12au7 vs 12ax7 vs 12at7. So if you're rolling tubes, this is the place to start.

12au7 vs 12ax7 vs 12at7. com♫ Listen to my Podcast - https://anchor.

12au7 vs 12ax7 vs 12at7 Aug 28, 2021 · 12at7's are designed for grounded grid operation, so if this is a long tail pair inverter, thats basically grounded grid on one side. 12AY7 Mar 26, 2016 · Yes Thanks. Feb 27, 2019 · In answer to our first Preamp Tube FAQ, we can say that the 12AX7 is, by far, the most common type of Preamp Tube used in guitar amplifiers. 75W from each half of the tube vs 1W for a 12AX7 which is why they used that type for the output. Also, one need never use all one type of tube in a preamp (like all 7025, for example), nor do they need to be the same manufacturer's tubes. So which one is better? 12AT7. I do not use 12AX7 in power amplifier designs, especially as (popular) input stages because of Miller-C effect on NFB stability. Because the current draw of a 12AT7 is similar to the 12AU7, in most applications a 12AT7 it can be substituted for a 12AU7 and the primary considerations are more gain (louder sound) and the perceived quality of the sound. But there are many “equivalent” tubes that can be used in these positions. Guitarists love what it does when it goes into overload but that doesn't mean it's not usable in audiophile as well. But, there is a third factor, transconductance, to be considered. So if you look closely inside your hi-fi audio equipment or guitar amp, you’re most likely to find a 12AT7, 12AU7, or a 12AX7. Sep 20, 2023 · Have you ever wondered what the difference is between 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7? The three tubes are extremely similar in their makeup but have very different applications for a variety of audio equipment such as guitar amplifiers or PA systems. Please advise if I should get some 12AU7 tubes or if the 5814 is the preferred substitute for this amp. I bought a bunch from The Tube Doctor. The 12AT7 can also be substituted with a 5751 tube which has a gain factor of 70. If you're just looking for something different, try a 6AV6. May 13, 2020 · A rundown of the differences betwenn 12AT7, 12AU7 and 12AX7 tube in a tube overdrive pedal built by Volture Pedals. for 12AX7 - 5751 - 12AT7 - 12AY7 - 12AV7 - 12AU7 - 12DW7 ?. * 예전에는 프리앰프에 12AX7을 주로 사용하였으나 CDP 등 12AT7 is not a 12AX7 substitute. The miniature types 12AU7 (µ = 17), 12AT7 (µ = 60), and the ubiquitous 12AX7 (µ = 100) appeared after WWII. These are all pin compatible with one another, the only differences being the gain factor of each tube. The 12AU7 has the smallest, at just 20. Jan 4, 2019 · What is the Difference Between the 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 Preamp Tubes? Let’s take a look at the less glamorous, but equally important type of amplifier tube – the preamp tube. Enjoy! Jan 27, 2015 · Another big reason i wanted to do this was the major price difference between NOS 12ax7's and 12au7's. I have a spare diode rect. 12at7 is rated for 90 H-K, 12BH7 is rated for 100 + 100v of signal. This is an interesting state of affairs that I've been investigating Regards, Gordon. The filament current is not the same. The standard 12AX7 and 12AT7 are interchangeable. A 12ax7 is probably too hot/gainy and will drive the grids of the power tube too early on the volume pot. Dec 10, 2010 · The 5751 is a military spec tube, with a gain of 70, vs the 12AX7's gain of 100. Sep 9, 2009 · If you're dying to try some other tubes in place of the 6211's, I looked it up and they have the same pinout as the 12au7, 12ax7, 12at7 but the closest match would be a 12au7. The main differences between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 are: The 12AX7 has a gain output of 100, whereas the 12AT7 has a gain output of 60; The 12AX7’s high gain can make it prone to clipping and distortion, whereas the 12AT7 can give you more headroom. 5. Its not too far off a 5751 though. Jun 8, 2018 · The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes. TL;DR Yes, you can swap a 12AX7 with 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AY7, or 5751 tubes. 