentage of your uncapped stat. temptation (which i believe is the tionese lightsaber from soa. Apr 11, 2016 · Also, when it comes to taking mastery over power or power over mastery. (this is for PVP) May 22, 2019 · Based on my own (mediocre) parses on Lethality Operative in full 258 gear, I'm finding the sweet spots are 110% accuracy, 1859 Alacrity (1. Leveling I wouldn't worry too much about accuracy (have a piece or two I guess to help with champions), but you should have a crit to alacrity ratio of 3:2 or thereabouts. Tertiary = Accuracy, Alacrity, Critical, Shield, and Absorb. since there have been no Mar 13, 2018 · A guide to stats and damage calculation in SWTOR as of game update 5. . Endurance 23000. Mastery Crystals won't give you any benefit because Mastery is a capped stat - so you'll have the same Mastery stat with the crystal as you would without it. To view the exact numbers for your class, search online for “swtor optimal stats 5. Mastery: 214. Feb 18, 2022 · Mastery: Mastery increases the effectiveness of your attacks and heals as well as boosts your critical chance. Buffs: This could be in the form of class buffs (e. Power is found on lethal mods, on non-tank enhancements, on augments, on dps relics, and on some stims and relic procs. 2 live numbers. Accuracy is debatable. If I remember correctly, 1 point power gave like 0. - Overall, good for pvp, but not very useful elsewhere. The only time it will improve your Mastery is in level 75 uncapped content (Dxun, Corellia Flashpoint, 6. 0 In 4. i personally rely on stims to give me accuracy. Currently here is what have as stats (in 328 purple pvp gear), with 334 implants, purple 286 augments, Mastery 15382. 1. Dec 22, 2020 · Quick gearing question, for Assassin Deception, should I keep stacking crit after reaching 3. Jun 24, 2022 · The challenge is how to leverage what abilities you are limited to as you level up vs the combat scenarios you are facing. commando medic has huge crits often and when healing a player up Jul 12, 2017 · Star Forge is now back online. * Your Power is the same regardless of your gear. Basically, you have primary stats and tertiary stats (the names are holdovers from a much older version of the game). Tertiary Stats # Apr 11, 2016 · Also, when it comes to taking mastery over power or power over mastery. Then a couple really pro friends came around and said I was messing up and I needed to go Mastery augs. In my character sheet, I'm showing 3929 Power, 7809 Mastery and 8553 Endurance. 10. Oct 20, 2015 · I took two of my alts to the Black Hole. i dunno what it's called, don't stack. 3 sec GCD), and as much leftover into Crit as one can manage (I'm at around 1700). If you’re running capped level content (below level 80), level sync will adjust your stats […] Mastery gives a bonus to damage and crit. In pvp, on rage juggs I'm convinced alacrity is good vs bad players and bad vs good players. They are divided up between primary, secondary, and other attributes. 0 till you figured out what's wrong but don't ever launch the scaling system in this current state . May 12, 2017 · Once you have this much alacrity, you will feel the difference and will never wanna play without it again. It won't kill you to use shield amp and a mastery relic, or mastery + power. I was using single target calculations to determine the Optimal Stats. Oct 20, 2015 · Mastery: He is including the stim in the base stats, the simulator adds it in separately. * Your abilities and utility points are not affected. Mastery/Power is the same across all max rating gear (atm at least). My apologies to the healers. Jan 28, 2016 · Force power will be on Light Sabers, Vibroswords, Electrostaffs, and on Focuses and "Force User" Shields. 