2mA with a 12AT7 in it and about 1. to plug for a bit more headroom. Jan 21, 2009 · Anybody have any feelings about the 6SN7 variants verse the 12AU7 tubes for preamp use? I have a schematic to build a blue velvet preamp. I doubt you could hurt anything by trying the other tubes but remember that the gain is much higher with a 12at7 and 12ax7. Feb 28, 2015 · A 12ax7 will only dissipate 1 watt max vs 2. Manual says you can use 12AX7 in place of V1. 25k Ω相互コンダクタンスgm 1250 4000 3100 μmhos といった Nov 8, 2024 · 12Ax7A Vs. However, in a lot of cases, you can find something else, like 12AT7. ) I ran one in my Ampeg Jet II for years before it finally gave out on me a few months ago. ] Jun 18, 2010 · Had a 5751 preamp tube in one of my amplifiers and replaced it with a 12ay7 and noticed right off less gain and a bit more touch sensitivity in this amplifier have always used 12ax7 , 12au7 and the 12ay7 anyone else have any comparisons between them and noticed the same thing . However, because it is a military spec tube, it is supposed to be more rugged than a 12AX7 or 12AT7 12AU7 - 19. I tried a 12AU7 and that was not enough,so I tried a 12AT7 and it is perfect with the output of the cartridge I use. Sep 15, 2020 · Are 12AX7 and 12AU7 Interchangeable? Do Preamp Tubes Affect Tone? The biggest difference between these power tubes is the amount of gain they will provide. Of course, you're having issues with the 12AU7. 0 milliamps (about the same as the 12AX7). The 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100 while the 12AT7 is 60. In a pinch one can substitute for the other, but they're really intended for different purposes (leaving one to wonder why so many amp designers used 12AX7s for applications that didn't require their high gain). Thanks, Clay Aug 22, 2015 · I got a bunch of 12ax7 and 12au7 from my guitar amp. The 12AU7 is not considered a satisfactory replacement for a 12AX7 or a 12AT7. Jun 15, 2019 · I have a Sovtek 12AT7 or two that aren't bad, but the NOS ones seem to be a bit better, IMO. Regards, Gordon. From experience, a 12AT7 or 12AU7 would likely sound dull and lifeless. I had concerns would this make the pow Nov 11, 2016 · A demostration of tone and volume differences between 12ax7 and 12au7 (ecc82) preamp tubes in V1 position. Brands like Mullard 12AX7 and Tung-Sol 12AX7 are renowned for their warm sound. What would the sonic differences be? Would there any issues with the reverb or trem when using these? Thanks a bunch! Dec 4, 2017 · Today I substituted the JJ 12AT7 in the preamp for the Tung-sol 12AX7 preamp tubes in V1,V4. Understanding 12AX7 and 12AU7 Tubes. 12au7 will have less gain. Textronics and others used them in oscilloscopes and other high performance test equipment. 12AX7 Substitution. now 5751 is not a Jan 17, 2009 · 12AU7 25 6. Your 12AX7 seem to test fine. All the rest are Dynaco Telefunken 12AX7 and 1 mullard 6x4. (12ax7 > 12at7 > 12ay7 > 12av7 > 12au7) 互相取代雖 "可能" 仍可以工作,但難保不會發生問題,最好別自作主張。 12AY7 的優點是有較高的 Headroom,也就是訊號容許度較高,在大音量時,失真率較低。 A 12AU7 preamp tube is a lower gain tube. youtube. 12AX7 Family Tube Substitution The 12AX7 family of dual-triode preamp tubes consists of the 12AX7, 5751, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12AV7 & 12AU7. The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes. The 5965 version of the 12AT7 has a lower gain of 47. The May 24, 2021 · The architect of the schematic has chosen to use a 6AV6 for the inverter tube and I am curious if I can use a 12AX7 instead? I will have to punch a hole in the chassis to accommodate the socket either way. Most people hear that one has more headroom. The 12AX7. 5E3 Preamp Tube 12AT7 vs. The primary difference is the tube gain. 1V on the 6SN7. fm/the-gear-podcast♫ Swe 12AU7 / ECC82: The 12AU7 is another lower-gain tube (20% of the 12AX7’s gain) that offers a more linear and transparent sound. The first lick is with the 12ax7 and the second on Aug 28, 2023 · Among the myriad of vacuum tubes available, the 12AX7 series has solidified its place as a staple in the industry, cherished for its versatility and distinct tonal qualities. 3 2 6,7 4,5,8 The Eico manual shows these settings for the 12AX7: 12AX7 11 6. Its half a 12AX7, so functionally no difference worth talking about but you get a cheap as chips 7 pin tube per channel. Phase inverter use regular preamp tubes. See full list on humbuckersoup. 