3. The purple ones have lower endurance in favor of boosting either mastery/power (for crit/accuracy/alacrity enhancements) or defense (for shield/absorb enhancements). UPDATED (04/20/2017) - Using 5. Apr 2, 2021 · Because of the way that bolster and level sync works in SWTOR, your Mastery stat will be different in level 70 than it is in level 75 content, even if your gear stays the same. What it comes down to is what you play the most. I really have no clue if it does something in PVP or not. 9 vs mastery 2957 vs power for healers. In most circumstances, you do not want to seek out augments/enhancements that give you additional power or mastery. Toraak The key difference being that you swap endurance and power with the purple enhancements (Artifact 340s) A gold augment is: 171 Power & Endurance & 130 of the chosen stat. Mastery does this to a lesser extent while also raising crit chance by a bit. Mastery: Mastery increases the effectiveness of your attacks and heals as well as boosts your critical chance. Tech power will be on Blasters, Techblades, Tech Staffs and Vibroknives and on Generators and "non-Force User" Shields. 1 Crit % (not multiplier just Crit) so you really just need to compare what you gain overall. choose your alacrity threshold: 0, 703, 1860. From early testing, the DV relic seems to give around ~4% more crit chance and crit multiplier when it procs. Nov 6, 2015 · Power and mastery are almost a match, SA and FR relics are basically the same and you should equip one of each. The BIS is always technically Critical for Healer/DPS and Endurance for Tank, as the game past level 60+ basically gives you all the Power and Mastery you need, making those 2 stats useless to gear for (optional arguments for high end pvp based on the user). 14 bonus damage, primary stats give 3. Correct me someone else if i am wrong. if you're augmenting go alacrity and crit. Apr 29, 2015 · Expertise is the PvP stat, I can see why some would think its useful for leveling, helps if you get attacked by other players. 1 pont of power give you more dps than 1 point of anything else. Nov 2, 2019 · All items that give a primary stat (mastery, stamina, power) increase DO NOT WORK in any content that lowers your current level to 70, this includes stims, adrenals, relics, and AUGMENTS (only the critical, alacrity, absorb, shield, and accuracy stats work). Primary = endurance, mastery, and power. The stats scale differently based on your current level. choose your accuracy: probably something like 0, ~300, or ~750. Gear will always have mastery but may or may not also have power. Pre 2. Effectively, they tweak the stat spread to look like what you get on equivalent IR artifact quality ops (‘Rakata’) gear. 2 then you have the whole discussion of mastery giving critical as well which makes it better overall to stack mastery over power(if interested check the swtor forums, ~100 of pages have been written about this). I'm level 75, IR 283 with 7 stacks of Veteran's Edge, standing on Zakuul (and therefore synced to level 70). But some general stats all DPS classes need to reach 2694 accuracy rating (with stim) and most DPS should reach at least 2054 alacrity rating. Endurance Increases the amount of damage that players can suffer before being defeated. " I'm still looking for a second confirmation of this though. Lethal Superior Mod 80R-2: Power 359, Mastery 369 Lethal Superior Mod 80R-3: Power 357, Mastery 371 Lethal Superior Mod 80R-4: Power 354, Mastery 373 [[have the highest stat pool… does more power or mastery matter?]] TANKS : Superior Warding Mod 80A is the most garbage piece of garbage Jun 19, 2017 · To give you an idea, if at end game you use a Mastery augment instead of a power augment, you'll get about . The over/under on InterroTek Shield vs. x guides. the difference between power and mastery is so small, you would need a huge sample size to tell any difference in game. Power is just a bonus to damage. conquest gear stats don't help anyone, waste your time taking longer to kill stuff --- Jan 24, 2018 · Due to the way Bioware has designed itemization in SWTOR you get easily over 8000 Mastery and 4500 Power in your gear that you just can't get around. In addition to being modified by primary stats, tech/force/power can be found on gear such as weapons and foci/shields. Jan 21, 2016 · With the change to all mastery in 4. Jul 8, 2017 · I don't know if it has been brought up before, but I noticed something when I bought CM coins (that cost real $$$) and got the Commando's CZX-4 cannon. May 12, 2017 · More sharing options Followers 2. I believe one Mastery aug has 0. +41 is a nearly worthless boost, let alone +82 which involves 2 crystals. wcnatt jtdbj josefa vbcyvhl jcd qbnxa wiahd zafapf rdrp fvc