1) In an amplifier, is there enough signal voltage swing capability to drive the output tube to full power before maximum plate voltage swing reaches B+, and "flat tops". uk. So if the 12AU7 works for you don't worry about it. Also known as ECC81, 12AT7 is a pretty common phase inverter tube. Jul 6, 2003 · I realized I am running GE 5814A in the 2 x 12AU7 sockets. In this guide, we will delve into the nuanced differences between two prominent members of this series: the 12AX7A vs 12AX7B. Here are some of the most common ones: 12au7 equivalents: 12au7A ECC82 ECC802 E82CC 5814 5814A 13d5 6189 7316 6680 CV4003 ECC186 Each brand brings its own signature to the tube’s performance and tonal qualities. com Mar 28, 2010 · A 12ax7 will only dissipate 1 watt max vs 2. 3V on the 12AU7, 6. Jun 28, 2019 · The 12AU7 (Fig 1) is a preamp tube that’s part of the same class that includes the 12AX7 and the 12AT7. The best made were Telefunken but are nearly impossible to find NOS at this point. It uses the 6SN7. A 12AU7 can take a much higher amount of plate current than a 12AX7 so by substituting the "12AU7" side, you increase the gain and lower the headroom, and an SVT already has TONS of gain. 설계를 따로 하여야 한다. a 12AT7, I like to tweak the circuitry at the PI and power tube inputs, especially if it's a lower powered BF/SF amp (DR being the best example). 12AY7 / 6072: A lower-gain tube, offering 45% of the 12AX7’s gain, but provides a more dynamic and open sound Apr 17, 2020 · What happens when you replace a 12AX7 preamp tube with a compatible tube with lower gain? It's not as simple as lowering the volume - by changing the relati We use 12au7 tubes for our linestage preamps, and 12at7 tubes for our phono preamp. Thus it is going to be closer to a 12AT7 (gain of 60) in terms of gain than a 12AX7. How about the ECC99 which sounds better than all of them. I've rolled probably 30-40 different 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 5751, 7025, and 7062 in my original model DT. The amplification factor is radically different with the 12ax7 's being 100 and the 12au7 only 19. 12au7 has even less but can drive more current than a 12ax7. 3 1 6,7 4,5,8 The Coletronics chart is nearly the same, except they say to put the shunt knob at 14 instead of 11. Two questions emerge. [Not asked, but in power amplifier use I really prefer the 12AT7 (ECC81) - but this expands the subject somewhat to include still other tubes. So if you're rolling tubes, this is the place to start. The 12Ax7A is compatible with both the parallel and series circuits, while the 12Ax7 only supports parallel circuits. 15 A増幅率μ 100 60 19. 12AX7 is an American designator, while ECC83 is British. They can produce 2. pot up to get the same volume as before (you all know that) Here's the point--> turning the vol. They then jump right in, sometimes only to be disappointed by the result. Mar 28, 2010 · The 12AX7 has considerably more gain than the 12AU7. Jun 29, 2008 · One interesting thing of note- due to the MUCH higher transconductance of the 12AT7 vs. The filament voltage becomes 6. Apr 29, 2009 · To reiterate: 5751 is a lower gain sub for 12AX7, and 7025 is a low-noise 12AX7 (same spec). bandcamp. Preamp tubes are biased by the combination of the plate load resistor and the cathode resistor, so I am not at all surprised. Jan 27, 2010 · Looking at the schematic, V1 is pretty standard stuff. A 12AX7 has a “TC” of about 1600 and a 12AT7 has a TC over 5000. Jan 14, 2003 · A 12BH7 sounds better than a 12AU7; and a 6SN7 sounds better than a 12BH7. Feb 21, 2016 · 12ax7 is a very popular tube for a gain stage, with it's amplification factor of 100. These tubes were designed for different purposes than 12AX7, but they share the same pinout and filament voltage. 6 mA with a 5751, so it doesn't appear anything dangerous to the tubes is occurring in Sep 16, 2012 · nagra pl-p這部膽前級用了5支12ax7 及 3支12at7, 共8支, phono部份用上12ax7及12at7各1支。 另外再加上我之前用過另一部美國VTL膽前級所用過的 12AU7 ; 所以我當年就由換這些最常用、最熱門o既音響放大用細胆仔開始 Jan 21, 2019 · ♫ Become a Patron - https://patreon. 12Ax7, (about 5000 vs 1600), SOME circuits will exhibit VERY SIMILAR overall gain, with the ostensibly-lower-gain 12AT7, compared to the 12AX7. I'll swap th A 12AT7 preamp tube is a lower gain tube. Oct 13, 2009 · It's because running a 12AU7 or 12AT7 in a circuit designed for a 12AX7 biases them cold, damn near sterile. Mar 1, 2009 · The 12AU7 is going to draw as much as 10x current compared to the 12AX7. In many cases, these tubes are interchangeable and can easily be swapped. The main difference is the gain factor. However, Diamond Blue Series Reverberockets are not high-gain amps. The major difference between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 is the compatibility of both tubes. Jun 5, 2021 · 真空管アンプ製作の電圧増幅段の球選びを動画にしました。このチャンネルのメンバーになりませんか。https://www. Sep 6, 2010 · The amp is loaded with new production tubes (apart from the 5751); TAD 12AT7 in V3, stock 12AX7 in V2, stock GT 6L6GC and 5AR4 rectifier. and am wondering about the sound quality of that. Can your amp run either or? They serve the same purpose though, both are preamp tubes. Some of my favorites: Apr 10, 2019 · Re: 12au7 vs 12ay7 Amplification factor, 12AX7=100 12AT7= 60 12AY7 = 44 12AU7 =17 and 19. Question: if my guitar amp (old Echolette M40 -actually a PA amp) has 4 c Feb 2, 2014 · A 12at7, though lower in gain than a 12ax7, actually has a much higher current rating. The 5751 has a transconductance of about 1200. Dec 15, 2010 · As a third example, a 5751 has a gain which is almost identical to the 12AT7 but it’s standing current is 1. Mar 3, 2013 · I replaced the 12AU7's in an Antique Sound AQ1003DHT EL34 amplifier I had for some service as it blew a couple of its 12AU7 plate resistors. The only reason I would prefer using a 12AX7 (or 12AT7/12AU7) is that they are so ubiquitous. Other substitutes in these families are (some are much more resilient and built for rugged use, called "ruggedized" in the tube field): 12AX7 - ECC83, 7025, ECC803, E83CC, 6681 (YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS TUBE IN A RAVEN AUDIO AVIAN SERIES INTEGRATED!) * 12AT7 - ECC81, 6201, 6679, 6060 12AY7 - 6072 12AV7 - 5965 12AU7 - ECC82, 5963 12AX7 : High mu, 초단 증폭, 12AT7 : High mu, RF 증폭, 12AU7 : Medium mu(드라이버나 위상반전 등에 적합). Mar 18, 2014 · Re: 12AY7 vs 12AX7 12AY7, 12AT7, and even 12DW7 are usually decent lower-gain replacements for 12AX7's. Apr 12, 2007 · Tone (using 12at7/12au7) An advantage of using 12at7 or 12au7 is that the preamp hasn't that much gain anymore You have to turn your vol. very different tubes. The 6DJ8/6922 (µ = 33) appeared in the late 1960's designed for use in color TV tuners. The gain would be much lower, too! Richard C. I'm used to 12AX7's running 1 or 2 ma plate current, and 12AU7's running as much as 10ma! I don't think the 12BH7 would be a very good sub for your 12AX7's. Of all these, an old shield logo Mullard 12AU7 was definitely in the top five, maybe even the top three. 12AU7 tubes have very low gain (typically only about 20), which gives them a great amount of headroom and a much higher current. I found the sound of the AQ to be rather lean and from experience with the 12BH7's I knew there would be some more body and that dynamic impact would be better also the images were Dec 24, 2021 · Well, I replaced V1 with a Groove Tube 12AT7 and it provides a more focused, less hairy distortion but drives really nicely. Which maybe what you are after with that 6V6GT driven amp. 2V on the 12BH7, and 6. Here is a list of the main differences between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 tube amps: 1. pot up means less resistance to the grid and more brilliant tone May 23, 2020 · >>PSVANE 12Au7 12At7 12Ax7 "-T MKII" small signal/driver tubes made in year 2020" Background: After following stories about TJ Full Music’s founder passing, and the son reselling tooling of all of the small signal tubes to PSVANE, and recent luck over the past year with TJ 6SN7 tubes for my preamp, I thought I’d give the new PSVANE small 12AX7 and ECC83 tubes are identical and are directly interchangeable. I'll swap the V1 and V2 preamp Oct 3, 2010 · Great if you want to beef up output from a DAC or preamp that normally uses 12AU7 tubes. How a 12au7 compares to 6SN7, with the same gain? I read that the smaller 12au7 should hum less, half filament current, less microphonic, and less crosstalk between the two triodes. 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AY7, and 5751 tubes are related to 12AX7. If you own a tube amp, there’s a good chance it has one or more 12Ax7 tubes running the preamp section. com Sep 23, 2014 · with the 12AX7 that should be used. I can get a RCA, Philips, Sylvania etc. com/LeonTodd♫ My music - https://ragdollrock. Low current output ability though. You can mix them in an amplifier any way you like to find the right sound. Some will sound brighter or darker than others. there are some circuits which can run avariety of tubes, but such compatability is a manufacturer question as these tubes (12ax7, 12au7, 12at7, 12ayz, 12bh7 and so one) are not substitutes for each other and their specs are not compatible. The 12AY7 was used for V1 in Tweed Bassmans but a 12AX7 is often substituted for more gain in guitar The 12AU7 is a high current, much higher power tube than the 12AX7. You can change them without biasing if your amp is designed this way. 12AT7 and 12AU7 preamp tubes are lower gain tubes. BTW I never had a problem doing this in eight years. Compatibility: 12Ax7A Vs. com/shop/volture Jan 8, 2015 · It is a Lampizator Amber based DAC designed optimally for 12AT7 in V1 and 12AU7 in V2. 12ax7 will have more gain. You aren't actually getting 60 mu out of a 12AT7 in a 12AX7 slot, and you aren't getting anything close to 45 mu from a 12AU7. 따라서 만약 음질 비교를 한다면 당연히 각 진공관에 맞춰. This will have an impact on plate supply. But even this tube will not work in all 12ax7 applications. I'd try a 12AY7, which will have similar characteristics to a 12AX7 but with lower gain. We will take a look at why you might, or might not want to swap out the different types of tubes. Clean channel feels great, too. The 12AX7 has the highest gain value, and it is, therefore, the one most preamps are designed to use. Jan 31, 2017 · The 12AX7 is the voltage amplifier in the amp The 12AU7 is the driver tube The 12AX7, being upstream, will have the most sonic merit. Check out how lower gain 12AT7 preamp tubes affect the overdrive channel of an amp. The gain factor of a 12AU7 is 19 and the gain factor of a 12AT7 is 60. 15 0. With the 12BH7's. Hoffman Amplifiers Tube Amp Forum, Which Octal equiv. The 12AX7 is by far the best known preamp tube among guitar players Sep 20, 2023 · On account of their higher current, you at times see them driving impacts like Tube Driven Spring Reverb in numerous guitar amps. I don't have experience with any 12ax7. Apr 4, 2013 · A 12AX7 and a 12AT7 tube are directly compatible and can be swapped. Experimentation is key. The 12AT7 is a small, high-gain twin triode that finds sweeping applications in bass amplifiers, pro-audio- and sound reinforcement systems, along with 12AX7 and 12AU7. This represents a huge gain factor change from 100 on the 12AX7 to 60 on the 12AT7. Member. They give you more headroom (i. jonsnell. Of these three, the 12AU7 provides the least amount of gain. 12au7's for way cheaper than their 12ax7's. 3 1 1,2 3,4,5 12AX7 11 6. com♫ Listen to my Podcast - https://anchor. significantly different specs. The 12AU7 tube also looks similar to 12AX7 and 12AT7, but its applications are typically very different. Chevk out https://reverb. Technically speaking, the 12AT7 is a mini 9-pin Aug 20, 2018 · The 6SN7 isn't exactly an octal version of the 12ax7, it does have less gain, but its a whole lot closer. Maybe 10mA vs 1mA in real numbers. These are "tubey" vintage sounding. Aug 10, 2023 · Main Differences Between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 Tubes. Shuguang made some nice 12AX7 types in the 1990-2000 era. There is a lot of confusion between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 tubes, what they do and where they can be used. Jun 20, 2002 · The last few months I've tried various tube combinations in a tube regulated, choke filtered preamp circuit with the following results: 12AU7 into 12BH7 cathode follower: overall balanced and punchy sound but coloured not the last word in clarity and immediacy 5687: Great bass slam and dynamics Nov 30, 2003 · The SVT's preamp uses the 12DW7 (half 12AX7, half 12AU7) with the "12AX7" side as a gain stage and the "12AU7" side as a cathode follower. 12Ax7. Joined 2012. The 12AT7 is also called MESA and is a premium Feb 21, 2016 · How does the "SOUND" compare vs each other 12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7. I'll swap the V1 and V2 preamp Subbing a 12AX7 for a 12AT7 will mean only 1/3-1/4 the plate current, so idle plate voltage will be much higher than with a 12AT7. 75 watts max for the 12au7. Because of this it is rarely used in guitar preamps and is much more commonly found in the reverb section of the amplifier. May 18, 2019 · You might also like this HumbuckerSoup article: What is the Difference Between the 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 Preamp Tubes? The 12Ax7 tube is by far the most popular preamp tube used in guitar amplifiers. Long ago I biased the amp somewhere around 31 mA/tube, but mind you I didn't make any calculations I just went a bit hotter than stock (26 mA it A 12AU7 will work as well and I think they are more plentiful. e. co. But it has a slightly lower voltage than the standard 12AX7. This is typically not enough amplification to actually drive a guitar signal enough to sound good. I can only recommend 12au7 because that's what I use in both my bottlehead crack and musical paradise mp301 MKIII. Check out how lower gain 12AU7 preamp tubes affect the overdrive channel of an amp. But the range of gain and response among different types and brands of 12AX7's is pretty wide. Jan 4, 2019 · The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes. Actually after writing post I googled more deeply and got some good posts about 12ax7 vs 12at7 differences. Being smaller, it is less microphonic, more sturdy. Like the 12AX7 tube, the 12AT7 has various adaptations made for specific reasons, like low commotion and roughness. Mar 3, 2005 · My EAR 834P Chinese clone Phono preamp works great with Ei's ECC83/12AX7 and ECC82/12AU7 (as a V3 that is used as a "buffer tube" on a cathode follower configuration), it also likes some Hitachi 12AX7 and 12AU7, and Matsushita 12AX7 and 12AU7. Before diving into the specifics of 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes, it’s essential for you to know that they are both twin triode tubes commonly found in guitar amplifiers but differ greatly in their gain and tonal characteristics, impacting the overall sound and performance of your amp. A 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, whereas a 12AT7 has a gain factor of 60. 5プレート抵抗rp 80k 15k 6. The 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, while the 12AT7 has 60. Jun 19, 2006 · I think that the biasing and loads would be completely different for a 12AU7 vs a 12AX7. Along with the tighter low end vs. 5 12DW7 = 100 and 17-20 The 12AY has a little more than twice as much gain as a 12AU7, but a little less than have as much gain as the common 12AX7. 3 2 1,2 3,4,5 12AU7 25 6. Cleans up your solos and tightens up your rhythms but really responsive. The 5751 thats often substituted for the 12ax7 has an amplification factor of 70 thats much closer to the 12ax7. This means it can handle more signal before it starts to break down, hence a perceived 'cleaner' tone. Sep 21, 2021 · If you like classic, warm 1950s style single-ended tube audio, from a European new made 12AX7 types, the JJ 5751 and E83CC seem the best out of the box. Some modifications to the circuit may be needed to accommodate the different gain and plate resistance. 12at7 has a bit less gain. Sovtek 12AX7 tubes are known for their reliability, while JJ 12AX7/ECC83 offers a balance between warmth and clarity. Sep 15, 2020 · 12AU7 Tubes. Electric Harmonix 12AX7 is lauded for its articulate sound. V2 is populated with Amperex Bugle Boy. The other thing with that application, the cathode tends to be a fair bit positive relative to the heater. The 12DW7's are super low gain (about 80% less than a 12AX7. JonSnell Electronic. I also know there are nice 12AU7 amps. distorts less), and the tone will be different. It is lowest on the 12AU7, then higher on the 12BH7, then higher yet on the 6SN7. 04-07 A 12AX7 was too harsh. 2016-02-21 10:48 am #6 Aug 10, 2023 · Main Differences Between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 Tubes. The V2,V3 preamp tubes are Tung-sol 12AU7 and the power tubes are Tung-sol EL34B. Check out how lower gain 12AT7 and 12AU7 preamp tubes affect the overdrive channel of an amp. Jun 21, 2003 · If your going to be getting a selection of 12AU7 tubes all at once to roll, you're in for a lot of fun. Cathode has a 1K resistor on it and draws about 1. Characteristics of 12AX7 Tubes みな、ピンアサインは一緒です。どういう風に特性が違うのか調べてみました。一応全て同じメーカーのデータシートを参考にしました。(RCAという会社)型名 12AX7A 12AT7 12AU7Aヒーター電流 0. jjz npt xlyho lfn wwkvb svnk lpsq hlhw tkvgzf jjalzz